- added binary support for macOS
- added clrscr function to s3 list. Closes #11
- Project name has been officially changed from aws-go to nephele [Breaking change]
- added functionality to start/stop rds instance
- added color highlighting for instance states. Closes #3
- refactored: project name from aws-go to nephele
- added functionality to list s3 objects
- added functionality to download a s3 object
- added functionality to download s3 objects in batch
- minor performance enhancements
- added functionality to list based on filters
- added functionality to start or stop multiple instances
- added ec2 subcommand. Closes #4
- added unit tests for store
- added mocks for testing
- chore: added prerun hooks
- Fixes #5: added functionality to list s3 buckets
- fixed weird whitespace caused by word wrap function
- fixed: silence usage on errors. Closes #6
- fixed verb for bool type
- fixed import errors
- refactored store to be unit testable
- refactored functions to accommodate unit testing
- refactored: directory structure
- added word wrap utility function. Closes #2
- added custom spinner and spinner colors
- added tablewriter for rendering lists
- added docstring for godoc generation
- added unit test for utils
- added Makefile
- added travis build
- added build and godoc badges
- refactored: go fmt
- refactored: changed vendor in build script
- added upgrade and rds list feature
- added dependencies
- refactored installation script: display download progress
- refactored: use a version constant
- refactored: rename sqlite filename
- refactored: changed project directory structure
- fixed badge link in README
- Initial release