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@ewilkins-csi ewilkins-csi released this 20 Nov 14:47
· 106 commits to dev since this release

Major Additions

Java 17 Upgrade

The aiSSEMBLE project is now built with Java 17. All dependencies inherited from aiSSEMBLE have been updated to a Java 17 compatible version and automatic migrations (detailed below) have been created to streamline this transition for downstream projects. It is recommended to review non-inherited dependencies and custom logic within your project, as this upgrade can break existing functionality due to deprecated classes and incompatible dependencies.

Python Version Supported Expanded

All aiSSEMBLE python libraries now support a minimum version of 3.8 (previously 3.11).

Improved Licence Generation

Leveraging a new version of Booz Allen Licenses. Booz Allen projects may find some minor updates to header file text that better conforms to some strict linting standards.

Breaking Changes

Note: instructions for adapting to these changes are outlined in the upgrade instructions below.

  • All projects must be built with Java 17. The aiSSEMBLE team recommends SDKMan for managing multiple Java versions.
  • The new minimum required Maven version is now 3.9.6 to ensure compatibility with Java 17. The aiSSEMBLE team recommens using the Maven Wrapper to ensure compatibility.
  • Deprecated features were removed:
    • All SageMaker modules and corresponding references were removed in commit 8ce393f.
    • The Service Discovery module and corresponding references were removed in commit d10db5d.
    • The data.lineage.namespace legacy property was removed. For more guidance, please refer to the Lineage Metadata documentation.

Known Issues

  • There is an issue with package dependencies within a SparkApplication yaml (sparkApp.spec.deps.packages) not being correctly saved to the ivy cache directory resulting in a when running starting your application. To resolve this, move the dependencies from packages to jars within the SparkApplication yaml (sparkApp.spec.deps.packages ➡️ sparkApp.spec.deps.jars).

Known Vulnerabilities

Vulnerability Severity Package Affected
CVE Fixed

How to Upgrade


The upgrade process is a little different for this release to support the Java 17 updates. Specifically, the finalization
section has a few more steps.

The following steps will upgrade your project to 1.10. These instructions consist of multiple phases:

  • Automatic Upgrades - no manual action required
  • Precondition Steps - needed in all situations
  • Conditional Steps (e.g., Python steps, Java steps, if you use Metadata, etc)
  • Final Steps - needed in all situations

Automatic Upgrades

To reduce burden of upgrading aiSSEMBLE, the Baton project is used to automate the migration of some files to the new version. These migrations run automatically when you build your project, and are included by default when you update the build-parent version in your root POM. Below is a description of all of the Baton migrations that are included with this version of aiSSEMBLE.

Migration Name Description
upgrade-tiltfile-aissemble-version-migration Updates the aiSSEMBLE version within your project's Tiltfile
upgrade-v2-chart-files-aissemble-version-migration Updates the Helm chart dependencies within your project's deployment resources (<YOUR_PROJECT>-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/) to use the latest version of the aiSSEMBLE
upgrade-v1-chart-files-aissemble-version-migration Updates the docker image tags within your project's deployment resources (<YOUR_PROJECT>-deploy/src/main/resources/apps/) to use the latest version of the aiSSEMBLE
spark-version-upgrade-migration Updates the Spark Application executor failure parameters to their new key name to ensure compatibility with Apache Spark 3.5
spark-pipeline-messaging-pom-migration Updates a Spark pipeline module pom.xml with the new CDI classes dependency to ensure messaging compatibility with Java 17
spark-pipeline-messaging-cdi-factory-migration Updates a Spark pipeline module with the new CDI classes to ensure messaging compatibility with Java 17
spark-pipeline-servlet-api-migration Updates a Spark pipeline module pom.xml with the javax.servlet-api dependency to ensure compatibility with Apache Spark 3.5 which has not migrated to Jakarta packages yet
it-infrastructure-java-upgrade-migration Updates the Java docker image version in the integration test docker module to JDK 17
log4j-maven-shade-plugin-migration Updates the Maven Shade Plugin with the new Log4j dependency information
quarkus-bom-migration Updates all references to the quarkus-bom and quarkus-universe-bom to use the new aissemble-quarkus-bom for managing Quarkus dependencies
pom-dependency-version-migration Updates the pom dependencies previously managed by the aiSSEMBLE bom-component to include their necessary versions
java-package-migration Updates the affected java classes from their old package name to their new package name to ensure compatibility with the updated Java 17 dependencies. This migration primarily updates javax.* packages to their new jakarta.* packages
alerting-cdi-migration Adds AlertingCdiContext to CdiContainerFactory.getContexts for data delivery pipelines that depend on foundation-alerting

To deactivate any of these migrations, add the following configuration to the baton-maven-plugin within your root pom.xml:

+        <configuration>
+             <deactivateMigrations>
+                 <deactivateMigration>NAME_OF_MIGRATION</deactivateMigration>
+                 <deactivateMigration>NAME_OF_MIGRATION</deactivateMigration>
+             </deactivateMigrations>
+        </configuration>

Precondition Steps - Required for All Projects

Beginning the Upgrade

To start your aiSSEMBLE upgrade, update your project's pom.xml to use the 1.10.0 version of the build-parent:


BOM Component Replacement

All references to the com.boozallen.aissemble:bom-component should be replaced with the new com.boozallen.aissemble:aissemble-quarkus-bom:

-        <artifactId>bom-component</artifactId>
+        <artifactId>aissemble-quarkus-bom</artifactId>

Conditional Steps

For projects created before version 1.7.0

Older projects were not generated with a Maven Wrapper configuration by default. To ease Maven version management and ensure consistent builds across environments, the aiSSEMBLE team recommends using a wrapper. Simply create a .mvn/wrapper directory and place a aiSSEMBLE-compatible inside (see below). Then run mvn wrapper:wrapper to generate the two mvnw executables. This Maven wrapper should be used over the system-wide Maven for all operations.


For projects that have customized the Spark Operator Service Account permissions

The service account for the pipeline invocation service is now separated from spark operator and configured solely for the service.
If you added any custom configurations to the sparkoperator service account pertaining to the pipeline invocation service, you will need to migrate the related changes to the new pipeline-invocation-service-sa. Refer to Pipeline Invocation Helm Chart README for detail.

Final Steps - Required for All Projects

Finalizing the Upgrade

  1. Ensure you are using Java 17 for Maven. (Run mvn -v to check.)
  2. Run ./mvnw org.technologybrewery.baton:baton-maven-plugin:baton-migrate to apply the automatic migrations
  3. Remove the com.boozallen.aissemble:aissemble-quarkus-bom:${version.aissemble} dependency from the root pom.xml and <YOUR_PROJECT>-tests/<YOUR_PROJECT>-tests-java/pom.xml of your project
    • NOTE: Any Quarkus apps within your project should be updated to include the com.boozallen.aissemble:aissemble-quarkus-bom:${version.aissemble} within the <dependencyManagement> section of their respective pom.xml instead
  4. Run ./mvnw clean install and resolve any manual actions that are suggested
    • NOTE: This will update any aiSSEMBLE dependencies in 'pyproject.toml' files automatically
  5. Repeat the previous step until all manual actions are resolved

What's Changed

Full Changelog: aissemble-root-1.9.0...aissemble-root-1.10.0