A minimal starter repository for a publishable Typescript library. Uses tools we use and love everyday.
The focus is on making sure the developer experience is the best while building with this library.
- Git Hooks using Husky that lint and run tests before changes are pushed.
- Source Code Lint using ESLint and Prettier.
- Commit Message linting with commitlint. Setup to use the conventional style of commit messages.
- To help developers automatically write good commit messages, commitizen is fully setup to use the conventional style of commit messages.
- Additionally, devmoji has been setup to emojify commit messages. These are also setup as a
git hook. If you wish to remove it, please update.husky/prepare-commit-msg
- Additionally, devmoji has been setup to emojify commit messages. These are also setup as a
- Release with semantic-release. If you use a proper Commit Message format, you'll never have to manually version and publish NPM packages again.
- Test with Vitest.
- Builds using Rollup.
- GitHub Action to build and release to NPM automatically.
and replace it with your custom package name. -
Abhishek Bhardwaj
and replace it with your name. -
to enable/disable thesemantic-release
plugins you may or may not want. The following plugins are initially setup: -
GitHub Action will automatically generate release notes and a changelog. It will also automatically publish to NPM and also make a TAR ball and add it toGitHub Releases
. To use it properly, please generate the following tokens:-
- Generate a Personal Access Token that you can use to authenticate your own user.-
When using the GITHUB_TOKEN, the minimum required permissions are:
- `contents`: write to be able to publish a GitHub release - `issues`: write to be able to comment on released issues - `pull-requests`: write to be able to comment on released pull requests
- Generate an access token on NPMJS.com to automatically publish the release. -
This Action is currently setup to run using GitHub Workflows. To learn how to manually run a workflow, checkout this link.
To skip CI, add
skip ci
to commit message.
Commands | Description |
build |
Uses Rollup to build the source directory and places the output in dist/ . Builds both ESM and CJS. |
commit |
Launches an interactive terminal-based commit message writer. Uses commitizen. |
dev:open-bundle-visualizer |
Rollup is configured to generate an HTML file that lets you visualize and analyze your Rollup bundle to see which modules are taking up space in the final exported bundle. The file is rollup-plugin-visualizer-stats.html and this command will automatically open it up in your default browser. |
test |
Runs the Vitest based test-suite. |
test:ci |
To run tests in CI environments. |
lint |
Runs ESLint / Prettier to lint source code and display the issues. |
format |
Runs ESLint / Prettier to lint source code and automatically format what can be fixed. |
clean |
Deletes all auto-generated files and cleans up the folder. |
typecheck |
Basically runs tsc with noEmit enabled to check if Typescript has any issues. If there are issues, they're printed on console for the developer to correct. |