IRC-Bot for Java 8, made with PircBotX 2.1 | Used libraries: Some AOSP classes, see Apache-License part.
Trello board
Thanks to Lord_Ralex for help on v2.0, he did the whole command system work :)
The folder named "bl4ckb0t" contains the main bot. As of 6.0, it works with modules, that are installed in the modules folder where the jar has been executed. The other folders you see are the modules I wrote for the bot. The releases section is oriented at the main project, bl4ckb0t. Each module has its own version and is not related to the releases at all. The compiled modules will be available for download later on.
Software used under the Apache-License:
- from libcore (The Android Open Source Project)
- from libcore (The Android Open Source Project)
- from android (The Android Open Source Project)
- from android (The Android Open Source Project)
- from android (The Android Open Source Project)
Some of these classes have been slightly edited to ignore warnings eclipse shows and to adapt the packages they're placed in.