Discourser is an API Client for the Discourse API written in TypeScript for Node.js and Browser environments.
Its special features are:
- TypeScript Types
- Respecting Rate Limits
- Optional Heavy Caching
- Post Modifiers (can be used for global find and replace across all posts on the forum)
It is currently under heavy construction, however is being used in production, and will eventually stabilise.
The CLI executable is currently only for Bevry use. Eventually the Bevry specific parts of it will be abstracted out. Do not use the CLI currently in your own projects.
- Install:
npm install --global discourser
- Executable:
- Install:
npm install --save discourser
- Executable:
npx discourser
- Import:
import pkg from ('discourser')
- Require:
const pkg = require('discourser').default
<script type="module">
import pkg from '//cdn.skypack.dev/discourser@^2.1.0'
<script type="module">
import pkg from '//unpkg.com/discourser@^2.1.0'
<script type="module">
import pkg from '//dev.jspm.io/discourser@2.1.0'
This package is published with the following editions:
is TypeScript source code with Import for modulesdiscourser/edition-browsers/index.js
is TypeScript compiled against ES2022 for web browsers with Import for modulesdiscourser
is TypeScript compiled against ES2018 for Node.js with Require for modulesdiscourser/edition-es2018-esm/index.js
is TypeScript compiled against ES2018 for Node.js with Import for modules
Discover the release history by heading on over to the HISTORY.md
Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md
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These amazing people have contributed code to this project:
Discover how you can contribute by heading on over to the CONTRIBUTING.md
Unless stated otherwise all works are:
- Copyright © 2020+ Benjamin Lupton
and licensed under: