When submitting jobs we will prepend the jobname with the project name
HPC::Runner::Command - Create composable bioinformatics hpc analyses.
To create a new project
hpcrunner.pl new MyNewProject
To submit jobs to a cluster
hpcrunner.pl submit_jobs --infile my_submission.sh
To run jobs on an interactive queue or workstation
hpcrunner.pl single_node --infile my_submission.sh
HPC::Runner::Command is a set of libraries for scaffolding data analysis projects, submitting and executing jobs on an HPC cluster or workstation, and obsessively logging results.
Get help by heading on over to github and raising an issue. [GitHub ](https://metacpan.org/pod/ https:#github.com-biosails-HPC-Runner-Command-issues).
Please see the complete documentation at [HPC::Runner::Command GitBooks ](https://metacpan.org/pod/ https:#biosails.gitbooks.io-hpc-runner-command-docs-content).
You can create a new project, with a sane directory structure by using
hpcrunner.pl new MyNewProject
Our simplest example is a single job type with no dependencies - each task is independent of all other tasks.
echo "preprocess" && sleep 10;
echo "preprocess" && sleep 10;
echo "preprocess" && sleep 10;
hpcrunner.pl submit_jobs --infile preprocess.sh
tree hpc-runner
hpcrunner.pl stats -h
hpcrunner.pl stats
Most of the time we have jobs that depend upon other jobs.
#HPC jobname=unzip
unzip Sample1.zip
unzip Sample2.zip
unzip Sample3.zip
#HPC jobname=blastx
#HPC deps=unzip
blastx --db env_nr --sample Sample1.fasta
blastx --db env_nr --sample Sample2.fasta
blastx --db env_nr --sample Sample3.fasta
hpcrunner.pl submit_jobs --infile preprocess.sh
tree hpc-runner
Within a job type we can declare dependencies on particular tasks.
#HPC jobname=unzip
#TASK tags=Sample1
unzip Sample1.zip
#TASK tags=Sample2
unzip Sample2.zip
#TASK tags=Sample3
unzip Sample3.zip
#HPC jobname=blastx
#HPC deps=unzip
#TASK tags=Sample1
blastx --db env_nr --sample Sample1.fasta
#TASK tags=Sample2
blastx --db env_nr --sample Sample2.fasta
#TASK tags=Sample3
blastx --db env_nr --sample Sample3.fasta
hpcrunner.pl submit_jobs --infile preprocess.sh
tree hpc-runner
hpcrunner.pl stats -h
hpcrunner.pl stats
Each scheduler has its own set of variables. HPC::Runner::Command has a set of generalized variables for declaring types across templates. For more information please see Job Scheduler Comparison
Additionally, for workflows with a large number of tasks, please see Considerations for Workflows with a Large Number of Tasks for information on how to group tasks together.
#HPC jobname=unzip
#HPC cpus_per_task=1
#HPC partition=serial
#HPC commands_per_node=1
#HPC mem=4GB
#TASK tags=Sample1
unzip Sample1.zip
#TASK tags=Sample2
unzip Sample2.zip
#TASK tags=Sample3
unzip Sample3.zip
#HPC jobname=blastx
#HPC cpus_per_task=6
#HPC deps=unzip
#TASK tags=Sample1
blastx --threads 6 --db env_nr --sample Sample1.fasta
#TASK tags=Sample2
blastx --threads 6 --db env_nr --sample Sample2.fasta
#TASK tags=Sample3
blastx --threads 6 --db env_nr --sample Sample3.fasta
hpcrunner.pl submit_jobs --infile preprocess.sh
tree hpc-runner
hpcrunner.pl stats -h
hpcrunner.pl stats
Jillian Rowe jillian.e.rowe@gmail.com
This software was previously released under HPC::Runner. HPC::Runner::Command is a complete rewrite of the existing library. While it is meant to have much of the same functionality, it is not backwords compatible.
As of Version 2.41:
This modules continuing development is supported by NYU Abu Dhabi in the Center for Genomics and Systems Biology. With approval from NYUAD, this information was generalized and put on github, for which the authors would like to express their gratitude.
Before Version 2.41
This module was originally developed at and for Weill Cornell Medical College in Qatar within ITS Advanced Computing Team. With approval from WCMC-Q, this information was generalized and put on github, for which the authors would like to express their gratitude.
Copyright 2016- Jillian Rowe
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the same terms as Perl itself.