This is Movies search API which contains details of various movies. You can make different queries to search movies based on various filters.
- Python Web Framework - Flask
- MongoDB for storing data
- JWT token for Authentication
- Admin User: This user can add/modify/delete the movies.
- Normal User: This user can only view the movies.
- This project is hosted on Heroku.
- URL:
- You can call try experimenting with any endpoints.
Clone the Project on the local PC
Create Virtual Environment
python -m venv <virtual environment name or path>
Active Virtual Environment
Example Windows
.\<virtual environment name or path>\Scripts\activate
Example Linux
source ./<virtual environment name or path>/Scripts/activate
Install dependencies
pip install requirements.txt
Add Some Environment Variables
You need to add four environment variables
DB_URL = <Mongodb Database URI> FLASK_ENV = <development OR production> SECRET_KEY = <secret key for flask> JWT_SECRET_KEY = <secret key for jwt token generation>
Set Environment variable in Linux
export <environment variable name>=<environment variable value>
Set Environment variable in Windows
set <environment variable name>=<environment variable value>
Run server
flask run
Base URL
200: Success
201: Created
400: Bad request
401: Unauthorized
404: Cannot be found
405: Method not allowed
422: Unprocessable Entity
50X: Server Error
Content-Type: application/json
"error" : "{{Error Message}}"
- User Management
- Movies
End Point:
POST /user/register
- Anyone can register on the platform using this API endpoint.
You send
- Email id, Password, and Name
Request Parameters
Property | Description | Type | Is Required |
name | User Name | String | True |
True | |||
password | Password | String | True |
is_admin | If the user wants to register as admin make it True | Boolean | False |
Password Constrains
- Password should be of Minimum of eight characters,
- at least one uppercase letter
- one lowercase letter
- one number and
- one special character (@$!%*#?&)
- If email is not already used by another user then an account will be created
Sample Request:
POST /user/register
Content-Type: application/json
"name" : "Wanda Maximoff",
"email" : "",
"password" : "Scarlet@Witch9",
"is_admin" : true
Successful Response:
Content-Type: application/json
"email" : "",
"id" : "{{user_id}}",
"name" : "Wanda Maximoff"
End Point
POST /user/login
You send
- Your login credentials.
Request Parameters
Property | Type | Required |
True | ||
password | String | True |
You get:
- A
with which you can take further actions.
Sample Request
POST /user/login
Content-Type: application/json
"email" : "",
"password" : "Scarlet@Witch9"
Successful Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"access_token" : "{{api_token}}"
End Point:
GET /user/profile
You send
- Authentication Token in Header.
You get
- User's all personal information.
Sample Request
GET /user/profile
Authorization: Bearer {{api_token}}
Successful Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"email" : "",
"id" : "{{user_id}}",
"name" : "Wanda Maximoff"
End Point:
DELETE /user/delete
You send
- Authentication Token in Header.
- The user will be deleted from the database.
Sample Request:
DELETE /user/delete
Authorization: Bearer {{api_token}}
Successful Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"message" : "User Deleted"
End Point:
POST /movie/add
You send:
- Authentication Token of user with admin access in Header.
- Movie information in JSON format
Request Parameters
Property | Type | Is Required |
name | String | True |
director | String | True |
popularity | Number | False |
imdb_score | Number | False |
genre | List of Strings | True |
- If all information is valid then the movie will be added to the database.
Sample Request:
POST /movie/add
Authorization: Bearer {{api_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"popularity" : 70.0,
"director" : "Sam Raimi",
"genre" : [
"Super Hero"
"imdb_score" : 7.0,
"name" : "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness"
Successful Response:
Content-Type: application/json
"_id" : "{{movie_id}}",
"director" : "Sam Raimi",
"genre" : [
"Super Hero"
"imdb_score" : 7.0,
"name" : "Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness",
"popularity" : 70.0
End Point:
PUT /movie/update
You send:
- Authentication Token of user with admin access in Header.
- Information of Movie that needs to update in JSON format
Request Parameters
Property | Type | Is Required |
movie_id | String | True |
name | String | False |
director | String | False |
popularity | Number | False |
imdb_score | Number | False |
genre | JSON object with action and data | False |
JSON format of the genre
Property | Allowed Values |
action | "replaceNew", "add", "delete" |
data | List of Strings |
Details about genre actions
- ReplaceNew: Delete all existing genre values and add new ones provided in the data
- add: Add New genre values provided in the data
- delete: Delete genre values provided in data from existing values
Provide only those parameters, which you want to update for given movie_id
- Update details for the movie identified my
Sample Request:
PUT /movie/update
Authorization: Bearer {{api_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"movie_id": "{{movie_id}}",
"popularity": 90.0,
"genre": {
"action": "delete",
"data": [
"Super Hero"
Successful Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"message":"movie updated"
End Point:
GET /movie/{{movie_id}}
You send
- Movie Id in URL argument
You get
- Movie details for passed Movie Id
Sample Request
GET /movie/{{movie_id}}
Successful Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"director":"Sam Raimi",
"name":"Doctor Strange in the Multiverse of Madness",
End Point:
DELETE /movie/delete
You send
- Authentication Token of user with admin access in Header.
- Movie Id which you want to delete
Request Parameters
Property | Type | Required |
movie_id | String | True |
- The movie will be deleted from the database.
Sample Request:
DELETE /movie/delete HTTP/1.1
Authorization: Bearer {{api_token}}
"movie_id" : "{{movie_id}}"
Successful Response:
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"message" : "Movie Deleted"
End Point:
POST /movie/addBatch
You send:
- Authentication Token of user with admin access in Header.
- List of Movie information in JSON format
- If the details of all movies are valid then all movies will be added to the database.
Sample Request:
POST /movie/addBatch
Authorization: Bearer {{api_token}}
Content-Type: application/json
"popularity": 84.0,
"director": "Joe Russo",
"genre": [
"imdb_score": 8.4,
"name": "Avengers: Infinity War"
"popularity": 84.0,
"director": "Anthony Russo",
"genre": [
"imdb_score": 8.4,
"name": "Avengers: Endgame"
Successful Response:
Content-Type: application/json
"data" : [
"_id" : "{{movie_id}}",
"director" : "Joe Russo",
"genre" : [
"imdb_score" : 8.4,
"name" : "Avengers: Infinity War",
"popularity" : 84.0
"_id" : "{{movie_id}}",
"director":"Anthony Russo",
"genre" : [
"imdb_score" : 8.4,
"name" : "Avengers: Endgame",
"popularity" : 84.0
End Point:
GET /movie
You send
- Different Query parameters in URL
Query Parameters
Parameter | Type | Permitted Values | Description |
limit | Integer | Limit the number of result in response | |
sort_by_attr | String | "name", "director", "popularity", "imdb_score" |
To sort result according to specific attribute |
sort_by_order | String | "ascending", "descending" | To sort result in ascending or descending order |
name | String | Search with name field | |
director | String | Search with director field | |
genre_filter_operator | String | "and": give result if all genre from query exist in movie "or": give result if any genre from query exist in movie |
Search with genre field |
genre_to_filter | String | Search with genre field | |
popularity_min | Number | Give Results with popularity greater than or equal to popularity_min | |
popularity_max | Number | Give Results with popularity less than or equal to popularity_max | |
imdb_score_min | Number | Give Results with imdb_score greater than or equal to imdb_score_min | |
imdb_score_max | Number | Give Results with imdb_score less than or equal to imdb_score_max |
All values are optional
You get
- Movie details of all filtered movies
Sample Request
GET /movie?limit=5&sort_by_attr=director&sort_by_order=descending&name=avengers&director=russo&genre_filter_operator=and&genre_to_filter=Action&genre_to_filter=Adventure&popularity_min=60&popularity_max=85&imdb_score_min=6.0&imdb_score_max=8.5
Beautified Sample Request
GET /movie?
Successful Response
HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json
"result" : [
"_id" : "{{movie_id}}",
"director" : "Joe Russo",
"genre" : [
"imdb_score" : 8.4,
"name" : "Avengers: Infinity War",
"popularity" : 84.0
"_id" : "{{movie_id}}",
"director" : "Anthony Russo",
"genre" : [
"imdb_score" : 8.4,
"name" : "Avengers: Endgame",
"popularity" : 84.0