2.0.6 (2024-05-15)
- Support for ATEM 1 M/E Constellation 4K and 2 M/E Constellation 4K switchers.
3.0.1 (2024-01-09)
- upgrade scripts (a0084dc)
2.0.4 (2024-01-09)
- Fix bug where USK Border Hue Set slider would not appear.
- Support for ATEM Television Studio 4K8 and 4 M/E Constellation 4K switchers.
2.0.3 (2023-07-15)
- upgrade scripts (a0084dc)
2.0.2 (2023-06-14)
- Fix bug where selected SuperSource Box feedback would not work.
2.0.1 (2023-04-10)
- Compatibility with Companion 3.0.
2.0.0 (2023-03-20)
- Compatibility with Companion 3.0.
- Support for ATEM Television Studio HD8 and HD8 ISO switchers.
- HTTP feedback server support
- Removed OSC feedback support
- Variables
1.2.0 (2023-03-20)
- Selected ME preview and program variable + feedback (989a61a)
1.1.6 (2022-02-13)
- Revert "bulk replace system.emit calls" (370dbfe)
1.1.3 (2021-12-09)
1.1.1 (2021-11-11)
- variables: correct default value keys for mp, me, box and ssrc (01956e3)
1.1.0 (2021-11-08)
- 'Transition: Wipe Symmetry Set' action missing (aa1a387)
- add color generators to key/fill sources in transition actions (192b003)
- config: detect missing configuration (eb0a75d)
- correct 'Toggle' misspelled in mode dropdowns (739eb04)
- macro-actions: corrected mode option in 'Macro: Loop' action (cc9b058)
- multiviewer: correct filename (e942a64)
- multiviewer: correct typo (b7319f1)
- multiviewer: remove old file (198f9a8)
- multiview: fix typo on advanced layout 4 (6094847)
- pattern option now displays dropdown (01bb853)
- presets: fix 'App: Switcher Section' presets (3f69e2e)
- presets: update category names (711945b)
- presets: update MixEffect App presets to match action changes (7018097)
- presets: update SuperSource: Highlight presets (9dd5d13)
- preset: update labels on VFA presets (34be5f1)
- preset: update Transitions presets (a7891fd)
- remove color generators from key source lists (5cc43dd)
- remove mode from 'DSK: Mask action', not longer used (86925b7)
- supersource: add missing 'Selected Box' option to all 'Box' dropdowns (553c84e)
- supersource: add missing 'SuperSource: Select' action (0d879d1)
- supersource: fix 'SuperSource: Swap Boxes' action OSC path (f105346)
- switchers: change number of aux buses for Constellation 8K to 24 (7b78f1a)
- transition: add 'Selected Key' to Key option dropdown (5a42175)
- transition: enable 'Transition: Next' to use the selected USK (f805483)
- usk: add missing 'USK: Selecte' action (98c056b)
- usk: add missing pattern in 'USK: Pattern Style' action (4b490e6)
- usk: correct missing 'USK: Chroma Advanced Red Set' action (ec4e86b)
- usk: fix missing 'USK: Pattern Size Set' action (77bf76b)
- actions: show 'Selected ...' option when only one option is available (12c9404)
- add actions/feedbacks/variables/presets for MixEffect 1.2.x (c20799b)
- add select color generator variable/action/feedback (db8f056)
- add selected aux variable/action/feedback (6226a41)
- multiviewer: add select multi viewer variable/action/feedback (3b3eca5)
- presets: add multi viewer presets (b51debf)
- supersource: add 'SuperSource: Box Select' action (117fbe7)
1.1.0-beta.11 (2021-11-07)
- multiviewer: correct typo (b7319f1)
- presets: fix 'App: Switcher Section' presets (3f69e2e)
- presets: update category names (711945b)
- presets: update MixEffect App presets to match action changes (7018097)
- presets: update SuperSource: Highlight presets (9dd5d13)
- preset: update labels on VFA presets (34be5f1)
- preset: update Transitions presets (a7891fd)
- presets: add multi viewer presets (b51debf)
1.1.0-beta.10 (2021-11-07)
- multiviewer: remove old file (198f9a8)
1.1.0-beta.9 (2021-11-06)
1.1.0-beta.8 (2021-11-06)
- multiview: fix typo on advanced layout 4 (6094847)
- supersource: fix 'SuperSource: Swap Boxes' action OSC path (f105346)
- switchers: change number of aux buses for Constellation 8K to 24 (7b78f1a)
- transition: enable 'Transition: Next' to use the selected USK (f805483)
- multiviewer: add select multi viewer variable/action/feedback (3b3eca5)
1.1.0-beta.7 (2021-11-04)
- supersource: add missing 'Selected Box' option to all 'Box' dropdowns (553c84e)
- supersource: add missing 'SuperSource: Select' action (0d879d1)
- usk: add missing pattern in 'USK: Pattern Style' action (4b490e6)
- usk: correct missing 'USK: Chroma Advanced Red Set' action (ec4e86b)
- usk: fix missing 'USK: Pattern Size Set' action (77bf76b)
- supersource: add 'SuperSource: Box Select' action (117fbe7)