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493 lines (414 loc) · 21.6 KB

File metadata and controls

493 lines (414 loc) · 21.6 KB



  • Added jms connection factory property "DefaultUnitOfOrder"
  • add harvest trigger count property to datasource
  • fix opatch error
  • wls_server add failure action property
  • add the ability to create the application folder inside the domain
  • add the ability to set cross domain security


  • wls types fix with new lines in the wls output


  • pdk compliant


  • opatch upgrade which can be requirement by latest patch bundle
  • raise exception when opatch fails
  • weblogic optional parameter ora_inventory_dir
  • rename systemctl reload declaration to avoid module conflicts
  • bsu memory fix so only executed once
  • disconnect user session on wls daemon to fix open file limits


  • forms 11g patch only runs once now
  • wls_server removed the default '' from log_rotationdir attribute


  • fix CdiContainer on wls_domain when used on a < 12.2 domain


  • domain + RCU now supports defining the tablespace of the rcu components
  • fix OHS domain template for versions &
  • fix failure of nodemanager starting up in case of SOA


  • wls_server add log_rotationdir attribute
  • Domain support for


  • forms 11g patch fix
  • wls_domain new attribute cdi_implicit_bean_discovery_enabled
  • storeuserconfig new parameter extra_arguments


  • support welogic + FMW &
  • packdomain managed option
  • Client ID on the JMS connection factory wls type
  • Store userconfig not supports t3 secure port
  • forms 12c domain creation + RCU
  • jms server wls type new attribute messages_maximum


  • better adminserver control status check
  • more allow $ in the weblogic password
  • better datasource index check
  • datasource new attributes StatementTimeout, LoginDelaySeconds


  • add webcenter sites, support for wcs domain
  • allow $ in the weblogic password
  • hide trust_keystore_passphrase output in wls_settings


  • wls_datasource new attributes datasourcetype, statementcachetype
  • wls_jdbc_persistence_store new attributes distribution_policy, migration_policy
  • 12.2.1 ohs/webtier standalone domain fixes
  • nodemanager linux netstat check use bash in su command


  • wls_setting has tmp_path parameter for the wls types index output, wls types index output is now uinque for every value/domain of wls_setting
  • get_attribute_value for index files of the wls types to handle all data types on the right way, located in
  • added weblogic user to the enroll py script on copydomain manifest


  • fix nil or '' values on onprovider_specific of wls_authentication_provider
  • be able to set orainstpath_dir parameter on weblogic, weblogic_type and fmw


  • Fix ohs domain for 12.1.3 webtier
  • Added FMW cleanup on the extract directory and on the FMW files when remote file = true


  • Allow forward slash in the wls type title name, old title regex for detecting the wls_setting name was too eager but the use of slash in the wls_setting name is now not allowed anymore.


  • added oim_configured function check to oimconfig.pp


  • copydomain uses new domain function fixed the issue introduced with 2.0.1


  • Puppet 4 ruby functions
  • Generated Puppet documentation inside the doc folder


  • Puppet 4 new features, removed support for Puppet 3, please use latest version 1.X of oradb


  • Option to ignore the defaultCoherenceCluster on a domain
  • restrictive permissions for orainst &
  • FMW webcenter sites support
  • allow multiple remote middleware installations on the same host


  • Added support for Wls/FMW
  • Changing indentation from "2" to "4" in wls_exec statements


  • new type wls_ohsserver to control the ohs standalone server or subscribe to changes
  • orawls::ohs::forwarder type, re-factored and improved version of orawls::ohs::config
  • ohs standalone domain fix for startComponent ( > 12.1.2, adding machine to the domain)
  • Apply same BSU patch on different middleware homes
  • added weblogic install parameters force & validation


  • Option for Control.pp and wls_managedserver to use secure connection to the adminserver
  • For an OSB domain without a DB ( owsm_enabled = false ) enables now the Derby database so wlsbjmsrpDataSource is active and osb servers comes up in running mode


  • SOA bam fix for single node clusters
  • wls_managedserver fix for forced shutdown/restart
  • domain fix for nodemanager properties & domain extension template


  • nodemanager manifest will auto restart nodemanager when a property is changed
  • copydomain now support t3s with custom trust
  • wls_setting, wls_adminserver, control, copydomain, nodemanager have new attribute extra_arguments which allows you to pass on some arguments to the component
  • reduce info log output -> moved to debug
  • more functionality to run orawls with a non-root user like rcu & opatch


  • fix wls type weblogicConnectUrL bug when running in debug mode


  • Tested against WebLogic + INFRA, SOA, OSB, OHS, use as version
  • add JSSE to wls_daemon when trust is used, this way t3s also works on wls 10.3
  • functionality to run orawls with a non-root user, see this PR


  • weblogic_type define which support multiple middleware homes on same vm
  • fmwcluster supports now not secure nodemanagers for wls server control
  • fmw install fix for other fmw products than osh
  • osb 12.1.3 cluster adapter target fix
  • jrf domain template fix
  • common template fix when an wls attribute is nil


  • Support for standalone webtier 12.1.2, 12.1.3 & 12.2.1
  • changed wls_managedserver type code so it used WLST to test if it is active plus force it to running
  • OIM/OAM cluster fixes
  • FMW install fixes when it has more than 3 input files
  • Unpack, new parameter $server_start_mode on copydomain with value test or prod
  • wls_domain, new attribute log_domain_log_broadcast_severity
  • wls_server, new attributes log_stdout_severity, log_log_file_severity


  • opatch manifest also works for removing patches
  • wls types fix for 12.2.1 and which got passwords attributes
  • wls_resource_group_template new MT type but only for WebLogic 12.2.1
  • wls_resource_group new MT type but only for WebLogic 12.2.1
  • wls_domain_partition new MT type but only for WebLogic 12.2.1
  • wls_domain_partition_resource_group new MT type but only for WebLogic 12.2.1
  • wls_resource_group_template_deployment new MT type but only for WebLogic 12.2.1
  • wls_domain_partition_resource_group_deployment new MT type but only for WebLogic 12.2.1
  • wls_domain_partition_control new MT type but only for WebLogic 12.2.1
  • wls_setting new attribute use_default_value_when_empty, when you want to make sure the wls type properties will set its default mbean values when it is not provided by your puppet configuration.


  • heavy WLST refactoring for all the wls types, less and more simple code, auto detect the right type, better fault handling
  • wls_jms_security_policy new type
  • wls_virtual_target new type but only for WebLogic 12.2.1
  • option to override the default machine in the domain manifest
  • MQ resource adapter mininal template
  • OSB domain template fix
  • wls_datasource, new attributes remove_infected_connections
,connectionreservetimeoutseconds and inactiveconnectiontimeoutseconds


  • added support for 12.2.1 fast rest management interface, requires 12.2.1 or higher & only works for now on wls_cluster (lib/puppet/type/wls_server.rb plus wls_setting must contain a http connect url)
  • added MQ adapter for resourceadapter
  • soaqs (SOA Quickstart) 12.1.3 & 12.2.1 install on FMW
  • urandom/rng support for RedHat 5 family
  • add support for provider_specific attributes on wls_authentication_provider
  • be able to change the password on wls_datasource
  • fix for wls_clusters without servers
  • new log_date_pattern attribute for wls_server, wls_domain
  • fmwcluster manifest with trust parameters


  • wls_migratable_target fixes with constrained_candidate_servers
  • resource adapters option to escape values
  • wls_server fix when no arguments is provided
  • Nodemanager fails to start first time if param log_dir is used and directory doesn't exist
  • security/permissions fixes with files which can contain passwords
  • Fix easy_type load issues in specific situation (puppet master)
  • added JAVA_HOME to (un)pack
  • wls_group allow additions & removal of users in group
  • wls_datasource new attribute wrapdatatypes
  • wls_role new type
  • wls_rcu show now the error output when it fails
  • wls_jms_queue, wls_jms_topic new attributes insertionpaused, consumptionpaused, productionpaused
  • wls_domain, new attribute exalogicoptimizationsenabled


  • WebLogic 12.2.1 standard and infrastructure edition installation
  • FMW 12.2.1 SOA Suite, OSB, Webtier (OHS), Forms, B2B, WC, WCC ( Webcenter portal, Webcenter content) installation
  • 12.2.1 domains for standard, soa, osb, bam, adf, adf_restricted which is new in 12.2.1 and requires no RCU/DB
  • 12.2.1 fmwcluster support for Service Bus (OSB), SOA Suite (BPM, ESS, BAM)
  • wls_jms_topic distributed fix plus new attribute ForwardingPolicy
  • wls_server modify fix for arguments, classpath etc. plus multiple arguments as an array are converted to a space as separator instead of newline
  • new type wls_jms_sort_destination_key
 and added this parameter to wls_queue + wls_topic
  • new type wls_foreign_jndi_provider
 + links
  • domain.pp allows you to set a separate domain password, nodemanager_username + password on a domain


  • Allow multiple fmw installations of the same product on a middleware home
  • optimized wls_opatch type/provider which will replace the opatch type
  • opatch type/provider fix for if the patch is already installed
  • be able to set all the possible Nodemanager properties
  • save all the WLST scripts of all the wls types to a temporary directory with wls_setting


  • Allow opatch to apply the same patch multiple times on the same node
  • new wls_server_tlog resource for adding transaction logs to a database
  • file resource adapter fix
  • fix permissions on wls_settings file
  • sanitised title in the fmw manifest
  • wls types empty attributes fix


  • fixed wls_group absent without user attribute bug
  • empty target fix on the wls types
  • statementcachesize bug with wls_datasource
  • wls_queue, wls_topic new attribute deliverymode
  • subdeployment and defaulttargeting checks for the jms wls types
  • new type wls_migratable_target


  • BAM only domain option
  • Wls_server new attributes sslHostnameVerifier, useServerCerts
  • Added FileAdapter to resource adapter
  • Cleanup Puppet type interfaces


  • Works & Tested on puppet 4.2.1
  • Oracle Forms & Reports or 11.1.2 support
  • Wls_server new attributes frontendhost, frontendhttpport and frontendhttpsport


  • wls_server new attributes auto_restart & autokillwfail for automatic restart when the server crashes, or automatically kill when the server hangs
  • wls_jms_queue, wls_jms_topic new attribute messagelogging
  • wls_domain new attributes setinternalappdeploymentondemandenable, setconfigbackupenabled, setarchiveconfigurationcount, setconfigurationaudittype
  • Dynamictargetting for wls_cluster, wls_datasource, wls_mail_session
  • wls_datasource new attribute shrinkfrequencyseconds


  • xa properties fix for wls_datasource
  • custom weblogic home directory for WebLogic 10.3 and BSU patch
  • target attribute used in wls types are now idempotent


  • support for FMW installation which has 3 install files like oim/oam
  • Webtier configuration for OAM
  • wls_server_channel added keystore attributes
  • wls_jms_queue ForwardDelay bug plus new attribute templatename
  • wls_datasource new attributes row prefetch and initsql
  • wls_workmanager new attribute fairshare
  • wls_coherence_template new attribute classpath
  • wls_deployment bug when version is none


  • custom wls resource types now also supports t3s with customtrust done by wls_settings
  • adminserver_ssl_port parameter on the domain.pp manifest
  • wls_settings don't show the password in the output
  • new resource type wls_jdbc_persistence_store
  • new resource type wls_jms_template
  • wls_deployment planpath fixes
  • wls_datasource fixes
  • removed default value -1 on forward delay on wls_jms_queue
  • wls_server, new attribute listenportenabled
  • wls_jms_connection_factory, xa fix plus new attributes localjndiname, defaultdeliverymode, defaultredeliverydelay
  • wls_workmanager_constraint, Add the ability to manage fairshare class.


  • Copydomain FMW apps_dir fix
  • FTP Resource adapter plus resource adapter fixes
  • New type wls_coherence_server
  • Moved 12c nodemanager properties from domain.pp to nodemanager.pp so custom trust will also work
  • Added urandom fixes and use notify when there is rngd configuration refresh


  • added ESS (enterprise schedular) to OSB domain + FMW cluster option
  • RCU prefix compare check fix ( Uppercase )
  • SOA FMW cluster fixes for latest 12.1.3 soa patch
  • SOA FMW cluster fix for soa with bam
  • Java tmp dir option for 12c FMW software install
  • wls_server, new attribute WeblogicPluginEnabled
  • Optional DefaultUserNameMapperAttributeType fix in wls_identity_asserter
  • Added bash shell to su -c commands like opatch, bsu, wls_adminserver, rcu types


  • new wls_singleton_service type
  • wls_jms_bridge_destination fix for username and password
  • fiddyspence/sleep fix so it works with hiera and string value as input
  • added log file to tmp dir + level for the weblogic 10.3 or 11g installation output
  • Multiple targets for wls_jms_module type
  • new wls_deployment attributes for stagingmode, remote and upload
  • able to provide the sys username for the FMW domain RCU action
  • derby flag on false in setDomainEnv when it is an OSB or SOA domain


  • wls_jms_queue, new attribute forwarddelay
  • wls_foreign_server_object, bug when removing object plus also removing dependencies
  • wls_cluster, new attribute clusteraddress
  • was overwritten in case of weblogic 12c and a domain extension
  • nodemanager with 12c didn't start when log_dir was empty


  • download dir dependency cycle error between weblogic and domain manifest.
  • bsu unzip -o option instead of -n so the new readme is also added to the cache_dir
  • wls_server, new attributes log_redirect_stderr_to_server, log_redirect_stdout_to_server, restart_max, log_http_file_count, log_http_number_of_files_limited, bea_home
  • wls_jmsserver, new attributes bytes_maximum, allows_persistent_downgrade
  • wls_datasource, new attributes secondstotrustidlepoolconnection, testfrequency, connectioncreationretryfrequency
  • wls_server_channnel, new attributes publicport, max_message_size


  • calculated_listen_port attribute for wls_dynamic_cluster
  • mincapacity, statementcachesize, testconnectionsonreserve for wls_datasource
  • wls_managedserver type fix when target is cluster, doesn't use ps -ef but uses wlst to check the cluster status
  • new wls_messaging_bridge wls type
  • new wls_jms_bridge_destination wls type
  • wls_setting added a 'default' entry in wls_settings.yaml even when default is not used


  • new wls_identity_asserter type for customising default identy asserter
  • xaproperties attributes in wls_datasource
  • better error handling for wls_authentication_provider ordering
  • option to skip the OPSS security store migration from file to the database in fmwcluster.pp
  • Custom type for oracle weblogic/domain directory structure instead of using a structure manifest
  • logintimeout attribute for wls_server
  • added some extra autorequire on wls resource types


  • bug fixes in auto require and post classpath parameter bug when running in debug mode
  • wls_multi_datasource resource type added


  • auto require based on the wls resource parameters, no need to use require on the all wls resource types
  • wls_adminserver type used plain as a default in nmconnect


  • Auto require on wls resource types
  • urandom fix for rngd service on RedHat Family version 7
  • Secure replication parameter for wls_cluster
  • ignore ldap providers for wls_user & wls_group
  • Support for nodemanagers without security ( plain, with nodemanager_secure_listener = false) on control.pp, nodemanager.pp & domain.pp


  • Wls_setting resource type check for required attributes
  • Timeout parameter bug on all wls resource types ( the default 120 was always used)
  • Nodemanager.pp exec sleep command replaced by fiddyspence/sleep resource type, will check every 2 seconds with netstat


  • Solaris 11 fixes for nodemanager, wls_adminserver & wls_managedserver resource types
  • wls_server resource type changes like: check for Adminserver creation/deletion, new properties tunnelingenabled, log_http_format_type, log_http_format, default_file_store, log_datasource_filename
  • wls_domain resource type properties: platform-m-bean-server-enabled, platform-m-bean-server-used, show-archived-real-path-enabled
  • wls_jms_connection_factory resource type properties: client-id-policy, subscription-sharing-policy, messages-maximum, reconnect-policy, load-balancing-enabled, server-affinity-enabled, attach-jmsx-user-id
  • changed oraInst.loc permissions to 0755


  • fix for copydomain when the standard domains location is used
  • enable storage on wls_coherence_cluster
  • AdminServer option to listen on all interfaces, adminserver_listen_on_all_interfaces = true on domain.pp


  • puppet custom type for 12.1.2, 12.1.3 RCU, checks first if it already exists
  • refactor all domains py scripts to standard one with an FMW extension (optional)
  • fmw temp directory bug fix


  • unset DISPLAY on install/configurations actions to avoid X timeout
  • exclude the standard puppet attributes from the wls_setting yaml files
  • Print the WLST scripts of all the wls types when puppet runs in debug mode
  • Added new attributes log_http_filename & log_datasource_filename to the wls_server type
  • SOA Cluster 12.1.3 fix for activating soa-infra application
  • control the startup delay for the nodemanager with the sleep parameter
  • option to assign the jrfcluster to a opss database


  • changed property and removed propertyvalues of wls_mail_session, now there is no change detected when there is a different sorting
  • changed users of wls_group, no change when there is a different sorting
  • removed extrapropertiesvalues of wls_datasource, you can use now extraproperties with key=value,key1=value
  • removed extrapropertiesvalues of wls_foreign_server, you can use now extraproperties with key=value,key1=value
  • New Order parameter on the wls_authentication_provider type so you can change the order
  • Timout parameter for all the wls types, can be used to override the default timeout (120s) on every wls resource
  • MaxMessageSize parameter for wls_server resource type


  • small fix for the server_template type with the arguments parameter
  • Frontend parameters for wls_cluster
  • Option to skip RCU with a domain creation ( weblogic > 12.1.2)
  • new WebLogic type wls_mail_session
  • new parameter default file store with wls_server


  • fix for multiple domains
  • Refactor for rubocop warnings


  • Gridlink support for the Datasource type
  • Extra properties can now be removed in a update of the Datasource
  • Refactor domain py scripts and use a script for common functions


  • RCU 12.1.3 support for MFT
  • BSU fix for hard mdw path in patch policy
  • OPatch, check the outcome of the action else fail
  • SOA Cluster also works for FMW version
  • wls_server type new attributes two_way_ssl, client_certificate_enforced
  • wls_authentication_provider type now works for DefaultIdentityAsserter


  • Change log Tab for puppetlabs forge


  • Support for multiple jrf clusters
  • New WLS 12c types like wls_server_template, wls_coherence_cluster, wls_dynamic_cluster


  • SOA 12.1.3 Cluster support
  • 12.1.3 FMW fixes
  • BSU policy patch
  • OAM & OIM cluster support
  • 11g option to associate WebTier with a domain


  • OSB 12.1.3 Cluster support
  • FMW domains update for datasources based on servicetable
  • Target & targettype on all wls types expects an array
  • Same for servers parameter on wls_domain type
  • Same for users parameter on wls_group type
  • Same virtualhostnames parameter on wls_virtual_host
  • Same for jndinames, extraproperties, extrapropertiesvalues parameters on wls_datasource & wls_foreign_server


  • fixed WebLogic 12.1.2 & 12.1.3 standard domain bug.


  • WebLogic 12.1.3 (infra) support
  • Support for 12.1.3 SOA,OSB,B2B,MFT installation
  • 12.1.3 Standard, ADF, SOA, OSB domain (no cluster)
  • wls_adminserver type fix when using no custom trust


  • wls_server pass server arguments as an array, as it makes it easier to use references in YAML
  • Added log file options to wls_server


  • wls_adminserver,wls_managedserver type to start,stop and refresh a managed server ( or subscribe to changes and do an autorestart )
  • BSU
  • Opatch
  • Resource adapter
  • Small nodemanager fix


  • Readme with links
  • wls types title cleanup
  • Multiple resource adapter entries fix
  • wls_domain fix
  • bsu & opatch also works on < puppet 3.2
  • hiera vars without an undef default


  • wls_domain type to modify JTA,Security,Log & JPA
  • Oracle Unified Directory install, domain, instances creation
  • OUD control


  • wls_deployment type/provider
  • Post_classpath param on wls_setting
  • WebTier for 12.1.2 and
  • OIM & OAM & support with OHS OAM Webgate


  • WLST Domain daemin for fast WLS types execution
  • BSU & OPatch absent option and better output when it fails


  • Custom Identity and Custom Trust


  • Multi domain support with Puppet WLS types and providers