1. Install RethinkDB Server
Open a Terminal and run RethinkDB Server with the command
rethinkdb or rethinkdb --bind all
Ubuntu 14.04 already has Python 3.4, so you don`t need to install it, but you do need to install others:
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install g++ python3-dev libffi-dev
Get the latest version of pip and setuptools:
sudo apt-get install python3-pip
sudo pip3 install --upgrade pip setuptools
sudo apt-get install libleveldb1 libleveldb-dev libsnappy1 libsnappy-dev
sudo pip3 install plyvel
# localdb dir
sudo mkdir -p /data/localdb_unichain
sudo chown -R user[:group] /data/localdb_unichain
unichain start
unichain_api start