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IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Buildpack

The liberty-buildpack is a Cloud Foundry Buildpack for running applications on IBM's WebSphere Application Server Liberty Profile. It is designed to run most "packaged" servers.


To deploy applications using the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Buildpack, you are required to accept the IBM Liberty license and IBM JRE license by following the instructions below:

  1. Read the current IBM Liberty-License and the current IBM JVM-License.

  2. Extract the D/N: <License code> from the Liberty-License and JVM-License.

  3. Add the following environment variables and extracted license codes to the manifest.yml file in the directory from which you push your application. For further information on the format of the manifest.yml file refer to the manifest documentation.

        IBM_JVM_LICENSE: <jvm license code>
        IBM_LIBERTY_LICENSE: <liberty license code>

After you have set the license acceptance environment variables, use the following command to deploy the application with the IBM WebSphere Application Server Liberty Buildpack:

cf push <APP-NAME> -p <ARCHIVE> -b
  • For further details on the options available for deploying your applications see options.
  • For further details on tuning the applications JVM see tuning options.
  • For further details on pushing a Java Main application see java main push.

Forking the buildpack

To fork the Buildpack and host your own binaries, then complete the following:

  1. Fork the ibm-websphere-liberty-buildpack.

  2. Clone the forked repository to your local machine.

  3. Download the wlp-developers-runtime- from

  4. Download the latest IBM JRE for Linux from the developerWorks Java site. The download will be in an archive .bin format.

  5. Copy the binaries to a location that the buildpack will be able to access via HTTP. For details see Repositories. For an example see Setting up your Web Server

  6. Modify the code in config/ibmjdk.yml to point to the JRE.

  7. Modify the code in config/liberty.yml to point to Liberty.

  8. Commit and push the changes

  9. You should now be able to deploy applications to your forked buildpack with the following command:

cf push <APP-NAME> -p <ARCHIVE> -b <URL to forked repository>

Running Tests

To run the tests, do the following:

bundle install
bundle exec rake

If you want to use the RubyMine debugger, you may need to install additional gems.

bundle install --gemfile Gemfile.rubymine-debug


Pull requests are welcome; see the contributor guidelines for details.


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