In previous chapters, we mainly focused on common language features like variables, functions, and modules when talking about readability. We occasionally paid attention to types but didn't dive into the details of working with them.
However, static typing can also be a tool for writing expressive code. We can use types and interfaces to convey additional information to the reader or to make the app design more explicit.
This chapter will discuss how to express more domain knowledge through types and make invalid data transformations unrepresentable. We'll look at how to use ubiquitous language in type signatures and track down errors in API design using types.
Before we start 💬 |
We won't discuss if one should use static typing or not. Instead, we'll focus on how to use types as refactoring tools. |
Static typing is a controversial topic, not everyone likes it, and it's okay. You can skip this chapter if your team doesn't use or like typing. |
In “Domain Modeling Made Functional,” Scott Wlaschin warns readers against primitive obsession.12 He suggests using types to describe the domain to avoid it.
Be careful 🚨 |
The idea of replacing primitives with domain types can be controversial to the team. Discuss this idea with other developers before applying it. |
Data types and function signatures can carry information about the task the code is solving. They can reflect the task context, the interaction between entities, and even the business workflow model as a whole. When used thoughtfully, types can even become an alternative to documentation:
// Primitive types don't reflect the context,
// they lack the details of the domain:
type Account = {
date: string;
user: number;
value: number;
// Domain types help describe entity relations
// and how they work together:
type Account = {
date: DateTimeIso;
user: UserId;
value: MoneyAmount;
When type names use domain terms, they form a part of the ubiquitous language.34 It's the language used by product owners and people directly related to business workflows.
Read more 👀 |
We talked more about ubiquitous language in entity names and architecture chapters. |
The benefit of ubiquitous language is its unambiguity. If the whole team, including the non-developers, uses the same terms, there's less chance of “translation loss.” It makes it easier to spot bugs and errors in the domain model at the early stages.
Data transformations are conveniently expressed through functional types in many statically typed languages.5 A set of such types can describe the business workflows—model the domain. The cost of an error in such a model is lower than in the workflow implementation. That is the main benefit.
Types help to build a top-level understanding of how the system works. In such a model, we can see the interaction of its parts, the module contracts, and the data used. But it also shows design errors and inconsistencies between the model and the real world.
Errors in types are easier to fix than errors in implementation. With types, it's possible to design an application before we start implementing it. We write a draft, look at the flaws in the model, fix them, and recheck the model:
// Describe the data used in the application.
// Indicate different states it goes through
// at different stages of the app life cycle:
type CreatedOrder = {
createdAt: TimeStamp;
user: UserId;
items: ProductList;
type ValidatedOrder = {
type DiscountedOrder = {
type Order = CreatedOrder | ValidatedOrder | DiscountedOrder;
// Design the domain workflows
// that transform the data:
type CreateOrder = (user: UserId, items: ProductList) => CreatedOrder;
type ValidateOrder = (order: CreatedOrder) => ValidatedOrder;
type ApplyDiscount = (order: ValidatedOrder, value: Price) => DiscountedOrder;
// If we notice an error in any of the types,
// (for example, the designed workflow is different from what happens in reality)
// we can quickly and relatively cheaply fix the model:
type ApplyDiscount = (
order: ValidatedOrder,
coupon: DiscountCoupon
) => DiscountedOrder;
During refactoring, such checks help to detect workflows that don't meet the project requirements or violate the domain constraints:
type Divider = (a: number, b: number) => number;
const divide: Divider = (a, b) => a / b;
// Should `divide` take zero as a second argument?
// If yes, how to handle the division by zero?
// Should we return the container from this function?
// We can answer these questions beforehand by enriching
// the domain model with additional data and constraints:
type RealNumber = // ...Represents any number.
type NaturalNumber = // ...Represents integers bigger than 0.
type Divider = (a: NaturalNumber, b: NaturalNumber) => RealNumber;
const divide: Divider = (a, b) => a / b;
// Now from the `Divider` type,
// we can see that the division by zero
// should be handled by the calling side.
In TypeScript, we have several ways to model the domain and create domain types:678
- Type aliases
- Classes
- Type branding
By the way 🧵 |
Because of TypeScript's structural typing,9 the usability and applicability of each option in the list may differ. |
In this book, we won't dive into the nuances of TypeScript's type system. Instead, we'll focus primarily on using types as a refactoring tool. |
However, for a better understanding of the constraints of structural typing and how it can affect the code, I'll leave some links on the subject in the sources.910 |
The easiest but unreliable way to create domain types is to use type aliases.6 They're convenient to give primitive types informative names but challenging to convey the constraints of the domain. For example, such code is quite valid syntactically but not from the domain point of view:
// For example, a type alias can give the primitive a helpful name,
// which reflects the type meaning according to the domain:
type RealNumber = number;
type NaturalNumber = number;
// But it won't force the domain constraints:
const x: RealNumber = -1;
const y: NaturalNumber = x;
// Oops!
// -1 isn't a natural number.
It's difficult to reflect the domain constraints and validate assigned values in the type alias. So there's no guarantee that the argument of type NaturalNumber
will be a natural number:
function divide(a: NaturalNumber, b: NaturalNumber): RealNumber {
return a / b;
// Compiler's happy but, at the runtime, there's an error:
divide(1, 0);
So if we need to distinguish between types or enforce value validation, we have to use classes or branded types:78
// When using classes, we can add validation
// to the class constructor:
class NaturalNumber {
constructor(value) {
if (value <= 0 || Math.floor(value) !== value) {
throw new Error("The value must be a positive integer.");
this.value = value;
// Then it'll be impossible to create an incorrect value:
new NaturalNumber(-1); // Error!
new NaturalNumber(42); // NaturalNumber
// But the classes are pretty verbose
// and aren't convenient to use as wrappers over a primitive.
// It takes a lot of code to create “numbers” via `new NaturalNumber(42)`
// and somehow implement arithmetic operations with these values.
// The second option is to use type branding:
type Tagged<T, S> = T & { __tag: S };
type NaturalNumber = Tagged<number, "natural">;
// And create values only via factory functions.
// The validation then can be placed in those functions:
function naturalFrom(value: number): NaturalNumber {
if (value <= 0 || Math.floor(value) !== value) {
throw new Error("The value must be a positive integer.");
return value as NaturalNumber;
naturalFrom(-1); // Error!
naturalFrom(42); // NaturalNumber
The problem with classes and type branding is that we must watch if they're used correctly. We'll need to write linter rules for their use or search for mistakes during code reviews. This approach isn't reliable.
It's hard to recommend a particular method here. It all depends on the project and the needs of the team. However, we can say that for purely descriptive purposes, even the type aliases work quite fine. Often a domain model built with type aliases is enough to find previously undetected design errors.
Business workflows transform data from one state to another. Types can help to fixate these states and explicitly name them. When each step of the transformation has a name, it's easier for us to reason about the whole process and find errors in its logic.
In the example below, the sendRecoverLink
function accepts an object of type User
as an argument. This type has a verified
flag, but there are no rules explaining when and why this flag becomes true
type User = {
id: string;
verified?: boolean;
async function sendRecoverLink(user: User) {
if (!user.verified) return false;
await api.recoverPassword(;
With the current User
type implementation, the sendRecoverLink
function accepts data that is invalid half the time. We can prevent developers from passing invalid data by making it more difficult at the type level.
User verification is probably a separate business workflow that results in a verified user object. This causal relationship can be expressed directly in types after we separate the types of verified and unverified users:
// Describe the states of verified
// and unverified users, as different types:
type CreatedUser = { name: string };
type VerifiedUser = { name: string; verified: true };
type User = CreatedUser | VerifiedUser;
// Show the causality in the functional type of the verification process.
// Describe what steps the data goes through and how the user becomes verified:
type VerifyUser = (user: CreatedUser) => Promise<VerifiedUser>;
// Fixate restrictions on password recovery.
// Only a verified user should be able to restore the password:
type RecoverPassword = (user: VerifiedUser) => Promise<void>;
// Now, sending a recovery link to an unverified user becomes impossible.
// The invalid data transformation becomes unrepresentable in the code:
const sendRecoverLink: RecoverPassword = async (user) => {
await api.recoverPassword(;
sendRecoverLink(unverifiedUser); // Error!
Again, in TypeScript, it's challenging to achieve bullet-proof “unrepresentability” of invalid transformations. In other typed languages, it may be much easier. But even just showing different data states as types helps to notice errors in the business logic at the design stage.
It's easier to notice such errors in types because branching in types is much more verbose and difficult, unlike in implementation. It forces us to describe workflow types declaratively and linearly. If we notice ambiguity in the described model, we can act on it.
Explicit types help with detecting violations of agreements or project rules. For example, the sendRecoverLink
function from the previous example violates CQS:
async function sendRecoverLink(user: User) {
if (!user.verified) return false;
await api.recoverPassword(;
type RecoverPassword = (user: User) => Promise<false | void>;
// Here, `false` is an attribute of a query,
// while `void` is an attribute of a command.
Types draw attention to such contradictions. We can further improve the function, for example, by using the try*
pattern in its name:
async function trySendRecoverLink(user: User) {
if (!user.verified) return false;
await api.recoverPassword(;
type TryRecoverPassword = (user: User) => Promise<false | void>;
// The `try*` pattern in the name explicitly says that the function
// is still a command but may sometimes return' false.
This way, we at least make the expectations of the function more explicit. But it's better, of course, to go further and refactor the function according to CQS.
In detail 💡 |
We discussed CQS and separating logic from effects in more detail in the chapter on side effects. |
During refactoring, static typing can help to check how clear the API of a module or function is. For example, from the signature of a function, we can check the clarity of its API by “xxxing out” its name and the names of its arguments:
function getPostContents(user: number, post: string): Promise<string> {}
// ->
function xxx(xxx: number, xxx: string): Promise<string> {}
If the function signature makes little sense, we can improve it until we see the purpose of the function:
function xxx(xxx: number, xxx: string): Promise<string> {}
// ->
function xxx(xxx: UserId, xxx: PostSlug): Promise<string> {}
// ->
function xxx(xxx: UserId, xxx: PostSlug): Promise<PostContents> {}
// number -> UserId: the first argument is the user ID;
// string -> PostSlug: the second argument is the publication URL;
// string -> PostContents: the result is the content of the publication.
// From the signature, the function's work becomes clearer:
// we query the content of a particular post using a key
// built from the user ID and the publication URL.
Informative signatures make the function meaning clearer and the information density of the code higher. Such signatures carry part of the task context so that we can convey additional knowledge to the reader in the names of functions and arguments:
function fetchPost(authorId: UserId, post: PostSlug): Promise<PostContents> {}
// getPostContents -> fetchPost: means that the data is requested over the network;
// userId -> authorId: tells how exactly the user is associated with these posts.
By the way 📚 |
Mark Seemann describes the “xxxing out” technique in more detail in “Code That Fits in Your Head.”11 |
We can use the same rule to check if the code follows engineering practices required in the project, for example, the CQS principle:
class PostReader {
constructor(private postSource: PostStorage) {}
getPost(id) {
this.contents = this.postSource.fetchPost(id);
// The signature of the `getPost` method is more like a command than a query:
type GetPost = (id: PostId) => void;
// Perhaps we should rework the API or choose another name for the method:
class PostReader {
// ...
readPost(id: PostId): void {
this.contents = this.postSource.fetchPost(id);
By the way ❌ |
The “xxxing out” technique is more helpful in designing public APIs to make them more informative. For non-public functions, it may be a bit less critical. |
“Domain Modeling Made Functional” by Scott Wlaschin, ↩
“Primitive Obsession”, Refactoring Guru, ↩
“Domain-Driven Design” by Eric Evans, ↩
“Ubiquitous Language” by Martin Fowler, ↩
More on Functions, TypeScript Documentation, ↩
Type Aliases, TypeScript Handbook, ↩ ↩2
“Branding and Type-Tagging” by Kevin B. Greene, ↩ ↩2
Factory Method, Refactoring Guru, ↩ ↩2
Type Compatibility, TypeScript Documentation, ↩ ↩2
Nominal & Structural Typing, Flow Documentation, ↩
“Code That Fits in Your Head” by Mark Seemann, ↩