An event based api for using gamepads in the browser
Facilitates listening to button press, button release, and joy stick move events from a connected gamepad controller. This package was developed with an xbox one controller, but should support any gamepad.
Install with:
$ npm install --save gamepadcontroller
Then on the client:
// ES6
import 'GamepadController' from 'gamepadcontroller';
// OR ES5
var GamepadController = require('gamepadcontroller');
const gamepad = new GamepadController(0 /* takes an index, 0 - 3 */);
gamepad.onButtonPress(0, e => console.log(e, 'A button pressed'));
gamepad.onButtonRelease(0, e => console.log(e, 'A button released'));
gamepad.onButtonChange(7, e => console.log(e, 'Right trigger changed'));
gamepad.onStickMove(0, e => console.log(e, 'Left stick moved'));
The GamepadController
constructor requires an index from 0 - 3 to determine which of the four potential gamepad controller slots to wrap.
gamepad.onButtonPress(buttonIndex, buttonCallbackFunction)
gamepad.onButtonRelease(buttonIndex, buttonCallbackFunction)
gamepad.onButtonChange(buttonIndex, buttonCallbackFunction)
function buttonCallbackFunction (state) {
const { previous, current } = state;
// previous and current = { pressed: Bool, value: 0 < value < 1 }
// handle button event ...
gamepad.onStickMove(stickIndex, stickCallbackFunction)
function stickCallbackFunction (state) {
const { previous, current } = state;
// previous and current = { x: -1 < x < 1, y: -1 < y < 1 }
// handle stick move ...
Standard button mapping for an Xbox One Gamepad Controller:
0: 'a'
1: 'b'
2: 'x'
3: 'y'
4: 'left bumper'
5: 'right bumper'
6: 'left trigger'
7: 'right trigger'
8: 'back'
9: 'start'
10: 'left stick'
11: 'right stick'
12: 'up'
13: 'down'
14: 'left'
15: 'right'
16: 'xbox'
Joystick indexes for an Xbox One Gamepad Controller:
0: 'left stick'
1: 'right stick'