OCILIB wrapper for Swift, linux compatible
- Added support for REF Cursors. See an example below.
- Added a layer of "swifty" objects - SwiftyField, SwiftyRow. This is still work in progress.
- Added array binding (BindVarArray)
- Added executeBulkDML that uses arrays of bind variables in DMLs for greatly improved performance
- Added connection and sesssion pooling
- Added Bindvar stringValue representation
- Added Date support;
- Added prefetchSize in cursor.execute to support efficient data transfers
- Added a dependency on C bridge to OCILIB (swift 5 compatible)
This is wrapper for ocilib (https://github.com/vrogier/ocilib).
(1) Installing Oracle Instant Client
Download Basic package (zip) and SDK package (zip) for your platform from https://www.oracle.com/database/technologies/instant-client/downloads.html
Unzip both into one directory, ex. /Users/me/instantclient_19_8. This will be your ORACLE_HOME.
Set environment variables:
export ORACLE_HOME=/Users/me/instantclient_19_8
export TNS_ADMIN=$ORACLE_HOME/network/admin
(2) Make sure you have C compiler installed
(3) Installing OCILIB
git clone https://github.com/vrogier/ocilib.git
cd ocilib
./configure --with-oracle-home=$ORACLE_HOME --with-oracle-lib-path=$ORACLE_HOME --with-oracle-headers-path=$ORACLE_HOME/sdk/include --disable-dependency-tracking
chmod 755 config/install-sh
sudo make install
Make sure there are no errors in either of these steps (warning are OK.)
(4) If using SwiftOracle with SPM, make sure to set LD_LIBRARY_PATH as above and also include linker flags, ex., -Xlinker -L/usr/local/lib
(5) If using Xcode, set the following project Build Settings:
Header Search Paths -> /Users/me/instantclient_19_8/sdk/include, /usr/local/include.
Library Search Paths -> /Users/me/instantclient_19_8, /usr/local/lib.
Runpath Search Paths -> /Users/me/instantclient_19_8.
PR are welcome.
Here is what you can do:
let service = OracleService(host: "dv", port:"1521", service: "xe")
let b = Connection(service: service, user:"broq", pwd:"anypassword")
try b.open()
b.autocommit = true
let cursor = try b.cursor()
try cursor.execute("select * from users where login=:login or 1=1", params: ["login": "user2"])
for r in cursor {
try cursor.execute("select * from sources where id=:id", params: ["id": 3])
for r in cursor {
try cursor.execute("select * from sources where reverse_enabled=:ids or 1=1", params: ["ids": 1.0 ])
for r in cursor {
print(r["OWNER"]! as? String)
try cursor.execute("insert into users (id, login, alive) values (USERS_ID_SEQ.nextval, :2, :3) RETURNING id INTO :id ", params: ["2": "фіва", "3": 3,], register: ["id": .int])
cursor.register("id", type: .int)
for r in cursor {
REF Cursor example
import Foundation
import SwiftOracle
// Create a DB stored function that returns a REF cursor
create or replace function get_refcursor(i_type in varchar2, i_maxrows in number) return sys_refcursor as
cv sys_refcursor;
open cv for select object_name, object_id from user_objects where object_type = i_type and rownum <= i_maxrows;
return cv;
let service = OracleService(from_string: "test_database")
let conn = Connection(service: service, user: "user", pwd: "password")
let sql = "select level as rnum, get_refcursor('PACKAGE', level) as cv from dual connect by level < 6"
try conn.open()
let mainCursor = try conn.cursor()
try mainCursor.execute(sql)
print("executed main cursor")
for r in mainCursor {
print("main cursor row number: \(r["RNUM"]!.int)")
let cursorPtr = r["CV"]!.cursor
let cur = try conn.cursor(statementPtr: cursorPtr)
try cur.executePreparedStatement()
print("printing child cursor output")
for r1 in cur {
print("object_name: \(r1["OBJECT_NAME"]!.string), object_id: \(r1["OBJECT_ID"]!.int)")
Unfortunately, the original SwiftOracle only supported one way, input bind variables. The output value returned by a procedure is not mapped to Swift BindVar instance. I haven't modified this interface yet.
There is a simple workaround: turn your procedure into a function that returns a value and use select myfunc(input_param) from dual;
If you can't modify the procedure, you can wrap it into a function to return the modified value. Here is an example.
Assuming your procedure is as follows, and parameter1 is in out parameter, and we want to return the modified value.
create or replace procedure test_proc(parameter1 in out varchar2) as
parameter1 := 'modified value';
end test_proc;
We can create a wrapper function as follows:
create or replace function test_func(parameter1 in varchar2) return varchar2 as
myVar varchar2(100) := parameter1;
return myVar;
end test_func;
And then use
select test_func('some value') from dual;
This will return "modified value".
In Swift, we would simple invoke the above select statement:
let sqlStr = "select test_func(:p1) from dual"
try cursor.execute(sqlStr, params: [":p1" : BindVar("some value")])
// fetch the data
while let row = cursor.nextSwifty() {
for f in row.fields {
responseString += "\(f.toString)\t"