PHP GPX-Ingest is a simple PHP class designed to ingest a basic Global Position eXchange (GPX) file and extract data/stats from the tracks within. It's been tested with the GPX files output by the Android app SpeedView.
Documentation and example usage can be found in the class documentation on my website.
The class has the following features
- Import basic GPX files
- Generate stats for each track, and maintain global stats
- 'SmartTrack' functionality - if an excessive delay is detected between trackpoints a new track will be started (can be disabled/threshold adjusted)
- Ability to suppress data - Can prevent speed, location, dates and/or elevation from being included in the resulting Journey object.
- Auto calculation of distance travelled based on lat/lon changes. See GPXIN-6
- Auto calculation of speed based on distance travelled, if speed not defined within the GPX file. See GPXIN-13
- Support for waypoints GPXIN-24
- Support for Routes GPXIN-27
Issue and feature tracking is within a private JIRA instance, a HTML mirror can be viewed at
If you think you've found a bug, or want to ask a question, send an email to gpxingest AT
PHP GPX-Ingest is Copyright (C) 2013 B Tasker. All Rights Reserved. Released under the GNU GPL V2 License, see LICENSE.