@everyusplace is a twitter bot that tweets out masked aerial images of geographies
This bot tweets out masked aerial imagery of US Census places using shapes from IPUMS NHGIS.
This bot looks for a shapefile named US_place_2020.shp which can be obtained from NHGIS. You can also swap out this file for another file but some things might break depending on the names of the attributes of the file.
You will also need to create a secrets.py and populate it with twitter developer credentials. Like this:
consumer_key = "YOUR API KEY HERE"
consumer_secret="YOUR API SECRET HERE"
access_token_secret="YOUR ACCESS TOKEN SECRET HERE"
- python 3.9
- geopandas
- rasterio
- us
- rasterio
- xyzservices
- requests
- tweepy
python bot.py
Philip Nelson @blu3r4d0n
The inspiration for this bot was @everytract by @fitnr.