API for managing polls for our BV.IO hackathon project.
(This is also a good sample Dropwizard application.)
POST /polls
And send the Poll that you want to create as JSON in the request body:
"productId": "prod001",
"questionText": "Should I buy this product?"
This call will return the ID of the new Poll.
You can vote "yes" or "no" on a poll as follows, specifying the poll ID that was returned when you created the poll.
To vote "yes":
POST /polls/{pollId}/yes
To vote "no":
POST /polls/{pollId}/no
GET /polls/{pollId}
GET /polls/product/{productId}
Get and build the code
$ git clone git@github.com:bentonporter/polls.git $ cd polls $ mvn clean install
Run the service
... In Intelij:
* Install the Lombok plugin in IntelliJ. * Create a run configuration with: * Main Class: com.bazaarvoice.polls.PollsApplication * Program Arguments: server config.local.yaml * Working Directory: $MODULE_DIR$ * Use classpath of module: service
... or via command line:
$ cd service $ java -jar target/service-*.jar server config.local.yaml
Note: This RDS instance no longer exists, because it was up just for the hackathon. To run the app, just
create a new database and update config.local.yaml
to connect to it. The following is old info, but
I'll leave it here just for reference.
To connect to the database:
- host: hackathon.cudqte3kvjgc.us-east-1.rds.amazonaws.com
- username: admin
- password: voC7oj2D
- port: 3306
- database: hackathon
If the database does not yet exist, here's how to create it:
$ cd service
$ java -jar target/service-*.jar db migrate config.local.yaml