Python 3 implementation of a class for quaternion arithmetic and use of quaternions for rotations.
Quaternions are an extension of the complex numbers. Whereas complex numbers have the form z = a + bi, quaternions have the form q = a + bi + cj +dk, where i, j, k = sqrt(-1), i^2 = j^2 = k^2 = ijk = -1, and of course a, b, c, and d are real numbers.
In the abstract algebra subfield of mathematics, the set of quaternions together with addition and multiplication form a non-commutative ring. In plain language, addition is computed the way one would think it should be, but multiplication is very different and like matrix multiplication is non-commutative.
An important application of quaternions is rotations of vectors or coordinate frames in three dimensions much like that of Euler angles and rotation matrices. In contrast to rotation matrices, rotations using quaternions do not have a singularity. Herein a class is implemented in Python 3 for using quaternions for rotations of vectors and coordinate frames.
In the class, the quaternion is an object, and the following operations are currently implemented for quaternions: addition, subtraction, multiplication, complex conjugation, norm, inverse, the use of quaternions for rotation of a vector with respect to its coordinate frame, and the use of quaternions for rotation of a coordinate frame itself.
To run pytest:
pip install -r requirements_dev.txt
pip install. (or $ pip install -e.)