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Quantum Barcoding : Ultra-High Throughput Single Cell Analysis of Proteins and RNAs by Split-pool Synthesis

Quantum Barcoding (QBC) is a method enabling simultaneous, ultra-high throughput single-cell-barcoding, of millions of cells for targeted single cell analysis of proteins and RNAs. This method circumvents the need to isolate single cells by building cell-specific oligo barcodes dynamically within each cell. Cell-specific codes are added to each tagged molecule within cells.

This analysis workflow reads in paired-end fastq files of a sequenced library built using of QBC_v1.0 barcodes, generates a merged fasta file using FLASH and seqtk, processes it through QBC-parse_v1.0 , filters and normalizes to generate a final output in FCS 4.0 standard Flow Cytometry format.

QBC-parse_v1.0 - Deduplication based on unique molecular identifiers (UMI) – were performed using the QBC-parse_v1.0 which allows alignment of sequences with one mismatch.

The QBC algorithm sequentially: a) detects barcode via alignments, b) corrects barcode by efficiently comparing barcodes to a whitelist, c) deduplicates based on UMI, d) evaluates reads for chimera filtering (check for evidence of PCR-based cross-over), e) filters reads for underrepresented/artificially created cells and f)transforms sequences into table of cells and markers.

The data is further normalized as follows: expression values Ei,j for marker i in cell j were calculated by dividing unique read counts for marker i by the sum of the marker counts in cell j, to normalize for differences in coverage. The output is a corrected expression matrix which is then used as input for fcs conversion.

For more information contact us at



This is a driver bash script to process the fasta files generated by QBC assay. The output of the script is an fcs file which can be uploaded to standard flow-cytometry analysis software for further analysis.

Platform Requirement:


Initial Setup:


git clone
cd QBC_Single_Cell_Analysis_NGS
cd apps/parser/
bash #This command builds the parser.
cd ../../

Now using your favorite editor update the custom_job.txt file with the location of read1 and read2 fastq files, qdata folder and output folder.

Parameter Explanation
read1 Folder location for read1 fastq file.
read2 Folder location for read2 fastq file.
qdata_folder Folder location for qdata folder containing
oligos.txt, AHCA_Codes.txt, SC_Codes.txt, Singlet_settings.txt files.
Please refer to example/qdata
folder in this repo for the format of these files.
output_folder Folder location for storing output files.

To generate the processed output from the raw fastq files type the following command at your terminal and press enter.

nohup bash custom_job.txt &

Output Folder Structure:

The bash script generates an output folder with the following top-level folder structure:

└── Exp180G_S1_L001
    ├── flash_output
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001.extendedFrags.fastq
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001.hist
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001.histogram
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001.notCombined_1.fastq
    │   └── Exp180G_S1_L001.notCombined_2.fastq
    ├── seqtk_output
    |   └── Exp180G_S1_L001.extendedFrags.fasta
    ├── parser_output
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).bad
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).byFCS
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).crossoverFilter
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).junk
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).metrics
    │   └── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr.Statistics
    ├── rmsinglets_output
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1.JITTERED_forFCS
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1.tab_delimited
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1.UNJITTERED_forFCS
    │   └── Summary.txt
    ├── fcs_output
    │   ├── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1_JITTERED.fcs
    │   └── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1_UNJITTERED.fcs
    └── norm_fcs_output
        └── Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1_normalized_filtered_Chi2Pval_1.0_jittered0.5.fcs

Files in flash_output folder

  • Exp180G_S1_L001.extendedFrags.fastq - File with merged reads in fastq format.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001.hist - Numeric histogram of merged read lengths.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001.histogram - Visual histogram of merged read lengths.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001.notCombined_1.fastq - Read 1 of mate pairs that were not merged.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001.notCombined_2.fastq - Read 2 of mate pairs that were not merged.

Files in seqtk_output folder

  • Exp180G_S1_L001.extendedFrags.fasta - File with merged reads in fasta format.

Files in parser_output folder

  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).bad - File containing reads where the parser encountered error in at least one sequence element (can be cell-barcodes or anchors or AHCA sequence).
  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).byFCS - A tab-delimited file with marker counts for each of the cells.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).crossoverFilter - File containing reads discarded by pcr-crossover filter.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).junk - File containing reads where the parser failed to detect all 7 barcode anchors.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-).metrics - Metrics file containing reads counts filtered by each step in the parsing algorithm.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr.Statistics - A summary file containing statistics for cell-barcodes.

Files in rmsinglets_ouput Folder

  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1.tab_delimited - A tab-delimited file containing cells and their corresponding marker counts.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1.UNJITTERED_forFCS - A tab-delimited file containing marker counts only (cell-identifier is discarded).
  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1.JITTERED_forFCS - A tab-delimited file containing jittered marker counts (cell-identifier column is dicarded).
  • Summary.txt - A summary file generated by remove-singlets script.

Files in fcs_output Folder

  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1_UNJITTERED.fcs - Un-normalized fcs file containing marker counts for each of the cells.
  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1_JITTERED.fcs - Un-normalized fcs file containing jittered marker counts for each of the cells.

Files in norm_fcs_output Folder

  • Exp180G_S1_L001_LStr_RC(-)_10_5_5_1_forFCS_normalized_filtered_Chi2Pval_1.0_jittered0.5.fcs - Normalized and Jittered fcs file.