Messaging API client for Telegram
npm i --save messaging-api-telegram
yarn add messaging-api-telegram
const { TelegramClient } = require('messaging-api-telegram');
// get accessToken from telegram [@BotFather](
const client = new TelegramClient({
accessToken: '12345678:AaBbCcDdwhatever',
uses axios as HTTP client. We use axios-error package to wrap API error instances for better formatting error messages. Directly calling console.log
with the error instance will return formatted message. If you'd like to get the axios request
, response
, or config
, you can still get them via those keys on the error instance.
client.getWebhookInfo().catch((error) => {
console.log(error); // formatted error message
console.log(error.stack); // error stack trace
console.log(error.config); // axios request config
console.log(error.request); // HTTP request
console.log(error.response); // HTTP response
All methods return a Promise.
Send API - Official Docs
- sendMessage
- sendPhoto
- sendAudio
- sendDocument
- sendSticker
- sendVideo
- sendVoice
- sendVideoNote
- sendMediaGroup
- sendLocation
- sendVenue
- sendContact
- sendChatAction
- getMe
- getUserProfilePhotos
- getFile
- getFileLink
- getChat
- getChatAdministrators
- getChatMembersCount
- getChatMember
- editMessageText
- editMessageCaption
- editMessageReplyMarkup
- deleteMessage
- editMessageLiveLocation
- stopMessageLiveLocation
- kickChatMember
- unbanChatMember
- restrictChatMember
- promoteChatMember
- exportChatInviteLink
- deleteChatPhoto
- setChatTitle
- setChatDescription
- setChatStickerSet
- deleteChatStickerSet
- pinChatMessage
- unpinChatMessage
- leaveChat
To enable default request debugger, use following DEBUG
env variable:
If you want to use a custom request logging function, just provide your own onRequest
const client = new TelegramClient({
accessToken: ACCESS_TOKEN,
onRequest: ({ method, url, headers, body }) => {
/* */
To avoid sending requests to real Telegram server, specify the origin
option when constructing your client:
const { TelegramClient } = require('messaging-api-telegram');
const client = new TelegramClient({
accessToken: ACCESS_TOKEN,
origin: '',
Warning: Don't do this on your production server.