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File metadata and controls

359 lines (281 loc) · 11.2 KB

Beginner Walkthrough

Bionode-watermill can be used to create complex bioinformatics pipelines, but at its core are simple ideas. The first of these is the idea of a task.


A task describes the idea that some input will be transformed into some output. First, we will consider input and output to both be a file. Before jumping into JavaScript, let's see what our first task is!

Our first simple pipeline will convert a file with lowercase characters into one with upper case characters. On your UNIX command line (on Windows, see or Docker):

# setting up "raw data"
echo abcdefghijklmnopqrstuvqxyz > alphabet.lowercase
# double check its there!
cat alphabet.lowercase

# pipeline
cat alphabet.lowercase | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' > alphabet.uppercase
# see the results!
cat alphabet.uppercase

Okay, so how to do the same thing with bionode-watermill? We can create a task for it. A task is created by passing watermill.task two parameters

  • object describing input, output, params, name ("props")
  • the "operation creator", a function which will receive "props"

For now, let's forget about props and just translate the simple pipeline above into a task:

// pipeline.js

// Make sure to "npm install bionode-watermill" first
const { task } = require('bionode-watermill')

const uppercaser = task({
  input: '*.lowercase',
  output: '*.uppercase',
  name: 'Uppercase *.lowercase -> *.uppercase'
}, function(props) {
  const input = props.input
  const output = input.replace(/lowercase$/, 'uppercase')

  return `cat ${input} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' > ${output}`

  .then(() => console.log('Task finished!'))
  .catch(err => console.error(err))

Then run it:

node pipeline.js

What's going on here? Behind the scenes bionode-watermill will start looking for files matching the glob pattern *.lowercase. The file you created earlier will be found, and its absolute path will be stored. Then a unique folder to run the task is created within the data folder - this prevents us from worrying about file overwriting in larger pipelines. Within the folder for the instance of this task, a symlink to the *.lowercase file is created. Finally, props, which holds the absolute path of *.lowercase inside input (the same as it was for "props", just now the glob pattern is a valid file path) is passed to our "operation creator". The operation creator returns a String (using ES6 template literals). When watermill finds a string returned from a task, it will run it as a shell child process within that task instance's folder.

The log output will have each line prefixed with a hash: this is the ID of the instance of that task, and is the name of the folder in data which was made for this task, look inside there and you will find the *.uppercase file.

There are two ways we can improve the readability of our task:

  • assignment destructuring
const resolvedProps = { input: '/some/path/to/file.txt' }

// Without assignment destructuring
const input = obj.input
// With assignment destructuring
const { input } = obj
  • "fat arrow" functions
// Without =>
function operationCreator(props) {
    return '...'
}.bind(this) // => will automatically ".bind(this)" (so that this is the same inside and outside the function)
// With =>, can return object directly instead of having a function body
const operationCreator = (props) => '...'

With those syntax features, our task looks will look like this:

const uppercaser = task({
  input: '*.lowercase',
  output: '*.uppercase',
  name: 'Uppercase *.lowercase -> *.uppercase'
}, ({ input }) =>
    `cat ${input} | tr '[:lower:]' '[:upper:]' > ${input.replace(/lowercase$/, 'uppercase')}`

Sometimes it is more appropriate to use regular functions, or not to use assignment destructuring, depending on the task. For example, not using => so we can declare output within a function body. I explain these two language features because further examples may use them.

How about using Node streams to perform the uppercase transformation? If the operation creator returns a stream, watermill will understand that. Then we can replace our child processes with a transform stream using the module through2 as a helper to create a transform stream. The task looks like this:

const fs = require('fs')

const { task } = require('bionode-watermill')
const through = require('through2')

const uppercaser = watermill.task({
  input: '*.lowercase',
  output: '*.uppercase',
  name: 'Uppercase *.lowercase -> *.uppercase with Node transform stream'
}, ({ input }) =>
    .pipe(through(function(chunk, enc, next) {
      // don't use => because we want `this` to come from stream
      // tell through we are ready for next chunk, pass no error
    .pipe(fs.createWriteStream(input.replace(/lowercase$/, 'uppercase')))


  1. Write a task that downloads SRA for a given species using bionode-ncbi. HINT: you can use CLI or Node module; watermill needs to be given a flowing stream in the operation creator in order to watch it finish


The next core idea of bionode-watermill is that of orchestrators. Orchestrators are ways to combine tasks.


The simplest of the operators is join. join takes any number of tasks as parameters, and will run each of the tasks sequentially. Where the first task will check the current working folder for files that match input, within a join lineage, downstream tasks will attempt to match their input to an upstream task's output.

A simple join pipeline is a download + extract one. For this we can download some reads from the NCBI Sequence Read Archive (SRA) and extract them with fastq-dump from sratools.

// Define getSamples as a higher order task so we can create different ones
// for different accessions
const getSamples = (accession) => task({
  params: {
    db: 'sra',
    accession: accession
  output: '**/*.sra',
  dir: process.cwd(), // Set dir to resolve input/output from
  name: `Download SRA ${config.sraAccession}`
}, ({ params }) =>, params.accession).resume() )

const fastqDump = task({
  input: '**/*.sra',
  output: [1, 2].map(n => `*_${n}.fastq.gz`),
  name: 'fastq-dump **/*.sra'
}, ({ input }) => `fastq-dump --split-files --skip-technical --gzip ${input}` )

const pipeline = join(getSamples('2492428'), fastqDump)



The next operator you might use is junction. Junction lets you run a set of tasks in parallel. If junction is used within a join, the downstream tasks will have access to the outputs of each of the parallelized items from junction.

We can use junction to run our pipeline above over multiple samples and make a manifest file with all .fna.gz files that were downloaded:

// task to create manifest file with all .fna.gz files downloaded
const listFiles = task({
  input: '*.fna.gz',    // this is used to symlink files to this task directory
  output: '*.txt',
}, ({ input}) => `ls *.fna.gz > listFiles.txt`

const pipeline = join(
    join(getSamples('2492428'), fastqDump),
    join(getSamples('1274026'), fastqDump)

For more details on multiple inputs check this link.


The last operator is fork. Fork lets you replace one task in your pipeline with more than one, and have the downstream tasks duplicated for each task you pass into fork. This is useful for comparing tools, options within a tool or even perform a couple of repetitive tasks for many samples from a given pipeline.

For example, we can run use fork to fetch many samples using getSamples and extract each one fastqDump and then uncompressed them all using out new gunzipIt task:

const gunzipIt = task({
  input: '*.fna.gz',
  output: '*.fa',
}, ({ input}) => `gunzip -c ${input} > ${input.split('.')[0]}.fa`

const pipeline = join(
    join(getSamples('2492428'), fastqDump),
    join(getSamples('1274026'), fastqDump)

What's important to note is that we only define one gunzipIt task, yet it is ran on each task in the fork. Also, gunzipIt will start running once each task within the fork gets finished and thus it does not have to wait for all tasks within fork to finish.

Pipeline execution

Once you have defined your tasks and their orchestration make sure you call at the end of each pipeline.js:

pipeline() // makes the assembled pipeline executed

and then on your terminal:

node pipeline.js

You can also use google chrome inspector if you want to debug something:

node --inspect pipeline.js

[Only recommended for more advanced users]

You may even go further by using an environmental variable REDUX_LOGGER=1, which basically lets you log more information (redux actions and states) on the workflow within each bionode-watermill task:

REDUX_LOGGER=1 node --inspect pipeline.js


You've seen that bionode-watermill can be used to defined tasks that resolve their input and output. These tasks can be child processes (i.e. a program on the command line) or just regular JavaScript functions. As well, a brief introduction to the operators join, junction, and fork was made.

These are all the tools necessary to make a bioinformatics pipeline!

Check out our tutorial if you want to get a feel on how it looks like and start assembling your own pipelines.

Here are some example pipelines

Variant calling pipeline:

const pipeline = join(
    join(getReference, bwaIndex),
    join(getSamples, fastqDump)
  trim, mergeTrimEnds,
  decompressReference, // only b/c mpileup did not like fna.gz
    fork(filterKMC, filterKHMER),
    alignAndSort, samtoolsIndex, mpileupAndCall // 2 instances each of these

Mapping with bowtie2 and bwa

const pipeline = join(
  samtoolsFaidx, gunzipIt, /* since this will be common to both mappers, there
   is no
   need to be executed after fork duplicating the effort. */
    join(indexReferenceBwa, bwaMapper),
    join(indexReferenceBowtie2, bowtieMapper)
  /* here the pipeline will break into two distinct branches, one for each
   mapping approach used. */
  samtoolsView, samtoolsSort, samtoolsIndex, samtoolsDepth

Now go out there and make something cool!

If you would like to help out, see the issues. There is much to be done, and anything and everything is appreciated.