- 20190416, V0.2.7
- Added possibility to use Temperature/Humidity sensor without Pressure (like DHT22). In that case Pressure will have value 0.
- 20190501, V0.3.0
- Improved API handling and ready for node v8
- 20191109, v0.4.0
- Luftdaten device is capable of handling Luftdaten and local sensor. In the SensorId field you can input a Luftdaten sensor ID or a local IP address.
- Luftdaten noise sensor added
- Added option for latitude, longitude and radius (max 50 km), to find closest sensors
- Automatic combining of data from closest sensors to get complete dataset
- Attributes to be shown in the gui, can be selected in the device config
- The Luftdaten Home device is becoming obsolete and will be removed in a next release.
- 20191109, v0.4.1
- Changed attribute names back to same names as in previous version (compatibility)
- 20191111, v0.4.2
- Integrated support files for AQI and DBA calculations
- All the used sensorId's are now showing in the Gui
- 20191111, v0.4.3
- bugfix support lib
- 20191120, v0.4.4
- edit readme.md
- 20191122, v0.4.5
- better handling of ETIMEDOUT error. After 5 consecutive ETIMEDOUT error's, an error message and reset of values.
- 20191127, v0.4.7
- bugfix HomeDevice.