- We are building an app for a pizza place where customers can order their pizzas and get them delivered to their homes.
- We will only be building the frontend.
- Break desired UI into components
- Build static version (w/o state)
- Think about state managment/data flow
- Gather application requirments & features
- Divide application into pages
- Think about overall and page-level UI
- Break desired UI into components
- Design & build a static version (w/o state)
- Divide the application into feature categorys
- Think about state managment & data flow
- Decide which 3rd party libraries to use
Buisness Requirments
- Application where users can order one or more pizzas from a menu.
- Requires no user accounts and no login: users just input their names before using the app.
- The pizza menu can change so it should be loaded from an api.✅Done
- Need shoping cart where users can add multiple pizzas before ordering.
- Ordering requires just the user's name, phone number, and address.
- If possible, GPS location should be provided to make delivery easier
- Users can mark their order as "priority" for an additional 20% fee.
- Orders are made by sending a POST request with the oder data (user data +selected pizzas) to the api.
- Payments are made on delivery, so no payment processing is required.
- Each order will get a unique ID that should be displayed, so the user can later look up their order based on the ID.
- Users should be able to mark their order as priority even after the order has been placed.
Feature Categories
- User
- Menu
- Cart
- Order
- Home
- Pizza Menu
- Cart
- Place a new order
- Order Lookp
State Managment & Tech Decisions
- User ---> Global UI state (no accounts, so stays in app)
- Menu ---> Global Remote State (menu is fetched from api)
- Cart ---> Global UI state
- Order ---> Global Remote State (fetched and submitted to API)
Technology Decisions