Package | Version |
DotNetStarter.Extensions.Registrations | |
DotNetStarter.Extensions.Registrations.AspNetCore | |
DotNetStarter.Extensions.Registrations.EpiserverCms |
The extensions provided in this project focus only on the dependency injection component of DotNetStarter. If the full DotNetStarter package is installed, these extensions should not be used. These extensions provide service registration to AspNetCore's dependency injection or Episerver's service configuration utilizing the DotNetStarter.RegistrationAttribute attribute on class types that implement abstract services.
To add registrations to AspNetCore applications, simply use the provided AddDotNetStarterRegistrations() extension to the service collection in the application startup class.
// using DotNetStarter.Extensions.Registrations.AspNetCore;
public void ConfigureServices(IServiceCollection services)
For application owners the following sample code will return a list of sorted registrations. The registrations can be modified if needed, then registered to the application's container in the composition root.
using DotNetStarter.Abstractions;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Reflection;
namespace DotNetStarter.Extensions.Registrations.Core.Tests
public class RegistrationHelper
private readonly IDependentRegistrationFactory _dependentRegistrationFactory;
private readonly IRegistrationSorter _registrationSorter;
public RegistrationHelper(IDependentRegistrationFactory dependentRegistrationFactory = null, IRegistrationSorter registrationSorter = null)
_dependentRegistrationFactory = dependentRegistrationFactory ?? new DependentRegistrationFactory();
_registrationSorter = registrationSorter ?? new RegistrationSorter();
public ICollection<DependentRegistration> GetRegistrations(IEnumerable<Assembly> assemblies = null)
assemblies = assemblies ?? AppDomain.CurrentDomain.GetAssemblies()
.Where(a => a.GetCustomAttribute<DiscoverableAssemblyAttribute>() != null);
var registrations = _dependentRegistrationFactory.CreateDependentRegistrations
return registrations;
Examples of assigning discovered registrations to a variety of containers can be found in the unit test project.
Important note: There are many DI Containers available; each offering different functionality and performance. Some may also require additional configuration to resolve the registered services correctly.
By default, the Episerver extension requires no additional work other than installing its Nuget Package of DotNetStarter.Extensions.Registrations.EpiserverCms
The assembly loading and registration sorting can be customized by setting InitializeDotNetStarterRegistrations.ModuleEnabled equal to false in a PreApplicationStartMethod as show in the optional sample code below:
using DotNetStarter.Extensions.Registrations.EpiserverCms;
using EPiServer.Framework;
using EPiServer.Framework.Initialization;
using EPiServer.ServiceLocation;
using System.Reflection;
// type and static void method 'Init' to assign GetAssembliesToScan or GetRegistrationSorter
[assembly: System.Web.PreApplicationStartMethod(typeof(Example.StartupClass), nameof(Example.StartupClass.Init))]
namespace Example
/// <summary>
/// Note: this is an optional example of how to scan custom assemblies or use a different IRegistrationSorter.
/// </summary>
public class StartupClass
/// <summary>
/// Run pre start code
/// </summary>
public static void Init()
InitializeDotNetStarterRegistrations.ModuleEnabled = false;
/// <summary>
/// Example customization for advanced usages
/// </summary>
public class CustomDotNetStarterRegistration : IConfigurableModule
void IConfigurableModule.ConfigureContainer(ServiceConfigurationContext context)
var customAssemblies = new Assembly[]
typeof(Example.StartupClass).Assembly // look for types in StartupClass assembly
// can add many more assemblies in this manner
assembliesToScan: customAssemblies
void IInitializableModule.Initialize(InitializationEngine context) { }
void IInitializableModule.Uninitialize(InitializationEngine context) { }
Registering external dependencies is now possible using class decorated with the [DependencyConfiguration] attribute. This class must have a method with 'public static void' modifiers and take one argument of IDependencyConfigurationExpression. Example below:
// using DotNetStarter.Extensions.Registrations;
public class ExternalConfiguration
public static void Configure(IDependencyConfigurationExpression configure)
Note: When registering dependencies be sure the class types include a public constructor (many DI containers select the greediest public constructor by default), avoid injecting types such as strings, numbers (int|long|float|decimal), bools, enums. In those cases, introduce a factory or settings object to create the dependency and inject it instead. Also be sure to register any additional dependencies the registering type requires in the constructor.
Sometimes the lifestyle may need to be adjusted from the desired state configured in the registration attribute. In these cases application owners can change them using either ASP.Net Core IServiceCollection after executing the AddDotNetStarterRegistrations extension.
In Episerver a custom Action<ICollection<DependentRegistration>> can be passed to the extension following the custom Episerver example above where the action can modify the lifecycle.
To create an injectable service in a project or NuGet package, add a reference to DotNetStarter.RegistrationAbstractions. Then create a service abstraction, example below:
using DotNetStarter.Abstractions;
namespace ExampleNamespace
public interface IAwesomeService
void DoAwesomeThing();
// this attribute marks AwsomeServiceImplementation as an implementation of IAwesomeService for dependency inject.
[Registration(typeof(IAwesomeService), Lifecycle.Singleton)]
public class AwsomeServiceImplementation : IAwesomeService
public void DoAwesomeThing()
// where awesome things happen
Important: The following assembly attributes must be added to the project code, normally in the Properties\AssemblyInfo.cs file where other assembly level information is stored. These attributes are used during the scanning process to determine which DLL files to examine for discovering RegistrationAttribute usages.
using DotNetStarter.Abstractions;
// this assembly attribute instructs the default assembly loaders to only get ones with this attribute
[assembly: DiscoverableAssembly]
// this assembly attribute instructs the type scanning to only look in exported types within the assembly instead of all types
// this will improve performance over using ExportsType.All
[assembly: Exports(ExportsType.ExportsOnly)]
A short example project is also provided in the source code which targets multiple frameworks, demonstrated in the csproj file.