- weather images from unsplash
- offline mode
- no ads
- current weather
- sunrise sunset times
- local time
- 15 minute precip info
- air quality
- small and fullscreen radar
- 3 days of detailed weather
- 14 day forecast
- 3 weather providers
- material you theme
- 5 color themes
I am 15 and i have been programing since the age of 7. I started small (Scratch and NetsBlox) went to Python... and then to Flutter. This is my first ever project that can actually be downloaded by anyone. So I hope you like it!
I have always wanted to make a weather app. At first the concept was just to make an app that is free and ad free, but after diving into the whole thing i realized that i wouldn't be the first to do that. So instead here is my take on the weather app ui (but i did kep it free and ad free too). I tried to go for a minimalist and organized interface.
Localizations are hosted on Weblate. Translations are welcome!
- ✅ Add place searching
- ✅ Add radar
- ✅ Add air quality
- ✅ Add sunrise sunset
- ✅ Add translations
- ✅ 14 day forecast
- ✅ Settings/Info/Donate pages
- ✅ Tablet mode
- ✅ more than one weather provider
- ✅ add network images
- ✅ material you