Enumerating which language constructs and types are allowed. Some high level design goals, example implementation and inspirations are mentioned. This is non normative work in progress.
See the following document for a detailed reasoning about each choice of cutting features from the grammar:
- if-else
- while
- for-in
- comments
- function definition
- return
- optional compound block within if, while or for statements ({})
- ES3/NS5: try-catch, throw
- function expression
- ES3/NS4: switch-case-default, do-while, label-goto
- for (the C-styled one), for-of, break, continue, with, varargs, arbitrary block scopes with {}
- NS2: arguments
- ES3/NS4: call, apply
- ES6: tail call optimization
- !, ~, +, -, *, /, %, <, >, <=, >=, ^, |, &, <<, >>, >>>, ===, !==
- parenthesis subexpressions, short-circuiting &&, ||, '+' also works for string concatenation
- ES1/NS3: typeof
- ==, !=, +=, ++, class, new (mocked for some built-in objects), precedence (have to fully parenthesize)
- ES3/NS5: instanceof
- ES1/NS2: ternary operator
- ES1/NS2: comma operator
- NS4: delete
- var
- undefined
- null
- decimal integers
- NaN
- string literals (without escaping)
- Object and Array square bracket member accessor ([])
- var initializer, object dot member accessor, member access chaining
- ES3/NS4: anonymous function expression
- this, true, false, hexadecimal, float, string control character escapes
- NS3: void
- ES3: Object and Array literals
- ES5: const, let
- eval
- eval2: not standard, a sandboxed variant not operating on the current environment, but on one passed in as an Object argument
- isNaN
- parseInt(s, 10)
- parseFloat, escape, unescape
- Boolean, Function, Math, Number, RegExp
- .length
- [i]
- ES2/NS3: join, reverse, sort
- ES3/NS4: concat, pop, push, shift, slice, splice, unshift
- everything except a few basic arithmetics with the current time in milliseconds (date + number, date / number, date % number, date - date)
- ES3: .hasOwnProperty
- NS3: valueOf
- .length
- .charAt
- ES2/NS4: String.prototype.fromCharCode
- ES2/NS4: .charCodeAt
- .indexOf
- ES3/NS4: .match
- .lastIndexOf, .substring, .toLowerCase, .toUpperCase
- ES2/NS3: .split
- ES3/NS4: .concat, .slice, .replace, .search, .substr
TODO This section still needs more research, a proof of concept and then drafting.
- console.log()
- process.stdin.on('data', function(data) {})
- require('fs').readFileSync(file)
- require('fs').writeFileSync(file, data)
- require('node:net').createServer(function(socket) {}).listen(function(){}).close()
- require('node:net').createConnection({}, function() {}).on('data', function(data) {}).write('')
- require('node:net').connect({})
These are not provided by the interpreter, but by the runtime of the web browser user agent.
- document.close
- document.write
- document['FormName']['ElementName'].value
- document.docType, document.documentElement.innerHTML
- document.open (implicit)
A hardened minimal subset required to interface with most common gratis web hosting, storage and authorization providers
- document.cookie (expires)
- public suffix list
- window.location.href
- NS2: window.setTimeout (function argument)
- window.location.replace, window.setTimeout (string variant), window.clearTimeout
- NS4: window.setInterval
- new XMLHttpRequest
- .open
- .onload
- .onerror
- .ontimeout
- .status
- .timeout
- .send
- .responseText
Multiple proof of concept interpreter runtimes are in progress. If you would like to help with implementing this subset in a minimalistic way and provide feedback, let's get in touch to help shape the specification for the better.
- https://bkil.gitlab.io/static-wonders.js/browser-vm/fun-var-array-bf.html
- https://bkil.gitlab.io/static-wonders.js/browser-vm/fun-err-obj-js.html
- https://bkil.gitlab.io/static-wonders.js/browser-vm/parse-dispatch-js.html
A simple, text-entry & pre based browser written in the JavaScript subset interpreted by the interpreter in the browser:
Work in progress C interpreter aiming for short source that is easy to review, small size of compressed binary code and low memory footprint:
Not published yet:
- Multiple C-based interpreters for various subsets
Planned on shortlist:
- A minimalistic real world web app running in the C browser and runtime
- https://tinygo.org/docs/concepts/compiler-internals/
- https://docs.micropython.org/en/latest/develop/index.html
- https://bellard.org/tcc/tcc-doc.html#devel
- https://t3x.org/subc/
- https://github.com/DoctorWkt/acwj
- https://github.com/KolibriOS/kolibrios/tree/main/programs/develop/cmm
- https://github.com/andrei-markeev/ts2c/blob/master/COVERAGE.md
- https://biomejs.dev/linter/rules
- https://github.com/biomejs/biome/tree/main/website/src/content/docs/linter/rules
- https://eslint.org/docs/latest/rules/
- https://github.com/eslint/eslint/tree/main/docs/src/rules
- https://jshint.com/docs/options/
- https://github.com/jshint/jshint/blob/main/src/options.js
- https://github.com/jslint-org/jslint#user-content-directive-jslint
- https://github.com/semgrep/semgrep-rules/tree/develop/javascript/lang
- https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/Flags-and-Options#available-error-groups
- https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/Lint-checks
- https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/wiki/JS-Conformance-Framework
- https://github.com/google/closure-compiler/tree/master/src/com/google/javascript/jscomp
- https://web.archive.org/web/19970614042441/http://home.netscape.com/eng/mozilla/3.0/handbook/javascript/index.html
- https://web.archive.org/web/19981205222505/http://home.netscape.com/eng/javascript/
- https://hepunx.rl.ac.uk/~adye/jsspec11/jsspec.ps.gz
- https://www.ecma-international.org/wp-content/uploads/ECMA-262_2nd_edition_august_1998.pdf