Unreal Engine SDF Importers / Generators for SVG and Bitmaps
This module is very much work in progress / preview and likely to change Uses MSDFGen for processing of SVG files This repo is a fork of the original rtm223/RTMSDF
- Clone this repository into
. - Compile for Editor as usual and launch.
- Check Project Settings -> Plugins -> RTM SDF for the important settings.
- SVG Filename Suffix - .svg source files with this suffix will be imported and converted to MSDF, i.e. T_MyFancyIcon_SDF.svg
- Bitmap Filename Suffix - bitmap files (.png, .psd, .bmp etc.) with this suffix will be imported and converted to SDF files, i.e. T_MyLessFancyIcons_SDF.psd
- SVG Import settings are related to MSDFGen - see MSDFGen for details - can be overridden for individual files
- Bitmap Default Import Settings are for importing bitmaps and can be overridden for individual files
- Create an svg file with the appropriate naming and import it to Unreal.
- In your imported asset, under Texture -> Advanced Settings -> Asset User Data you will be able to edit import settings for your texture
- These are identical to the settings in the project settings
- Changing a setting will not automatically update the texture - you must click Reimport to see any changes
- MSDFGen only reads a single path from the SVG file - combine paths to create more complex shapes
- Overlapping shapes are not supported - I am not sure if that's on my end or on MSDFGen's end
- Bitmap import will attempt to detect if your source file is single channel or multichannel however
- However Unreal Engine doesn't handle this well and some file types (e.g. psd) will always be rgba
- Change the compression settings to "Grayscale" for the texture to force a single channel SDF generation
- Bitmaps have 2 RGBA modes
- Separate Channels - each channel will be trated as a separate SDF to give multiple SDFs in a single file
- Preserve RGB - will keep the source RGB channels and produce a sdf on the alpha channel (this does not work very well right now)