PO is a simple and intuitive programming language, fundamentally oriented towards the world of teaching. What is intended with this type of language is to achieve that it can be used as a first contact with the world of programming. The creators of the language want future programmers to be able to use it as a base language with which they can understand how the world of programming works. In this way, show a simple programming method and get more and more people encouraged to program and can participate in the community of software developers.
- Untyped and Dynamic (but compiled!) Language
- Variables and Constants
- Comments (Single '/' and Multiline '/* */')
- Functions (fun)
- If, Switch, While, For, Foreach support
- Recursion
- Compiles to MIPS Architecture
- Optimized for MIPS Architecture
- Support for other Architectures
func calculator(num1, num2, op) {
var result = 0
if op == 0 {
result = num1 + num2
elsif op == 1 {
result = num1 - num2
elsif op == 2 {
if num1 <= 65000 and num2 <= 65000 {
result = num1 * num2
else {
print("The result can be bigger than 32 bits")
elsif op == 3 {
result = num1 / num2
else {
if op == 4 {
print("Mod is not supported yet")
else {
print("OP should be between 0 and 3")
ret result
main() {
var num1 = 100
var num2 = 100
var op = 0 // 0 = sum - 1 = sub - 2 = mult - 3 = div
var times = 0 // How many times the op will be done
var result = calculator(num1, num2, op, times)
print("The result is: \n")
func recFactorial(num) {
var aux
if num >= 1 {
aux = recFactorial(num - 1)
ret num * aux
else {
ret 1
main() {
prints(" *** Factorial Calculator *** \n")
prints("Enter a number: ")
var num = read()
if num <= 12 {
prints("Calculating the factorial of ")
var factorial = recFactorial(num)
prints("\nThe factorial result is: ")
else {
prints("The number is too big, please enter a number between 0 and 12")
var v1 = 5
var v2 = 2
var v3 = 15
var v4 = 50000
var v5 = 1000
func sortVars(n) {
var i = 0
var j = 0
var aux = 0
for i = 0, i < n, i++ {
for j = 0, j < n, j++ {
if j == 0 and v1 > v2 {
aux = v1
v1 = v2
v2 = aux
if j == 1 and v2 > v3 {
aux = v2
v2 = v3
v3 = aux
if j == 2 {
if v3 > v4 {
aux = v3
v3 = v4
v4 = aux
if j == 3 {
if v4 > v5 {
aux = v4
v4 = v5
v5 = aux
main() {
var n = 5 //Num of variables
prints("Sorting the 5 variables [v1, v5]\n")
prints(" **********\n\t")
prints(" **********\n")
# Update the Main.java file with the path to the PO file you want to compile
private final static String file = "src/testing/integration/po_mips/inputs/recursive-factorial.po";
# Run the Main.java file
# The MIPS code will be generated in the same folder as the PO file, with the same name and extension ".asm"
# Also, an intermediate TAC file will be generated, named "file.tac", in the root folder of the project
As the language is defined using a grammar.txt file, you can modify it to add new features to the language, or change it as you like. The compiler itself takes care of parsing this grammar and generating the corresponding Parsing Table (recursively finding first, follows...).
The grammar is LL(1), defined using Backus-Naur form. You can find "grammar.txt" in the root folder of the project.
Marc Geremias (marc.geremias@students.salle.url.edu)
Angel Garcia (angel.garcia@students.salle.url.edu)
Guillem Godoy (guillem.godoy@students.salle.url.edu)
Armand Daussà (armand.daussai@students.salle.url.edu)
Biel Carpi (biel.carpi@students.salle.url.edu)