NOTE: This script was created by a private individual and is NOT endorsed by or affiliated with the US Federal Reserve in any way
Skip the install and get the dates in text or CSV format below (last updated 2024-04-11):
- dates.txt - FOMC ISO dates for the second day of the two-day meeting
- dates.csv - same as above but in CSV format. An asterisk in the second column signifies a meeting associated with a Summary of Economic Projections.
- Go to the Federal Reserve FOMC Calendar
- To view all of the FOMC meeting dates after 2020, scroll down to the bottom of the page
where it says "Last Update".
- For more technical users, you can open Developer Tools (press the "F12" key, then go to the "Console" tab) and use the output array as you wish
- The dates listed are in ISO date format (YYYY-MM-DD), and they are the 2nd date of the two-day meeting, since that is when the Fed usually holds a press conference
- You can put the FOMC dates in a spreadsheet or in a calendar program like remind to track Federal Reserve interest rate decisions
One of the following:
- TamperMonkey with Brave or Chrome
- GreaseMonkey with Firefox
- ViolentMonkey / TamperMonkey with Opera - untested
- Run
bun install
followed bybun csv
to generate a CSV with all the ISO meeting dates locally - Run
cut -f1 -d, dates.csv
to get just the ISO dates without the 2nd CSV column
The Federal Reserve is an unconstitutional government program that uses "quantitative easing" to steal from the poor and give to the rich. End the Fed