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615 lines (541 loc) · 23.9 KB

JavaScript alternative subset grammars

You should separate each implemented variant on a branch or file before moving on to the next level. Log time you spend on it so we can compare power to weight ratio. Feel free to propose new variants that could serve as good milestones for beginners.

Note that this is a work in progress file. The headings will be renamed. Some of the variants may be removed.


Level lisp expr

program: [ <fun> ]* <expr> [ ';' ]?
fun: 'function' <id> '(' [<id> [ ',' <id>]* ]? ')' '{' [ <expr> ';' ]* 'return' <expr> [ ';' ]? '}'
expr: <id> [ <iExpr> ]? | <int> [ <nExpr> ]?
iExpr: '(' [ <expr> [ ',' <expr>]* ]? ')' | <nExpr>
nExpr: <op> <term> | '?' <expr> ':' <expr>
term: <int> | <id>
op: + | - | '<'
int = [0-9]+
id = [a-zA-Z_.]+

Level lisp anonymous function

program: <expr>
expr: <fun> | <id> [ <iExpr> ]? | <cTerm> [ <nExpr> ]?
fun: 'function' '(' [<id> [ ',' <id>]* ]? ')' '{' 'return' <expr> '}'
iExpr: <args> | <nExpr>
args: '(' [ <expr> [ ',' <expr>]* ]? ')'
nExpr: <op> <term> | '?' <expr> ':' <expr>
term: <id> | <cTerm>
cTerm: '(' [ <fun> ')' <args> | <expr> ')' ] | <int>
op: + | - | '<'
int = [0-9]+
id = 'document.write' | 'console.log' | [a-zA-Z_.]+

(function(f){return (document.write(f(f,8)))?0:document.close()})(function(f,n){return(n<2)?n:(f(f,n-1))+(f(f,n-2))})

Level lisp if

program: <stms>
stmBody: { <stms> }
stms: <stm> [; <stm>]*
stm: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> else <stmBody> | <expr>
expr: <funExpr> | <term> [<op> <term>]?
funExpr: ( function ( [<id> [, <id>]* ]? ) { <stms> ; return <expr> } ) ( [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]? )
term: <int> | <id>
op: + | - | '<'
int = [0-9]+
id = [a-zA-Z_.]+

Level bf

program: <statements>
statements: <statement> <moreStatements>
moreStatements: ';' <statements> | ''
statement: 'while(v[i]){' <statements> '}' | [ console.log | document.write ] '(String.fromCharCode(v[i]))' | var ' ' [ v | i | j ] | <assignment>
assignment: v [ '=new Array' | '[i]=' [ '(v[i]|0)' [ '+' | '-' ] 1 | 'form.text.value.charCodeAt(j)|0' ] ] | [ i | j ] [ '=0' | '++' | '--' ]

Not supported:

  • whitespace
  • optional semicolons
  • arbitrary variables
  • additional parenthesis

Level 0

program: <stms>
stmBody: { <stms> }
stms: <stm> [; <stm>]*
stm: while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | <funExpr> | <id> <iStm>
funExpr: function <id> ( ) <stmBody>
iStm: '=' <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? )
expr: <term> [<op> <term>]?
term: <int> | <id>
op: + | - | '<'
int = [0-9]+
id = [a-zA-Z_.]+

Level 0 array

program: <stms>
stmBody: { <stms> }
stms: <stm> [; <stm>]*
stm: while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | <funExpr> | <id> <iStm>
funExpr: function <id> ( ) <stmBody>
iStm: [ '[' <expr> ']' ]? = <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? )
expr: <term> [<op> <term>]?
term: <int> | new Array | <id> [ '[' <expr> ']' ]?
op: + | - | '<'
int = [0-9]+
id = [a-zA-Z_.]+

Level 0 rec array

program: <stms>
stmBody: { <stms> }
stms: <stm> [; <stm>]*
stm: while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | <funExpr> | <id> <iStm>
funExpr: function <id> ( ) <stmBody>
iStm: <idx> <iRest>
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]*
iRest: = <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? )
expr: <term> [<op> <term>]?
term: <int> | new Array | new Object | <id> [ '[' <expr> ']' ]?
op: + | - | '<'
int = [0-9]+
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 1

program: <stms>
stmBody: { <stms> }
stms: <stm> [; <stm>]*
stm: while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | <funExpr> | <id> <iStm>
funExpr: function <id> ( ) <stmBody>
iStm: = <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? )
expr: <term> [<op> <term>]?
term: <int> | <string> | <id>
op: + | - | & | '|' | '<'
int = [0-9]+
string = '([^'])*'
id = [a-zA-Z_.]+

Level 2

program: <stms>
stmBody: { <stms> }
stms: <stm> [; <stm>]*
stm: while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | <funExpr> | <expr>
funExpr: function <id> ( ) <stmBody>
expr: <lExpr> | <id> <iExpr>
lExpr: <lTerm> [<op> <term>]?
iExpr: [<op> <term>]? | = <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? )
term: <lTerm> | <id>
lTerm: <int> | <string>
op: + | - | & | '|' | '<'
int = [0-9]+
string = '([^'])*'
id = [a-zA-Z_.]+

Level 3

program: <stms>
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> [else <stmBody>]? | while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | <expr> | var <id>
stmBody: { <stms> }
expr: funExpr | term [<op> <term>]?
funExpr: function <id> ( <params> ) { <stms> [ ; return <expr> ]? }
params: [ <id> [, <id>]* ]?
term: <int> | <string> | ( <expr> ) | <id> = <expr> | <id> ( <args> ) | <id>
op: + | - | & | '|' | '<' | ==
args: [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]?
int = [1-9][0-9]*
string = '([^'\\]|\\.)*'
id = ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\.)*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 4

program: <stms>
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> [else <stmBody>]? | while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | <expr>
stmBody: { <stms> } | <stm>
expr: <funExpr> | [ ! ]? term [<op> <term>]?
funExpr: function <id> ( <params> ) <funBody>
funBody: { <funStm> [; <funStm>]* [ ; return <expr> ]? }
funStm: var <id> | <stm>
params: [ <id> [, <id>]* ]?
term: <int> | <string> | ( <expr> ) | <id> = <expr> | <id> ( <args> ) | <id>
op: + | - | & | '|' | '<' | ==
args: [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]?
int = [1-9][0-9]*
string = '([^'\\]|\\.)*'
id = ([a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*\.)*[a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*


Level 7 assembly 0

program: <arrId> '=' new Array ';' [ <tstm> ';' ]* <expr>
tstm: function <funcId> '(' ')' <body> | <mstm>
mstm: if '(' <expr> ')' <body> | while '(' <expr> ')' <body> | <cstm>
body: '{' <mstm> [ ';' <mstm> ]* '}'
cstm: <builtin> | <funcId> '(' ')' | <arrId> <idx> '=' <expr> | <intId> '=' <expr>
expr: <term> [ <op> <term> ]?
term: <int> | <intId> | '(' [ 'form.text.value.charCodeAt(' <expr> ')' | <arrId> <idx> | '(' <term> '/' <term> ')' ] '|' '0' ')'
idx: '[' <expr> ']'
op: '+' | '-' | '*' | '%' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '^' | '|' | '&' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '===' | '!=='
builtin: 'console.log(String.fromCharCode(' <expr> '))'
arrId = _
intId = [a-z]
funcId = [a-zA-Z_]{2,8}
int = [0-9]+


  • Whitespace (at least newlines between statements) and comments (/* ... */) must be supported
  • Standard input must not be consumed multiple times or out of sequence
  • Integer variables may already be initialized to zero, the array may already be allocated and zeroed
  • You must not access a negative array index or read a value before initializing it, but both may return zero
  • Each function must be defined above the point of invocation
  • You may assume that the interpreter stores the first few variables in CPU registers, so utilize them in lexicographical order

Level 7 assembly 1

program: [ '\'use strict\'' ; [ var [ <arrId> | <intId> ] ; ]* <arrId> '=' new Array ; [ <tstm> ; ]* ]? <expr> [;]?
tstm: function <funcId> ( [ A [ , B [ , C [ , D [ , E [ , F [ , G [ , H [ , I [ , J [ , K [ , L [ , M [ , N [ , O [ , P [ , Q [ , R [ , S [ , T [ , U [ , V [ , W [ , X [ , Y [ , Z  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]? ) <fBody> | <mstm>
mstm: if '(' <expr> ')' <mBody> [ else <mBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <mBody> | <expr>
fstm: if '(' <expr> ')' <fBody> [ else <fBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <fBody> | return <expr> | <expr>
mBody: { [ <mstm> [ ; <mstm> ]* ]? [;]? }
fBody: { [ <fstm> [ ; <fstm> ]* ; ]? return <expr> [;]? }
expr: <term> [ <op> <term> ]* | '(' <term> '/' <term> ')' '|' '0'
term: <int> | <builtin> | <funcId> '(' [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]? ')' | [ <intId> | <parId> ] [ <rhs> ]? | <arrId> <idx> <rhs> | '(' [ 'form.text.value.charCodeAt(' <expr> ')|0' | <arrId> <idx> '|0' | <expr> ] ')'
rhs: '=' <expr>
idx: '[' <expr> ']'
op: '+' | '-' | '*' | '%' | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '^' | '|' | '&' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '||' | '&&' | '===' | '!=='
builtin: 'console.log(String.fromCharCode(' <expr> '))'
arrId = _
intId = [a-z]
parId = [A-Z]
funcId = [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,9}[0-9]?
int = [0-9]+


  • In expr, only the same operator can be repeated within the same group (i.e., without using parenthesis)
  • Whitespace and comments must be supported
  • Standard input must not be consumed multiple times or out of sequence
  • Variable declaration may not be enforced, but you must not access a variable before declaring and initializing it
  • Integer variables may already be initialized to zero, the array may already be allocated and zeroed
  • You must not assign any single funcId identifier multiple times
  • You must not access a negative array index or read a value before initializing it, but both may return zero
  • You must not access parameters outside a function or those which you have not declared or given as argument
  • You must not invoke a function with a different number of arguments than the number of parameters in the function definition
  • Each function must be defined above the point of invocation
  • You may assume that the interpreter stores the first few variables and the first few function parameters in CPU registers, so utilize them in lexicographical order
  • The function name may be capped to 10 letters and a digit (packed as base64 and BCD to fit 64 bits)

Level 7 assembly 2

program: [ '\'use strict\'' ; [ var [ <arrId> | <intId> ] ; ]* <arrId> '=' new Array ; [ <tstm> ; ]* ]? <expr> [;]?
tstm: function <funcId> ( [ A [ , B [ , C [ , D [ , E [ , F [ , G [ , H [ , I [ , J [ , K [ , L [ , M [ , N [ , O [ , P [ , Q [ , R [ , S [ , T [ , U [ , V [ , W [ , X [ , Y [ , Z  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]? ) <fBody> | <mstm>
mstm: if '(' <expr> ')' <mBody> [ else <mBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <mBody> | do <mBody> while ( <expr> ) | for ( [ <expr> ]? ; [ <expr> ]? ; [ <expr> ]? ) <mBody> | switch ( <expr> ) { [ case <expr>: <mBody> ]* [ default: <mBody> ]? } | <cstm>
fstm: if '(' <expr> ')' <fBody> [ else <fBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <fBody> | do <fBody> while ( <expr> ) | for ( [ <expr> ]? ; [ <expr> ]? ; [ <expr> ]? ) <fBody> | switch ( <expr> ) { [ case <expr>: <fBody> ]* [ default: <fBody> ]? } | return <expr> | <cstm>
cstm: break | continue | <expr>
mBody: { [ <mstm> [ ; <mstm> ]* ]? [;]? }
fBody: { [ <fstm> [ ; <fstm> ]* ; ]? return <expr> [;]? }
expr: <qexpr> [ '?' <qexpr> ':' <qexpr> ]?
qexpr: <uterm> [ [ <opRel> <uterm> ]* ]? | '(' <uterm> '/' <uterm> ')' '|' '0'
uterm: [ '++' | '--' ] [ <intId> | <parId> | <arrId> <idx> ] | [ [ '!' | '~' | '-' ]? <term> ]
term: <int> | <builtin> | <funcId> '(' [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]? ')' | [ <intId> | <parId> ] [ <rhs> ]? | <arrId> <idx> <rhs> | <bracketed>
bracketed: '(' [ 'form.text.value.charCodeAt(' <expr> ')|0' | <arrId> <idx> '|0' | <expr> [ ',' <expr> ]* ] ')'
rhs: '++' | '--' | [ <op> ]? '=' <expr>
idx: '[' <expr> ']'
op: '+' | '-' | '*' | % | ^ | '|' | '&' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '||' | '&&'
opRel: <op> | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '===' | '!=='
builtin: 'console.log(String.fromCharCode(' <expr> '))'
arrId = _
intId = [a-z]
parId = [A-Z]
funcId = [a-zA-Z_][0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,9}[0-9]?
int = [0-9]+


  • In expr, only the same opRel operator can be repeated within the same group (i.e., without using parenthesis)
  • Whitespace and comments must be supported
  • Standard input must not be consumed multiple times or out of sequence
  • Variable declaration may not be enforced, but you must not access a variable before declaring and initializing it
  • Integer variables may already be initialized to zero, the array may already be allocated and zeroed
  • You must not assign any single funcId identifier multiple times
  • You must not access a negative array index or read a value before initializing it, but both may return zero
  • You must not access parameters outside a function or those which you have not declared or given as argument
  • You must not invoke a function with a different number of arguments than the number of parameters in the function definition
  • Each function must be defined above the point of invocation
  • continue must not be used outside a loop
  • break must not be used outside a loop or a switch
  • You may assume that the interpreter stores the first few variables and the first few function parameters in CPU registers, so utilize them in lexicographical order
  • The function name may be capped to 10 letters and a digit (packed as base64 and BCD to fit 64 bits)

Level 7 assembly 3

program: [ '\'use strict\'' ; [ var [ <arrId> | <intId> | <constInit> ] ; ]* <arrId> '=' new Array ; [ <tstm> ; ]* ]? <expr> [;]?
constInit: <constId> '=' <cexpr> | <strId> '=' <string> | <litArrId> '=' '[' [ <cexpr> [ ',' <cexpr> ]* ]? ']'
tstm: function <funcId> ( [ A [ , B [ , C [ , D [ , E [ , F [ , G [ , H [ , I [ , J [ , K [ , L [ , M [ , N [ , O [ , P [ , Q [ , R [ , S [ , T [ , U [ , V [ , W [ , X [ , Y [ , Z  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]?  ]? ) <fBody> | <mstm>
mstm: if '(' <expr> ')' <mBody> [ else <mBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <mBody> | do <mBody> while ( <expr> ) | for ( [ <expr> ]? ; [ <expr> ]? ; [ <expr> ]? ) <mBody> | switch ( <expr> ) { [ case <expr>: <mBody> ]* [ default: <mBody> ]? } | <cstm>
fstm: if '(' <expr> ')' <fBody> [ else <fBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <fBody> | do <fBody> while ( <expr> ) | for ( [ <expr> ]? ; [ <expr> ]? ; [ <expr> ]? ) <fBody> | switch ( <expr> ) { [ case <expr>: <fBody> ]* [ default: <fBody> ]? } | return <expr> | <cstm>
cstm: break | continue | <expr>
mBody: { [ <mstm> [ ; <mstm> ]* ]? [;]? }
fBody: { [ <fstm> [ ; <fstm> ]* ; ]? return <expr> [;]? }
expr: [ [ '!' | '~' | '-' ]? <term> ] [ '?' <expr> ':' <expr> | [ <opRel> <term> ]* ]? | '(' <term> '/' <term> ')' '|' '0'
term: <int> | <builtin> | [ <strId> | <litArrId> ] '.length' | <funcId> '(' [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]? ')' | <constId> | [ <intId> | <parId> ] [ <rhs> ]? | <arrId> <idx> <rhs> | <bracketed>
bracketed: '(' [ [ 'form.text.value' | <strId> ] '.charCodeAt(' <expr> ')|0' | [ <arrId> | <litArrId> ] <idx> '|0' | <expr> [ ',' <expr> ]* ] ')'
cexpr: [ [ '!' | '~' | '-' ]? <cterm> ] [ '?' <cexpr> ':' <cexpr> | [ <opRel> <cterm> ]* ]? | '(' <cterm> '/' <cterm> ')' '|' '0'
cterm: <int> | [ <strId> | <litArrId> ] '.length' | <constId> | <cbracketed>
cbracketed: '(' [ <strId> '.charCodeAt(' <cexpr> ')|0' | <litArrId> <idx> '|0' | <cexpr> ] ')'
rhs: '++' | '--' | [ <op> ]? '=' <expr>
idx: '[' <expr> ']'
op: '+' | '-' | '*' | '%' | '^' | '|' | '&' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '||' | '&&'
opRel: <op> | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | '===' | '!=='
builtin: 'console.log(String.fromCharCode(' <expr> '))'
arrId = _
intId = [a-z]
parId = [A-Z]
constId = [A-Z][0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,9}[0-9]?
strId = _s[0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,10}[0-9]?
litArrId = _a[0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,10}[0-9]?
funcId = [a-z][0-9a-zA-Z_]{1,9}[0-9]?
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
int = [0-9]+


  • In expr and cexpr, only the same opRel operator can be repeated within the same group (i.e., without using parenthesis)
  • Whitespace and comments must be supported
  • Standard input must not be consumed multiple times or out of sequence
  • Variable declaration may not be enforced, but you must not access a variable before declaring and initializing it
  • Integer variables may already be initialized to zero, the array may already be allocated and zeroed
  • You must not assign any single constId, strId, litArrId and funcId identifier multiple times
  • You must not access a negative array index or read a value before initializing it, but both may return zero
  • You must not access parameters outside a function or those which you have not declared or given as argument
  • You must not invoke a function with a different number of arguments than the number of parameters in the function definition
  • Each function must be defined above the point of invocation
  • continue must not be used outside a loop
  • break must not be used outside a loop or a switch
  • You may assume that the interpreter stores the first few variables and the first few function parameters in CPU registers, so utilize them in lexicographical order
  • The function name may be capped to 10 letters and a digit (packed as base64 and BCD to fit 64 bits)


Level 5 fun expr array

program: <stms>
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> [else <stmBody>]? | while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | <expr>
stmBody: { <stms> } | <stm>
expr: <funExpr> | [ ! ]? term [<op> <term>]?
funExpr: function <id> ( <params> ) <funBody>
funBody: { <funStm> [; <funStm>]* [ ; return <expr> ]? }
funStm: var <id> | <stm>
params: [ <id> [, <id>]* ]?
term: <int> | <string> | new <id> | ( <expr> ) | <id> <idx> [ <iTerm> ]?
iTerm: = <expr> | ( <args> )
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]*
op: + | - | & | '|' | '<' | ==
args: [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]?
int = [1-9][0-9]*
string = '([^'\\]|\\.)*'
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 6

program: <stms> [;]?
stmBody: { <stms> [;]? }
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> [ else <stmBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | try <stmBody> catch ( <id> ) <stmBody> | var <id> | function <function> | <expr>
function: <id> ( [ <id> [, <id>]* ]? ) { <stms> [ ; return <expr> ]? [;]? }
expr: <term> [ <op> <term> ]?
term: undefined | null | <int> | <string> | new <id> | [ ! ]? <id> <idx> [ <iTerm> ]?
iTerm: '=' <expr> | ( [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]? )
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]*
op: + | - | '|' | & | '>>' | '<' | === | ==
int = -?[1-9][0-9]*
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 6 b

program: <stms> [;]?
stmBody: { <stms> [;]? }
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | function <function> | <expr>
function: <id> ( ) <stmBody>
expr: <iTerm> <eExpr> | <lTerm> <eExpr>
eExpr: [ <op> <term> ]?
term: <iTerm> | <lTerm>
lTerm: <int> | <string> | ! <id> <sTerm>
iTerm: new <id> | <id> <sTerm>
sTerm: <idx> [ <rhs> ]?
rhs: '=' <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? )
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]?
op: + | - | '<'
int = [1-9][0-9]*
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 6 c

program: <stms> [;]?
stmBody: { <stms> [;]? }
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | function <function> | return <expr> | <expr>
function: <id> ( ) <stmBody>
expr: <iTerm> <eExpr> | <lTerm> <eExpr>
eExpr: [ <op> <term> ]?
term: <iTerm> | <lTerm>
lTerm: <int> | <string> | ! <id> <sTerm>
iTerm: undefined | new <id> | <id> <sTerm>
sTerm: <idx> [ <rhs> ]?
rhs: '=' <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? )
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]?
op: + | - | '<' | '==='
int = [1-9][0-9]*
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 6 d

program: <stms> [;]?
stmBody: { <stms> [;]? }
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | function <id> ( [ <id> ]? ) <stmBody> | return <expr> | <expr>
expr: <term> [ <op> <term> ]?
op: + | - | '<' | '==='
term: <int> | <string> | undefined | new <cls> | [ '!' ]? <id> <idx> <rhs>
cls: Object
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]?
rhs: [ '=' <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? ) ]?
int = [1-9][0-9]*
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 6 e

program: <stms> [;]?
stmBody: { <stms> [;]? }
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | var <id> | function <id> ( [ <id> ]? ) <stmBody> | return <expr> | try <stmBody> catch ( <id> ) <stmBody> | throw <expr> | <expr>
expr: <term> [ <op> <term> ]?
op: + | - | '<' | '==='
term: <int> | <string> | undefined | new <cls> | [ '!' ]? <id> <idx> <rhs>
cls: Object
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]?
rhs: [ '=' <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? ) ]?
int = [1-9][0-9]*
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 6 f

program: <stms>
stmBody: { <stms> }
stms: [ [ <stmu> ; | <stmb> [;]? ]* [ <stmu> | <stmb> ] [;]? ]*
stmu: var <id> | return <expr> | throw <expr> | <expr>
stmb: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> [ else <stmBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | function <id> ( [ <id> ]? ) <stmBody> | try <stmBody> catch ( <id> ) <stmBody>
expr: <term> [ <op> <term> ]?
op: + | - | '|' | & | '>>' | '<' | === | ==
term: <int> | <string> | undefined | null | new <cls> | [ '!' ]? <id> <idx> <rhs>
cls: Object | Array
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]?
rhs: [ '=' <expr> | ( [ <expr> ]? ) ]?
int = -?[1-9][0-9]*
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 7

program: <stms> [;]?
stmBody: { <stms> [;]? }
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> [ else <stmBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | var <id> | function <function> | return <expr> | try <stmBody> catch ( <id> ) <stmBody> | throw <expr> | <expr>
function: <id> ( [ <id> [, <id>]* ]? ) <stmBody>
expr: <iTerm> <eExpr> | <lTerm> <eExpr>
eExpr: [ <op> <term> ]?
term: <iTerm> | <lTerm>
lTerm: <int> | <string> | ! <id> <sTerm>
iTerm: undefined | null | new <id> | <id> <sTerm>
sTerm: <idx> [ <rhs> ]?
rhs: '=' <expr> | ( [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]? )
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]?
op: + | - | '|' | & | '>>' | '<' | === | ==
int = -?[1-9][0-9]*
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 7 b

program: <stms> [;]?
stmBody: <stmBrace> | <stm>
stmBrace: { <stms> [;]? }
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> [ else <stmBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | var <id> [ '=' <expr> ]? | function <id> <function> | return <expr> | try <stmBrace> catch ( <id> ) <stmBrace> | throw <expr> | <expr>
expr: function <function> | <iTerm> <eExpr> | <lTerm> <eExpr>
function: ( [ <id> [, <id>]* ]? ) <stmBrace>
eExpr: [ <op> <term> ]?
term: <iTerm> | <lTerm>
lTerm: <int> | <string> | ! <term> | ~ <term> | '(' <expr> ')'
iTerm: undefined | null | new Object | new Array | <id> <sTerm>
sTerm: <idx> [ <rhs> ]?
rhs: '=' <expr> | ( [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]? )
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]?
op: + | - | '*' | / | % | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | ^ | '|' | '&' | '<<' | '>>' | '||' | '&&' | === | !==
int = -?[1-9][0-9]*
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 7 c

program: <stms> [;]?
stmBody: <stmBrace> | <stm>
stmBrace: { <stms> [;]? }
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* ]?
stm: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> [ else <stmBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | for ( <id> in <expr> ) <stmBody> | var <id> [ '=' <expr> ]? | function <id> <function> | return <expr> | try <stmBrace> catch ( <id> ) <stmBrace> | throw <expr> | <expr>
expr: function <function> | <iTerm> <eExpr> | <lTerm> <eExpr>
function: ( [ <id> [, <id>]* ]? ) <stmBrace>
eExpr: [ <op> <term> ]*
term: <iTerm> | <lTerm>
lTerm: <int> | <string> | [ ! | ~ | - ] <term> | '(' <expr> ')' [ <args> ]?
iTerm: undefined | null | NaN | new Object | new Array | new Date | typeof <expr> | <id> <sTerm>
sTerm: <idx> [ <rhs> ]?
rhs: '=' <expr> | <args>
args: '(' [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]? ')'
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]*
op: + | - | '*' | / | % | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | ^ | '|' | '&' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '||' | '&&' | === | !==
int = -?[1-9][0-9]*
string = '[^'\\]*'|"[^"\\]*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*


  • In eExpr, only the same operator can be repeated within the same group (i.e., without using parenthesis)

Level 8

program: <stms>
stms: [ <stm> [; <stm>]* [;]? ]?
stmBody: <stmBrace> | <stm>
stmBrace: { <stms> }
stm: if ( <expr> ) <stmBody> [ else <stmBody> ]? | while ( <expr> ) <stmBody> | do <stmBody> while ( <expr> ) | delete <id> <idx> | <goto> | <expr>
goto: try <stmBrace> catch ( <id> ) <stmBrace> | throw <expr> | return <expr> | break | continue | switch ( <expr> ) { [ case <lit>: <stms> ]* [ default: <stms> ]? }
expr: <funExpr> | <uTerm> [ '?' <expr> : <expr> | <op> <uTerm> ]?
funExpr: function [ <id> ]? ( [ <id> [, <id>]* ]? ) { <funStm> [; <funStm>]* [;]? }
funStm: var <varInit> [, <varInit> ]* | <stm>
varInit: <id> [ '=' <expr> ]?
uTerm: [ ! | ~ | - ]? <term>
term: <lit> | new <id> [ <args> ]? | typeof <id> <idx> | ( <expr> ) [ <args> ]? | <id> <idx> [ <iTerm> ]?
lit: undefined | null | <num> | <string>
iTerm: '=' <expr> | <args> | instanceof <id>
idx: [ '[' <expr> ']' | . <id> ]*
op: + | - | '*' | / | % | '<' | '>' | '<=' | '>=' | ^ | '|' | '&' | '<<' | '>>' | '>>>' | '||' | '&&' | === | !== | == | !=
args: ( [ <expr> [, <expr>]* ]? )
num: <double> | <int>
double = -?[1-9][0-9]*\.[0-9]+ | NaN
int = (-?[1-9][0-9]*|0x[0-9a-fA-F]+)
string = '([^'\\]|\\n|\\t|\\.)*'|"([^"\\]|\\n|\\t|\\.)*"
id = [a-zA-Z_][a-zA-Z_0-9]*

Level 9 a

  • comments
  • instance method: .length, charCodeAt
  • static methods: String.fromCharCode
  • new Array
  • new Object

Level 9 b

  • []
  • {}
  • associative operators with precedence
  • ?? null coalescing
  • .?
  • defining general properties, accessors
  • .prototype inheritance