It is a great pleasure to come up with another set of tips that you may or may not know. I am using 👇
Erlang/OTP 22 [erts-10.6.3] [source] [64-bit] [smp:8:8] [ds:8:8:10] [async-threads:1] [hipe]
Elixir 1.10.0 (compiled with Erlang/OTP 21)
iex> elixir_ebin_path = :code.lib_dir(:elixir, :ebin)
We can find all the protocols available for us by using elixir_ebin_path
iex> elixir_ebin_path = :code.lib_dir(:elixir, :ebin)
iex> Protocol.extract_protocols([elixir_ebin_path])
We can easily find whether a protocol is implemented for particular type using the protocol .
Let's check our Enumerable protocol is implemented for bitstring or not.
iex> Enumerable.impl_for(<<>>)
The output for the expression is nil which indicates the Enumerable protocol is not implemented for BitString type if it has implemented, it would give the ModuleName. Check below 👇
iex> Enumerable.impl_for(%{})
iex> Enumerable.impl_for(1..2)
You can pass any valid structure to know the protocol implementations.
iex> Enumerable.__protocol__(:impls)
{:consolidated,[Map, HashSet, Date.Range, Function, File.Stream,
GenEvent.Stream, HashDict,List, Range, Stream, MapSet, IO.Stream]}
In the same way you can get more info using the following functions
def __protocol__(:module)
def __protocol__(:functions)
def __protocol__(:consolidated?)
def __protocol__(:impls)
The Big string operations might be time taking ones. For an example splitting a big string.
We can build compile time search patterns using :binary.compile_pattern
This pattern can later be used in run time for splitting a string or any
relevant operations over string
or binary
In one sentence, it is ready by the time it is compiled.
iex> pattern = :binary.compile_pattern("@")
{:bm, #Reference<0.1776527838.1813905411.150152>}
iex> [user, host] = String.split("", pattern)
["john", ""]
You can also give list of binaries for :binary.compile_pattern
where each
one is alternative for searching patterns.
iex> pattern = :binary.compile_pattern(["@", "#"])
{:bm, #Reference<0.1776527838.1813905411.150152>}
iex> [user, host, blog] = String.split("john@blackode#medium", pattern)
["john", "blackode", ,"medium"]
Read more about [compile_pattern](http://Read more about compile_pattern)
We can compile Elixir files to the specific path, and we can run those files from their compiled directory as it contains respective beam_files.
Assume that I have three .ex
files hello.ex, shop.ex,
& rates.ex
in my present code directory ~/mycode/elixir
Now, I run iex from my ~/mycode/elixir directory and I try to compile
files to some other directory named as ~/mycode/elixir/beamfiles
iex> files = ~w(hello.ex shop.ex rates.ex)
["hello.ex", "shop.ex", "rates.ex"]
iex> Kernel.ParallelCompiler.compile_to_path files, "beamfiles"
{:ok, [Hello, Rates, Shop], []}
Now, I change my directory to ~/mycode/elxir/beamfiles
and try
to run iex
and execute functions from compiled
modules [Hello, Rates, Shop].
Check them live here
mix hex.audit
I hope you haven't run this in any of your projects before. If you did, then a round of applause for you.
It looks for all the dependencies inside your dependency tree and checks for any of these has retired.
Package Retirement is very important for package owners or package maintainers if they do care about their users to warn them about package security issues, it's working condition on that version number, it's compiling status, major bug issues, etc… like and so.
If no retired packages found, then it replies with No retired packages found.
Similarly, you can also run mix hex.outdated
It does what it sounds alike.
This relates to Erlang
iex> :erlang.is_builtin(:erlang, :>, 2)
You have to provide a Module, Function, and Arity.
Always combine comparisons with is_number()
defmodule Bank do
def credit(amount) when amount > 0 do
The above function use the guard amount > 0
what if we
send nil
, it still evaluates to true
At production grade coding, one has to be cautious. We can't risk on number especially on floats. The math on floats is harder.
So, go for
defmodule Bank do
def credit(amount) when is_number (amount) and amount > 0 do
As we all know that %{}
matches any kind of map. So, we cannot
simply pattern match it like def hello(%{})
as it matches any map.
If you want to match an empty map %{}
in a function, you have to use a
guard clause.
defmodule Hello do
def hello(map) when map == %{} do
IO.puts "I am hungry! My stomatch is empty"
def hello(map) do
IO.puts "I am done! My stomach is full"
You can also take the help of Kernel.map_size/1
as it is allowed in guard
def hello(map) when map_size(map) == 0 do
This may look easy but suppose you don't know whether the value you are getting is atom or string but you need to extract that key from a map which has keys as atoms where you have to convert the given value to atom if it is a binary.
As we are having doubt on the received value whether it is atom or
string, we force convert that to an atom using String.to_atom/1
It works for strings but if we try to convert atom to atom using
then we will get an exception.
So, we use same function with a different style with string interpolation.
cart = %{ price: 2345, tax: 100}
key1 = "price"
key2 = :price
Now, we have to extract the price using above keys.
def get_from_cart(cart, key) do
Map.get(cart, key)
The above function works only when key is atom. Let's check that
def get_from_cart(cart, key) do
key = String.to_atom("#{key}")
Map.get(cart, key)
def get_from_cart(cart, key) when is_binary(key) do
key = String.to_atom(key)
Map.get(cart, key)
def get_from_cart(cart, key) do
Map.get(cart, key)
In Sol:1 we are converting every time, while in Sol:2 we are using guard
to convert to atom
or not.
No more hassle to sort dates now.
Before elixir v 1.10, we have to pass another function for proper sorting of dates like in the following way...
iex> Enum.sort([~D[2019-12-31], ~D[2020-01-01]], &(, &2) != :lt))
[~D[2019-12-31], ~D[2020-01-01]]
Now in elixir v 1.10, you can do it as follows
iex> Enum.sort([~D[2019-12-31], ~D[2020-01-01]], Date)
[~D[2019-12-31], ~D[2020-01-01]]
iex> Enum.sort([~D[2019-12-31], ~D[2020-01-01]], {:desc, Date})
[~D[2020-01-01], ~D[2019-12-31]]
The above examples are directly copied from original documentation.
Read More about Elixir V 1.10