Use MySQL Image published by Docker Hub (https://hub.docker.com/_/mysql/) Command to run the mysql container
docker run --name mysql-standalone -e MYSQL_ROOT_PASSWORD=root -e MYSQL_DATABASE=test -e MYSQL_USER=root -d mysql:5.6
In the Spring Boot Application, use the same container name of the mysql instance in the application.properties
spring.datasource.url = jdbc:mysql://mysql-standalone:3306/test
Create a
for creating a docker image from the Spring Boot ApplicationFROM openjdk:8 ADD target/users-mysql.jar users-mysql.jar EXPOSE 8086 ENTRYPOINT ["java", "-jar", "users-mysql.jar"]
Using the Dockerfile create the Docker image. From the directory of Dockerfile -
docker build . -t users-mysql
Run the Docker image (users-mysql) created in #4.
docker build . -t users-mysql
docker images
docker container ls
docker logs <container_name>
docker container rm <container_name
docker image rm <image_name