**Passionate** about science and technology, I specialized as a backend software engineer. As a **mathematician**, my analytical thinking and problem-solving skills enable me to apply coding best practices in order to create high-quality products.
🌍 I work remotely.
🔭 Currently diving into Typescript and Nest js.
🎓 I have a Bachelor's degree in Applied Mathematics and Computer Science.
🎓 I have a Coding Academy Certification in software Enginner at EPITECH Benin [Epitech] Bénin (https://epitech.bj)
⚡ Fun fact: I loved write testable and maintenable code to build Saas or any projects
📫 How to reach me: marcboko.uriel.com or marc-uriel-zinsou.boko@epitech.eu
- 🤝 I'm open to collaborating on Saas projects or any interesting products.