The purpose of this analysis is to see if grades that had been altered in the 9th grade class of Thomas High School would affect the scores within the grades, school, and district. Due to the incorrect math and reading scores that were listed were changed to "NaN" (not-a-number). It was found that 461 student records were changed. An analysis was initiated to see if budget per student, size, and type of school has any correlation to the overall percentage of grades of the schools.
1. How is the district summary affected?
There is no change.
2. How is the school summary affected?
With Thomas High only losing approximately 0.3% of the overall passing percentage, it did not change the summary in terms of ranking.
3. How does replacing the ninth graders’ math and reading scores affect Thomas High School’s performance relative to the other schools?
There was no change.
4. How does replacing the ninth-grade scores affect the following:
- Math and reading scores by grade:
There was no change statistically. The only change is that the scores that are being scrutinized are represented with NaN.
- Scores by school spending:
There was no change.
- Scores by school size:
There was no change.
- Scores by school type:
There was no change.
Besides minute changes in scores and percentages, the math, reading, and overall scores and percentages did not change. There was no change in the rank of the schools within the district. Overall, removing the test scores in question did not change any aspect of this research.