index dde0f1c46..aafbe79fc 100644
@@ -1,5 +1,8 @@
# Major Additions
+## Service account support for spark-infrastructure
+To have more flexible and secure way to authenticate AWS service, we add service account support for spark-infrastructure helm chart to enable the AWS IRSA (IAM Roles Service Account) authentication. See _**How to Upgrade**_ for more information.
## Path to Production Alignment
To better align development processes with processes in CI/CD and higher environments, we no longer recommend using Tilt live-reloading. As such, upgrading projects should consider narrowing the scope of their Tiltfile. See _**How to Upgrade**_ for more information.
@@ -94,6 +97,32 @@ To avoid duplicate docker builds, remove all the related `docker_build()` and `l
## Conditional Steps
+## AWS IRSA (IAM Roles Service Account) Authentication
+This is not a required step but a recommended way to authenticate AWS service
+1. [Create an IAM OIDC provider for your cluster](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/enable-iam-roles-for-service-accounts.html)
+2. Follow the [Assign IAM roles to Kubernetes service accounts](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/associate-service-account-role.html) document but **skip** the step that creates the service account
+3. In the spark-infrastructure chart template, add the service account create configuration as below:
+ serviceAccount:
+ name: service-account-name
+ enabled: true
+ metadata:
+ annotations:
+ # Ref: IAM roles arn from step 2
+ eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::aws-id:role/iam-role-name
+ deployment:
+ # service account name must match the service account name specified in the IAM roles trust relationships
+ serviceAccountName: service-account-name
## Final Steps - Required for All Projects
### Finalizing the Upgrade
1. Run `./mvnw org.technologybrewery.baton:baton-maven-plugin:baton-migrate` to apply the automatic migrations
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/README.md b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/README.md
index d623dab54..66dca4b2d 100644
--- a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/README.md
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/README.md
@@ -17,43 +17,47 @@ _**NOTE:**_ *the version should match the aiSSEMBLE project version.*
# Properties
-| Property | Description | Default |
-| app.name | Sets label for app.kubernetes.io/name | Chart.Name (aissemble-spark-history-chart) |
-| enable | Enable or disable the entirety of the spark-history-server deployment. When false, equivalent to not installing the chart. | true |
-| deployment.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark History Server Deployment. | {} |
-| deployment.labels | Labels to apply to the Spark History Server Deployment. | {} |
-| deployment.replicas | Number of replicas for the Spark History Server Deployment. | 1 |
-| deployment.image.repository | Repository for the Spark History Server image. | "apache/spark" |
-| deployment.image.tag | Tag for the Spark History Server image. | "3.5.1" |
-| deployment.image.imagePullPolicy | Image pull policy for the Spark History Server image. | "IfNotPresent" |
-| deployment.command | Command to run in the container. | `["/opt/spark/sbin/start-spark-history-server.sh"]` |
-| deployment.env | Environment variables to set in the Spark History Server Deployment. | `SPARK_NO_DAEMONIZE: "true"` |
-| deployment.envFromSecret | Environment variables to pull from a Secret. Format:
`ENV_VAR.secretName: k8s_secret_name`
`ENV_VAR.key: k8s_secret_key` | {} |
-| deployment.volumes | Volumes to attach to the Spark History Server Deployment. | [] |
-| deployment.volumeMounts | Volume mounts to attach to the Spark History Server Deployment. | [] |
-| deployment.affinity | Node Affinity rule to constrain which nodes your Pod can be scheduled on based on node labels. | {} | |
-| deployment.tolerations | Tolerations rule to ensure that pods are not scheduled onto inappropriate nodes. | [] |
-| dependencies.packages | List of packages to install in the Spark History Server Deployment. | [] |
-| dependencies.jars | List of jars to install in the Spark History Server Deployment. | [] |
-| ingress.enabled | Enable or disable the Spark History Server Ingress. | true |
-| ingress.metadata.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark History Server Ingress. | {} |
-| ingress.ingressClassName | Ingress class to use for the Spark History Server Ingress. | "nginx" |
-| ingress.hosts | Hosts to apply to the Spark History Server Ingress. | `[paths: [{path: "/", pathType: "Prefix", backend: {service: {name: "spark-history-service", port: {number: 18080}}}}]]` |
-| service.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark History Server Service. | {} |
-| service.type | Type of service to create for the Spark History Server. | "LoadBalancer" |
-| service.port.name | Name of the service port. | "shs-http" |
-| service.port.port | Port number for the service. | 18080 |
-| service.ports.targetPort | The port that the exposed port should map to | 18080 |
-| eventVolume.enabled | Enable or disable the default Event Volume for the Spark History Server. | false |
-| eventVolume.name | Name of the Event Volume. | "spark-events" |
-| eventVolume.mountPath | Mount path for the Event Volume. | "/tmp/spark-events" |
-| eventVolume.storageType | Type of storage to use for the Event Volume. Legal values: `local`, `custom` | "local" |
-| eventVolume.size | Size of the Event Volume. | "1Gi" |
-| eventVolume.accessModes | Access modes for the Event Volume. | ["ReadWriteMany"] |
-| eventVolume.mountOptions | Mount options for the Event Volume. | ["allow-delete"] |
-| eventVolume.volumePathOnNode | Path on the underlying node to mount the Event Volume. | "/tmp" |
-| sparkConf | Configuration for the Spark History Server. | "" |
+| Property | Description | Default |
+| app.name | Sets label for app.kubernetes.io/name | Chart.Name (aissemble-spark-history-chart) |
+| enable | Enable or disable the entirety of the spark-history-server deployment. When false, equivalent to not installing the chart. | true |
+| deployment.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark History Server Deployment. | {} |
+| deployment.labels | Labels to apply to the Spark History Server Deployment. | {} |
+| deployment.replicas | Number of replicas for the Spark History Server Deployment. | 1 |
+| deployment.image.repository | Repository for the Spark History Server image. | "apache/spark" |
+| deployment.image.tag | Tag for the Spark History Server image. | "3.5.1" |
+| deployment.image.imagePullPolicy | Image pull policy for the Spark History Server image. | "IfNotPresent" |
+| deployment.command | Command to run in the container. | `["/opt/spark/sbin/start-spark-history-server.sh"]` |
+| deployment.env | Environment variables to set in the Spark History Server Deployment. | `SPARK_NO_DAEMONIZE: "true"` |
+| deployment.envFromSecret | Environment variables to pull from a Secret. Format:
`ENV_VAR.secretName: k8s_secret_name`
`ENV_VAR.key: k8s_secret_key` | {} |
+| deployment.volumes | Volumes to attach to the Spark History Server Deployment. | [] |
+| deployment.volumeMounts | Volume mounts to attach to the Spark History Server Deployment. | [] |
+| deployment.affinity | Node Affinity rule to constrain which nodes your Pod can be scheduled on based on node labels. | {} | |
+| deployment.tolerations | Tolerations rule to ensure that pods are not scheduled onto inappropriate nodes. | [] |
+| deployment.serviceAccountName | Set the service account for the deployment | "" |
+| dependencies.packages | List of packages to install in the Spark History Server Deployment. | [] |
+| dependencies.jars | List of jars to install in the Spark History Server Deployment. | [] |
+| ingress.enabled | Enable or disable the Spark History Server Ingress. | true |
+| ingress.metadata.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark History Server Ingress. | {} |
+| ingress.ingressClassName | Ingress class to use for the Spark History Server Ingress. | "nginx" |
+| ingress.hosts | Hosts to apply to the Spark History Server Ingress. | `[paths: [{path: "/", pathType: "Prefix", backend: {service: {name: "spark-history-service", port: {number: 18080}}}}]]` |
+| service.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark History Server Service. | {} |
+| service.type | Type of service to create for the Spark History Server. | "LoadBalancer" |
+| service.port.name | Name of the service port. | "shs-http" |
+| service.port.port | Port number for the service. | 18080 |
+| service.ports.targetPort | The port that the exposed port should map to | 18080 |
+| eventVolume.enabled | Enable or disable the default Event Volume for the Spark History Server. | false |
+| eventVolume.name | Name of the Event Volume. | "spark-events" |
+| eventVolume.mountPath | Mount path for the Event Volume. | "/tmp/spark-events" |
+| eventVolume.storageType | Type of storage to use for the Event Volume. Legal values: `local`, `custom` | "local" |
+| eventVolume.size | Size of the Event Volume. | "1Gi" |
+| eventVolume.accessModes | Access modes for the Event Volume. | ["ReadWriteMany"] |
+| eventVolume.mountOptions | Mount options for the Event Volume. | ["allow-delete"] |
+| eventVolume.volumePathOnNode | Path on the underlying node to mount the Event Volume. | "/tmp" |
+| sparkConf | Configuration for the Spark History Server. | "" |
+| serviceAccount.create | Create service account if set to true and the serviceAccount.name will be set for deployment. However, if deployment.serviceAccountName is set, it will take precedence. The service account will be created but will not be set for the deployment. | false |
+| serviceAccount.name | Service account name | aissemble-spark-history-chart-sa |
+| serviceAccount.metadata.annotations | Service account annotations | {} |
## Manually Creating a PersistentVolume
@@ -117,3 +121,27 @@ recommend removing them from your values file entirely.
## Property Removed
No properties removed.
+# Cloud Services Authentication
+This chart supports authentication with AWS via environment variables and [IRSA (IAM Roles Service Account)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/iam-roles-for-service-accounts.html).
+It is recommended to use the IRSA authentication for AWS service.
+**Note 1**: to use IRSA authentication, after creating OIDC provider and IAM Roles, use this chart's serviceAccount configuration to create the service account
+where it can configure the IAM Role arn in the `metadata.annotations`. e.g.:
+ serviceAccount:
+ name: replace-with-sa-name
+ create: true
+ metadata:
+ annotations:
+ eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::replace-with-aws-id:role/replace-with-iam-role-name
+**Note 2**: If there is an existing IAM roles configured service account or already created by the other chart, the service account can be used by the chart. e.g:
+ deployment:
+ serviceAccountName: replace-with-sa-name
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/templates/deployment.yaml b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/templates/deployment.yaml
index 1ca0276b0..87b1498a5 100644
--- a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ spec:
{{ toYaml .Values.deployment.labels }}
{{- end }}
+ {{- if .Values.deployment.serviceAccountName }}
+ serviceAccountName: {{ .Values.deployment.serviceAccountName }}
+ {{- else if .Values.serviceAccount.create }}
+ serviceAccountName: {{ .Values.serviceAccount.name | default .Chart.Name }}
+ {{- end }}
{{- if .Values.deployment.affinity }}
{{- toYaml .Values.deployment.affinity | nindent 8 }}
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..513baf24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{{ if and .Values.serviceAccount.create }}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+ name: {{ .Values.serviceAccount.name | default .Chart.Name }}
+ {{ $otherdata := omit .Values.serviceAccount.metadata "name" "annotations" }}
+ {{- range $key, $value := $otherdata }}
+ {{ $key }}: {{ $value }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Values.serviceAccount.metadata.annotations }}
+ annotations:
+ {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/tests/serviceaccount_test.yaml b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/tests/serviceaccount_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a324d6839
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/tests/serviceaccount_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+suite: Spark History Service Account Test
+ - serviceaccount.yaml
+ - it: ServiceAccount does not exist by default
+ asserts:
+ - hasDocuments:
+ count: 0
+ - it: ServiceAccount should include appropriate default values if created
+ set:
+ serviceAccount:
+ create: true
+ asserts:
+ - containsDocument:
+ kind: ServiceAccount
+ apiVersion: v1
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.name
+ value: aissemble-spark-history-chart-sa
+ - notExists:
+ path: metadata.annotations
+ - it: Should set values appropriately for the service account
+ set:
+ serviceAccount:
+ create: true
+ name: test
+ metadata:
+ namespace: unit-test
+ annotations:
+ eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/test-access-role
+ asserts:
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.name
+ value: test
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.namespace
+ value: unit-test
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.annotations["eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn"]
+ value: arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/test-access-role
+ - it: Service account name uses Chart name if not set
+ set:
+ serviceAccount:
+ create: true
+ name: ""
+ asserts:
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.name
+ value: aissemble-spark-history-chart
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/values.yaml b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/values.yaml
index 61dfca1dc..b888066d2 100644
--- a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/values.yaml
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-spark-history-chart/values.yaml
@@ -62,3 +62,9 @@ eventVolume:
volumePathOnNode: /tmp
sparkConf: |-
+ create: false
+ name: "aissemble-spark-history-chart-sa"
+ metadata:
+ annotations: {}
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/README.md b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/README.md
index 7b76c0fde..045fc8e86 100644
--- a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/README.md
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/README.md
@@ -17,32 +17,36 @@ _**NOTE:**_ *the version should match the aiSSEMBLE project version.*
# Properties
-| Property | Description | Default |
-| app.name | Sets label for app.kubernetes.io/name | Chart.Name (aissemble-thrift-server-chart) |
-| enable | Enable or disable the entirety of the spark-thrift-server deployment. When false, equivalent to not installing the chart. | true |
-| deployment.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | {} |
-| deployment.labels | Labels to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | {} |
-| deployment.replicas | Number of replicas for the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | 1 |
-| deployment.image.repository | Repository for the Spark Thrift Server image. | "apache/spark" |
-| deployment.image.tag | Tag for the Spark Thrift Server image. | "3.5.1" |
-| deployment.image.imagePullPolicy | Image pull policy for the Spark Thrift Server image. | "IfNotPresent" |
-| deployment.command | Command to run in the container. | `["/opt/spark/sbin/start-thriftserver.sh"]` |
-| deployment.env | Environment variables to set in the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | `SPARK_NO_DAEMONIZE: "true"` |
-| deployment.envFromSecret | Environment variables to pull from a Secret. Format:
`ENV_VAR.secretName: k8s_secret_name`
`ENV_VAR.key: k8s_secret_key` | {} |
-| deployment.volumes | Volumes to attach to the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | [] |
-| deployment.volumeMounts | Volume mounts to attach to the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | [] |
-| dependencies.packages | List of packages to install in the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | [] |
-| dependencies.jars | List of jars to install in the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | [] |
-| ingress.enabled | Enable or disable the Spark Thrift Server Ingress. | false |
-| ingress.metadata.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Ingress. | {} |
-| ingress.ingressClassName | Ingress class to use for the Spark Thrift Server Ingress. | "nginx" |
-| ingress.hosts | Hosts to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Ingress. | `[paths: []]` |
-| service.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Service. | {} |
-| service.type | Type of service to create for the Spark Thrift Server. | "ClusterIP" |
-| service.ports | Name of the service port. | `[{name: "thrift", port: 10000}, {name: "thrift-http", port: 10001}]` |
-| sparkConf | Configuration for the Spark Thrift Server. | "" |
-| hiveSite | Configuration for the Hive Site. | "" |
+| Property | Description | Default |
+| app.name | Sets label for app.kubernetes.io/name | Chart.Name (aissemble-thrift-server-chart) |
+| enable | Enable or disable the entirety of the spark-thrift-server deployment. When false, equivalent to not installing the chart. | true |
+| deployment.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | {} |
+| deployment.labels | Labels to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | {} |
+| deployment.replicas | Number of replicas for the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | 1 |
+| deployment.image.repository | Repository for the Spark Thrift Server image. | "apache/spark" |
+| deployment.image.tag | Tag for the Spark Thrift Server image. | "3.5.1" |
+| deployment.image.imagePullPolicy | Image pull policy for the Spark Thrift Server image. | "IfNotPresent" |
+| deployment.command | Command to run in the container. | `["/opt/spark/sbin/start-thriftserver.sh"]` |
+| deployment.env | Environment variables to set in the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | `SPARK_NO_DAEMONIZE: "true"` |
+| deployment.envFromSecret | Environment variables to pull from a Secret. Format:
`ENV_VAR.secretName: k8s_secret_name`
`ENV_VAR.key: k8s_secret_key` | {} |
+| deployment.volumes | Volumes to attach to the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | [] |
+| deployment.volumeMounts | Volume mounts to attach to the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | [] |
+| deployment.serviceAccountName | Set the service account for the deployment | "" |
+| dependencies.packages | List of packages to install in the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | [] |
+| dependencies.jars | List of jars to install in the Spark Thrift Server Deployment. | [] |
+| ingress.enabled | Enable or disable the Spark Thrift Server Ingress. | false |
+| ingress.metadata.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Ingress. | {} |
+| ingress.ingressClassName | Ingress class to use for the Spark Thrift Server Ingress. | "nginx" |
+| ingress.hosts | Hosts to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Ingress. | `[paths: []]` |
+| service.annotations | Annotations to apply to the Spark Thrift Server Service. | {} |
+| service.type | Type of service to create for the Spark Thrift Server. | "ClusterIP" |
+| service.ports | Name of the service port. | `[{name: "thrift", port: 10000}, {name: "thrift-http", port: 10001}]` |
+| sparkConf | Configuration for the Spark Thrift Server. | "" |
+| hiveSite | Configuration for the Hive Site. | "" |
+| serviceAccount.create | Create service account if set to true and the serviceAccount.name will be set for deployment. However, if deployment.serviceAccountName is set, it will take precedence. The service account will be created but will not be set for the deployment. | false |
+| serviceAccount.name | Service account name | aissemble-spark-history-chart-sa |
+| serviceAccount.metadata.annotations | Service account annotations | {} |
# Migration from aiSSEMBLE v1 Helm Charts
@@ -76,3 +80,29 @@ The following properties no longer exist.
| Property | Reason |
| status | This property was ignored in the original chart by default |
+# Cloud Services Authentication
+This chart supports authentication with AWS via environment variables and [IRSA (IAM Roles Service Account)](https://docs.aws.amazon.com/eks/latest/userguide/iam-roles-for-service-accounts.html).
+It is recommended to use the IRSA authentication for AWS service.
+**Note 1**: to use IRSA authentication, after creating OIDC provider and IAM Roles, use this chart's serviceAccount configuration to create the service account
+where it can configure the IAM Role arn in the `metadata.annotations`. e.g.:
+ serviceAccount:
+ name: replace-with-sa-name
+ create: true
+ metadata:
+ annotations:
+ eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::replace-with-aws-id:role/replace-with-iam-role-name
+**Note 2**: If there is an existing IAM roles configured service account or already created by the other chart, the service account can be used by the chart. e.g:
+ deployment:
+ serviceAccountName: replace-with-sa-name
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/templates/deployment.yaml b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/templates/deployment.yaml
index cd2779805..4788457cf 100644
--- a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/templates/deployment.yaml
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/templates/deployment.yaml
@@ -35,6 +35,11 @@ spec:
{{ toYaml .Values.deployment.labels }}
{{- end }}
+ {{- if .Values.deployment.serviceAccountName }}
+ serviceAccountName: {{ .Values.deployment.serviceAccountName }}
+ {{- else if .Values.serviceAccount.create }}
+ serviceAccountName: {{ .Values.serviceAccount.name | default .Chart.Name }}
+ {{- end }}
{{- if or (not (empty .Values.dependencies.packages)) (not (empty .Values.dependencies.jars)) }}
- name: "populate-thrift-service-jar-volume"
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..513baf24b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/templates/serviceaccount.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,14 @@
+{{ if and .Values.serviceAccount.create }}
+apiVersion: v1
+kind: ServiceAccount
+ name: {{ .Values.serviceAccount.name | default .Chart.Name }}
+ {{ $otherdata := omit .Values.serviceAccount.metadata "name" "annotations" }}
+ {{- range $key, $value := $otherdata }}
+ {{ $key }}: {{ $value }}
+ {{- end }}
+ {{- with .Values.serviceAccount.metadata.annotations }}
+ annotations:
+ {{- toYaml . | nindent 4 }}
+ {{- end }}
+{{ end }}
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/tests/serviceaccount_test.yaml b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/tests/serviceaccount_test.yaml
new file mode 100644
index 000000000..a70764ba1
--- /dev/null
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/tests/serviceaccount_test.yaml
@@ -0,0 +1,54 @@
+suite: Thrift Server Service Account Test
+ - serviceaccount.yaml
+ - it: ServiceAccount does not exist by default
+ asserts:
+ - hasDocuments:
+ count: 0
+ - it: ServiceAccount should include appropriate default values if created
+ set:
+ serviceAccount:
+ create: true
+ asserts:
+ - containsDocument:
+ kind: ServiceAccount
+ apiVersion: v1
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.name
+ value: aissemble-thrift-server-chart-sa
+ - notExists:
+ path: metadata.annotations
+ - it: Should set values appropriately for the service account
+ set:
+ serviceAccount:
+ create: true
+ name: test
+ metadata:
+ namespace: unit-test
+ annotations:
+ eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn: arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/test-access-role
+ asserts:
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.name
+ value: test
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.namespace
+ value: unit-test
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.annotations["eks.amazonaws.com/role-arn"]
+ value: arn:aws:iam::111222333444:role/test-access-role
+ - it: Service account name uses Chart name if not set
+ set:
+ serviceAccount:
+ create: true
+ name: ""
+ asserts:
+ - equal:
+ path: metadata.name
+ value: aissemble-thrift-server-chart
diff --git a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/values.yaml b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/values.yaml
index 7ff87bad8..bdfc5b5dc 100644
--- a/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/values.yaml
+++ b/extensions/extensions-helm/extensions-helm-spark-infrastructure/aissemble-thrift-server-chart/values.yaml
@@ -45,3 +45,10 @@ ingress:
sparkConf: |-
hiveSite: |-
+ create: false
+ name: "aissemble-thrift-server-chart-sa"
+ metadata:
+ annotations: {}
diff --git a/foundation/foundation-mda/src/main/resources/templates/deployment/spark-infrastructure/v2/spark.infrastructure.values.yaml.vm b/foundation/foundation-mda/src/main/resources/templates/deployment/spark-infrastructure/v2/spark.infrastructure.values.yaml.vm
index 9b4ad620b..7826894bf 100644
--- a/foundation/foundation-mda/src/main/resources/templates/deployment/spark-infrastructure/v2/spark.infrastructure.values.yaml.vm
+++ b/foundation/foundation-mda/src/main/resources/templates/deployment/spark-infrastructure/v2/spark.infrastructure.values.yaml.vm
@@ -13,19 +13,8 @@ aissemble-thrift-server-chart:
- org.apache.hadoop:hadoop-aws:3.3.4
- deployment:
- envFromSecret:
- secretName: remote-auth-config
- secretName: remote-auth-config
sparkConf: |
- spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.access.key=#[[${env:AWS_ACCESS_KEY_ID}]]#
- spark.hadoop.fs.s3a.secret.key=#[[${env:AWS_SECRET_ACCESS_KEY}]]#
@@ -55,18 +44,6 @@ aissemble-hive-metastore-service-chart:
replicationPassword: hive
password: hive
- deployment:
- env:
- valueFrom:
- secretKeyRef:
- name: remote-auth-config
- valueFrom:
- secretKeyRef:
- name: remote-auth-config