- Removing the bus->end call in the Begin method, this caused some microcontrollers to lock up.
- Updated core to v3.1.3
- Updated core to v3.1.2
- Fixed a bug in init where it could get stuck in Begin method.
- Updated core to support MMOD
- Fixed bug in converting from deg to rad where precision could be lost with lat / lon
- Removed dependency on Eigen and Units libraries to better support Arduino AVR
- Added CMake support for Teensy MMOD
- Added default constructor and a config method to configure the receiver
- Removed configuration methods (for now), since they weren't always reliable
- Added relative position output
- Added survey-in output
- Added relative position output to support GNSS RTK and GNSS yaw
- Fixing issue with linker in versions older than C++17
- Merging ublox and ublox-arduino
- Using mcu_support repo for CMake builds
- Autoconfiguring receiver
- Updated to match our Ublox library for flight software
- Updated license to MIT
- Updated license to GPLV3.
- Modified to work with Arduino 1.5 format and creating a baseline release now.