watches your repositories, specified by you, and notifies you on Telegram about what occurred on your repositories.
ACCESS_TOKEN = Github Access Token.
OWNER = Owner of the Github account.
REPOSITORY = Name of your repositories you want to get notification.
- You can pass
- You can pass many repositories by seperating them using comma
- REPOSITORY="repository1, repository2"
CHATID = Telegram provides CHATID in response of this url<TOKEN>/getUpdates?offset=0
TOKEN = Telegram provides TOKEN when you created a Bot.
export ACCESS_TOKEN="" \
> OWNER="" \
> CHATID="" \
> TOKEN="" \
docker build -t github-weekly-report .
docker run -d --restart \
> -e ACCESS_TOKEN="" \
> -e OWNER="" \
> -e REPOSITORY="" \
> -e CHATID="" \
> -e TOKEN="" \
> github-weekly-report
You can also use ko to create image.
docker run -d --restart $(ko publish ./cmd) \ ...
and FORK
choices are also available. You may change your time interval to get notification and see the occurred stuffs on your repositories you forked.
You can get your notifications as daily, hourly or in minutes. Default value is weekly.
> INTERVAL = 1h -> notify you once in a hour.
> FORK = true -> notify you about forked repositories