A variation of my TFT_WeatherClient repository This is a newer (and different) version of my TFT_WeatherClient. It is built on a Raspberry Pi Zero using C++ and QT creator instead of Python and TK. The FS in "FSweather" stands for Full Screen.The "gen" in the name stands for "general" in that instead of grabbing data from a "SwitchDoc" weather station at the house. I use the api provided by openweathermap.com as well as QJsondocument to extract json data from the website. The Operating system is Buster vertion of Raspian. The case shown is a new version of the case and the pi inside is an older version of a pizero with an Edimax network dongle soldered to the bottom of it.
The case in the photo is from my Thingiverse repository and can be found here :
To auto start the application in X-Windows after the X11 server has started edit:
@lxpanel --profile LXDE-pi
@pcmanfm --desktop --profile LXDE-pi
@xscreensaver -no-splash
@xset s off
@xset -dpms
@xset s noblank
@/home/pi/fsweather <-------- Add this to the end of the file.
(Assuming that fsweather is the application you want to start)