A simple neural network implementation using Python.
This repository contains a straightforward neural network (NN) implemented in Python. The neural network is designed for simplicity and serves for understanding the basics of neural networks, including layers, activations, loss functions, and optimizers.
- Customizable neural network architecture
- Various activation functions and loss functions
- Different optimizers (e.g., SGD, Adam, AdaGrad)
- Easy-to-use interface for training, evaluating, and predicting
- Python 3.x
Clone the repository:
https://github.com/berkayguzel06/Simple_nn.git cd simplenn
Import the Model class and other necessary components from the simplenn package:
from simplenn.model import Model from simplenn.dense import Layer_Dense from simplenn.engine import ReLU, Softmax, Accuracy_Categorical, Categorical_Cross_Entropy, Adam
Create an instance of the Model class and define your neural network architecture:
model = Model() model.add(Layer_Dense(input_size, 16)) model.add(ReLU()) model.add(Layer_Dense(16, 3)) model.add(Softmax())
Set the loss function, optimizer, and accuracy metric:
model.set( loss=Categorical_Cross_Entropy(), optimizer=Adam(lr=0.005, decay=1e-7), accuracy=Accuracy_Categorical() )
Finalize the model and train it on your data:
model.finalize() model.train(data, target, epochs=1000, print_every=100, validation=(validation_data, validation_target))
Check the nnDemo.py script for an example of using the simplenn library on classification problems.