This project provides basic low level scoreboard control features for communication via the i2c interface. It is meant to control atmegas flashed with the scoreboard_atmega8_i2c
The communication acts on a low level wich means:
- Can only send commands to the atmega
- States are not remembered
- Currently, states are not checked, either
- RaspberryPi of any version (tested with RaspberryPi Model B)
runsudo apt-get install wiringpi
or alternatively:
git clone git:// cd wiringPi ./build
If you use Arch Linux instead of Raspian, you can also install wiringpi via its AUR makepkg script.
Navigate to the debug or release folders and run make
scoreboard target [digit]
scoreboard pwm value|on|off [value]
target: The Target number to be changed.
Abbreviations from list below.
digit: The ASCII Symbol to write. Can be any ASCII value,
but unknown values are replaced by a '-'.
If string is provided, only the first symbol is written.
pwm: Change the PWM settings.
If a single value is given, it is interpreted as brightness
steps between 0 and 10. 10 is brightest
If two values are given, they are interpreted as clock cycles.
The first value specifies the on-time, the second the off-time.
If 'off' is given instead of the first value, pwm is disabled.
In that case, the led are enabled permanently.
Replacing the value by 'on' reenables pwm.
This is not done automatically if values are changed.
Abbreviation list:
H1: Home ones
H10: Home tens
R1: Road ones
R10: Road tens
I1: Inning ones
I10: Inning tens
Alternatively, you can use the system i2c commands from the command line:
addr=0x10 i2cset -y 1 $addr 0x48 0x00
Here, 0x48
and 0x00
are the register to be written and the data.
- Integrate pwm.c as well
- integrate additional special commands if necessary