- [tests] moved from unittest to pytest
- [transforms] From and To behaviours added, #121
- ...
- [trees] bugfix KeyError on publication of missing keys, #118
- [utilities] a ros myargv stipper, a'la ROS1 style, until something is available upstream
- [blackboards] sweeping changes to accomodate the new blackboards with tracking, #109
- [backend] ensure tree modifications are published with an updated timestamp, #100
- [behaviours] subscriber related behaviours now require qos_profile args, #104
- [trees] ros parameterisation of the setup timeout, #101
- [trees] make use of the new DisplaySnapshotVisitor, #102
- [utilities] permit discovery of multiples with find_topics, #97
- [actions] bugfix action client, don't cancel if not RUNNING
- [conversions] bugfix msg_to_behaviour for decorators
- [watchers] bugfix tree-watchers dot-graph to string functionality
- [watchers] bugfix missing tip in deserialised tree-watcher tree
Stripped down and rebuilt for ROS2:
- [behaviours] the familiar subscriber and action client behaviours
- [blackboard] the exchange, mostly unmodified
- [infra] colcon build environment
- [trees] simpler communications, just one serialised tree snapshot, watchers do the rest
- [watchers] revamped 'blackboard' and new 'tree' watcher
What's missing:
- [logging] the basic mechanisms have moved to py_trees, the rosbag implementation is to come
- [doc] add many missing packages to satiate autodoc
- [doc] add missing rqt-py-trees image
- [infra] bugfix missing install rule for mock sensors script
- [infra] missed the py_trees exec dependency, fixed.
- [docs] faq added
- [tutorials] 9 - bagging
- [infra] various dependency fixes for tests and autodoc
- [tests] fix broken subscrirber test
- [tutorials] 8 - dynamic loading, insertion and execution
- [tutorials] 7 - docking, undocking, cancelling and recovery
- [infra] add missing actionlib dependencies
- [tutorials] 6 - context switching
- [tutorials] re-insert missing images
- [docs] new and shiny index added
- [tutorials] qt dashboard support
- [tutorials] 5 - tree scanning added
- [tutorials] 4 - tree introspection added
- [tutorials] 3 - blackboards added
- [tutorials] 2 - battery low branch added
- [tutorials] 1 - data gathering added
- [mock] a mock robot for tutorials and testing
- [behaviours] action client, battery behaviours added
- [infra] refactoring for kinetic
Py Trees ROS API
- subscribers
- py_trees.subscribers.SubscriberHandler -> py_trees_ros.subscribers.Handler
- py_trees.subscribers.CheckSubscriberVariable -> py_trees_ros.subscribers.CheckData
- py_trees.subscribers.WaitForSubscriberData -> py_trees_ros.subscribers.WaitForData
- conversions
- py_trees.converters.convert_type -> py_trees_ros.converters.behaviour_type_to_msg_constant
- py_trees.converters.convert_status -> py_trees_ros.converters.status_enum_to_msg_constant
- py_trees.converters.convert_blackbox -> py_trees_ros.converters.blackbox_enum_to_msg_constant
- blackboard
- py_trees.ros.blackboard -> py_trees_ros.blackboard.Exchange
- ~list_blackboard_variables -> ~get_blackboard_variables
- ~spawn_blackboard_watcher -> ~open_blackboard_watcher
- ~destroy_blackboard_watcher -> ~close_blackboard_watcher
- visitors : classes moved from py_trees.trees -> py_trees_ros.visitors
Py Trees ROS Msgs API
- blackboard services
- py_trees.msgs.srv.BlackboardVariables -> py_trees_msgs.srv.GetBlackboardVariables
- py_trees.msgs.srv.SpawnBlackboardWatcher -> py_trees_msgs.srv.OpenBlackboardWatcher
- py_trees.msgs.srv.DestroyBlackboardWatcher -> py_trees_msgs.srv.CloseBlackboardWatcher
Py Trees
- program : py-trees-render added
- imposter : bugfix to permit visitors to the children of a composite original
- visitors : py_trees.trees -> py_trees.visitors