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RNA Sequencing (RNA-seq) Quality Control Pipeline (Directional)

Author: Li Zhihui; Qingwang Chen;


Last Updates: 2021/11/15


  • choppy
  • Ali-Cloud
  • Linux
# 激活choppy环境
$ source activate choppy (open-choppy-env)

# 第一次安装
$ choppy install chenqingwang/RNAseq-qc-directional
# 非第一次安装
$ choppy install chenqingwang/RNAseq-qc-directional -f 

# 查询已安装APP
$ choppy apps

Quick Start

# 准备 samples.csv 文件
$ choppy samples chenqingwang/RNAseq-qc-directional-latest > samples.csv
# 准备无默认参数的samples.csv 文件
$ choppy samples --no-default chenqingwang/RNAseq-qc-directional-latest> samples.csv

# 提交任务
$ choppy batch chenqingwang/RNAseq-qc-directional-latest samples.csv -p Your_project_name -l Your_label

# 查询任务运行状况
$ choppy query -L Your_label | grep "status"

# 查询失败任务
$ choppy search -s Failed -p Your_project_name -u chenqingwang --short-format

# 结果文件地址
$ oss://choppy-cromwell-result/test-choppy/Your_project_name/


​ 本APP可用于链特异性RNAseq文库测序(Directional RNA Sequencing,dRNA-Seq)数据的上游分析。该流程包括质量评估和上游分析两部分,其中质量评估包括原始数据及比对数据质控和基因表达数据质控,上游分析可实现从fastq文件到fpkm表达谱和count文件,用于RNAseq下游分析。




Fastqc v0.11.5


fastqc -t <threads> -o <output_directory> <fastq_file>

Fastq Screen是检测测序原始数据中是否引⼊入其他物种,或是接头引物等污染,⽐比如,如果测序样本 是⼈人类,我们期望99%以上的reads匹配到⼈人类基因组,10%左右的reads匹配到与⼈人类基因组同源性 较⾼高的⼩小⿏鼠上。如果有过多的reads匹配到Ecoli或者Yeast,要考虑是否在培养细胞的时候细胞系被污染,或者建库时⽂文库被污染。

fastq_screen --aligner <aligner> --conf <config_file> --top <number_of_reads> --threads <threads> <fastq_file>

--conf conifg 文件主要输入了多个物种的fasta文件地址,可根据自己自己的需求下载其他物种的fasta文件加入分析


Qualimap 2.0.0


qualimap bamqc -bam <bam_file> -outformat PDF:HTML -nt <threads> -outdir <output_directory> --java-mem-size=32G 
qualimap rnaseq -bam ${bam} -outformat HTML -outdir ${bamname}_RNAseq -gtf ${gtf} -pe --java-mem-size=10G




  • Number of detected genes
  • Detection Jaccard index (JI)
  • Coefficient of variation (CV)
  • Correlation of technical replicates (CTR)
  • Sensitivity of detection
  • Specificity of detection
  • Consistency ratio of relative expression
  • Correlation of relative log2FC
  • Sensitivity of DEGs
  • Specificity of DEGs
  • Signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR) )


#read1	#read2	#sample_id	#adapter_sequence	#adapter_sequence_r2



参数名 参数解释 默认值
fastp_docker fastp软件版本信息
fastp_cluster fastp软件使用服务器 OnDemand bcs.b2.3xlarge img-ubuntu-vpc
trim_front1 修剪read1前面多少个碱基 0
trim_tail1 修剪read1尾部有多少个碱基 0
max_len1 修剪read1的尾部使其与max_len1一样长 0
trim_front2 修剪read2前面多少个碱基 0
trim_tail2 修整read2尾部多少个碱基 0
max_len2 修剪read2的尾部,使其与max_len2一样长 0
disable_adapter_trimming 是否进行接头过滤(非0则不过滤) 0
length_required 接头过滤参数:短于length_required的读取将被丢弃 50
length_required1 接头过滤参数: 默认值20表示phred quality> = Q20是合格的 20
UMI 是否使用UMI接头(非0则使用) 0
umi_len UMI接头参数: 0
umi_loc UMI接头参数:接头位置 umi_loc
disable_quality_filtering 是否进行碱基质量过滤(非0则过滤) 1
qualified_quality_phred 碱基质量过滤参数:允许不合格的百分比 20
参数名 参数解释 默认值
hisat2_docker hisat2软件版本信息
hisat2_cluster hisat2软件使用服务器 OnDemand
idx_prefix 比对文件类型 genome_snp_tran
idx 比对文件地址 oss://pgx-reference-data/reference/hisat2/grch38_snp_tran/
fasta 比对文件名称 GRCh38.d1.vd1.fa
pen_cansplice 为每对规范的剪接位点(例如GT / AG)设置惩罚 0
pen_noncansplice 设置每对非规范剪接位点(例如非GT / AG)的惩罚 3
pen_intronlen 设置长内含子的罚分,因此与较短的内含子相比,较短的内含子优先 G,-8,1
min_intronlen 设置最小内含子长度 30
max_intronlen 设置最大内含子长度 500000
maxins 有效的配对末端比对的最大片段长度 500
minins 有效的配对末端比对的最小片段长度 0


参数名 参数解释 默认值
samtools_docker samtools软件版本信息
samtools_cluster samtools软件使用服务器 OnDemand bcs.a2.large img-ubuntu-vpc,
insert_size 最大插入读长 8000


参数名 参数解释 默认值
stringtie_docker stringtie软件版本信息
stringtie_cluster stringtie软件使用服务器 OnDemand bcs.a2.large img-ubuntu-vpc,
gtf 组装gtf文件地址 oss://pgx-reference-data/reference/annotation/Homo_sapiens.GRCh38.93.gtf
minimum_length_allowed_for_the_predicted_transcripts 设置预测成绩单所允许的最小长度 200
minimum_isoform_abundance 将预测的转录本的最小同工型丰度设置为在给定基因座处组装的最丰富的转录本的一部分 0.01
Junctions_no_spliced_reads 没有拼接的接头在两端至少与该数量的碱基对齐,这些接头被过滤掉 10
maximum_fraction_of_muliplelocationmapped_reads 设置允许在给定基因座处存在的多核苷酸位置映射的读数的最大分数 0.95
参数名 参数解释 默认值
fastqc_cluster_config fastqc软件使用服务器 OnDemand bcs.b2.3xlarge img-ubuntu-vpc
fastqc_docker fastqc软件版本信息
fastqc_disk_size fastqc文件盘大小 150
参数名 参数解释 默认值
qualimapBAMqc_docker qualimapBAMqc软件版本信息
qualimapBAMqc_cluster_config qualimapBAMqc软件使用服务器 OnDemand bcs.a2.7xlarge img-ubuntu-vpc
qualimapBAMqc_disk_size qualimapBAMqc软件版本信息 500
qualimapRNAseq_docker qualimapRNAseq软件版本信息
qualimapRNAseq_cluster_config qualimapRNAseq软件使用服务器 OnDemand bcs.a2.7xlarge img-ubuntu-vpc
qualimapRNAseq_disk_size qualimapRNAseq软件版本信息 500
参数名 参数解释 默认值
fastqscreen_docker fastqscreen软件版本信息
fastqscreen_cluster_config fastqscreen软件使用服务器 OnDemand bcs.b2.3xlarge img-ubuntu-vpc
screen_ref_dir fastqscreen软件序列地址 oss://pgx-reference-data/fastq_screen_reference/
fastq_screen_conf fastqscreen软件序列索引地址 oss://pgx-reference-data/fastq_screen_reference/fastq_screen.conf
fastqscreen_disk_size fastqscreen文件盘大小 200
ref_dir fastqscreen序列索引地址 oss://chinese-quartet/quartet-storage-data/reference_data/
参数名 参数解释 默认值
multiqc_cluster_config multiqc软件版本信息 OnDemand bcs.b2.3xlarge img-ubuntu-vpc
multiqc_docker multiqc软件使用服务器
multiqc_disk_size multiqc文件盘大小 100


1. results_upstream_total.csv

library date sample replicate Total.Sequences GC_beforemapping total_deduplicated_percentage Human.percentage ERCC.percentage EColi.percentage Adapter.percentage Vector.percentage rRNA.percentage Virus.percentage Yeast.percentage Mitoch.percentage Phix.percentage No.hits.percentage percentage_aligned_beforemapping error_rate bias_53 GC_aftermapping percent_duplicates sequence_length median_insert_size mean_coverage ins_size_median ins_size_peak exonic intronic intergenic
D5_1 20200724 D5 1 48872858 52 45.2953551 94.79 0 0 0.01 0.15 17.01 1.23 4.54 0.61 0 0.9 98.6435612 0.01 1.01 58.0426004 54.7046449 150 263 15.8021 258 192 52.05 41.37 6.58




质控参数 软件 定义 参考值
Total.Sequences Fastqc 总读段数量 > 10 M
GC_beforemapping Fastqc 比对前GC含量 40% - 60%
total_deduplicated_percentage Fastqc 重复序列比例
Human.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到人基因组读段比例 > 90 %
ERCC.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到ERCC基因组读段比例 < 5%
EColi.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到大肠杆菌基因组读段比例 < 5%
Adapter.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到接头读段比例 < 5%
Vector.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到载体读段比例 < 5%
rRNA.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到接头读段比例 < 10%
Virus.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到rRNA读段比例 < 5%
Yeast.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到真菌读段比例 < 5%
Mitoch.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到线粒体读段比例 < 5%
Phix.percentage FastQ Screen 比对到Phix读段比例 < 5%
No.hits.percentage FastQ Screen 未比对到已知物种读段比例 < 5%
percentage_aligned_beforemapping Qualimap 比对率 > 90%
error_rate Qualimap 错误率 < 5%
bias_53 Qualimap 5-3偏好性
GC_aftermapping Qualimap 比对后GC含量 40% - 60%
percent_duplicates Qualimap 读段比对后重复比例
sequence_length Qualimap 读段长度 ~150
median_insert_size Qualimap 插入读段长度 200 - 300
mean_coverage Qualimap 覆盖率
ins_size_median Qualimap 插入读段长度中位数 200 - 300
ins_size_peak Qualimap 插入读段长度众数 200 - 300
exonic Qualimap 比对到外显子的碱基比例 40% - 60%
intronic Qualimap 比对到内含子的碱基比例 40% - 60%
intergenic Qualimap 比对到内基因间区的碱基比例 < 10%


Quality metrics Category Description Reference value
Number of detected genes One group This metric is used to estimate the detection abundance of one sample. (**, 58,395]
Detection Jaccard index (JI) One group Detection JI is the ratio of number of the genes detected in both replicates than the number of the genes detected in either of the replicates. This metric is used to estimate the repeatability of one sample detected gene from different replicates. [0.8, 1]
Coefficient of variation (CV) One group CV is calculated based on the normalized expression levels in all 3 replicates of one sample for each genes. This metric is used to estimate the repeatability of one sample expression level from different replicates. [0, 0.2]
Correlation of technical replicates (CTR) One group CTR is calculated based on the correlation of one sample expression level from different replicates. [0.95, 1]
Signal-to-noise Ratio (SNR) More groups Signal is defined as the average distance between libraries from the different samples on PCA plots and noise are those form the same samples. SNR is used to assess the ability to distinguish technical replicates from different biological samples. [5, inf)
Sensitivity of detection One group Sensitivity is the proportion of "true" detected genes from reference dataset which can be correctly detected by the test set. [0.96, 1]
Specificity of detection One group Specificity is the proportion of "true" non-detected genes from reference dataset which can be correctly not detected by the test set. [0.94, 1]
Consistency ratio of relative expression Two groups Proportion of genes that falls into reference range (mean ± 2 fold SD) in relative ratio (log2FC). [0.82, 1]
Correlation of relative log2FC Two groups Pearson correlation between mean value of reference relative ratio and test site. [0.96,1]
Sensitivity of DEGs Two groups Sensitivity is the proportion of "true" DEGs from reference dataset which can be correctly identified as DEG by the test set. [0.80, 1]
Specificity of DEGs Two groups Specificity is the proportion of "true" not DEGs from reference dataset which can be can be correctly identified as non-DEG by the test set. [0.95, 1]