Preconditions: Flutter SDK (2.2.1), Dart (2.13.1), NodeJS
git submodule update --init && (cd submodule/wallet.platform.web/ && npm install && npm run build)
ln -sf index-webapp-devel.html web/index.html
flutter run --device-id chrome
rm -rf .dart_tool/ build/
git submodule update --init && (cd submodule/wallet.platform.web/ && npm install && npm run build)
rm web/index.html web/index-webapp.html web/index-webapp-devel.html web/freeton_wallet_platform.devel.js web/manifest-webapp.json
mv web/index-extenstion.html web/index.html
mv web/manifest-extension.json web/manifest.json
flutter build web --web-renderer html --release
cd build/web
zip -r ../../ *
To develop this project you have to had minimal knowledge:
- - Dart language
- - Simple app state management: ChangeNotifier, ChangeNotifierProvider, Consumer and Provider.
There are two third-patries web/tonclient.js
and web/tonclient.wasm
comming from ton-client-js.
To update these files execute following (on Linux):
curl --verbose | tee >(sha1sum > web/tonclient.wasm.gz.sha1) | gunzip | tee >(sha1sum > web/tonclient.wasm.sha1) > web/tonclient.wasm
curl --verbose | tee >(sha1sum > web/tonclient.js.gz.sha1) | gunzip | tee >(sha1sum > web/tonclient.js.sha1) > web/tonclient.js