This Plugin use LeaderF to navigate to a repository that you starred on GitHub.
- vim7.3 or higher. Only support vim7.4.330 or higher after v1.01.
- vim compiled with Python support, you can check by using
echo has('python')
orecho has('python3')
to see if the result is1
; Make sure that your python2 version is Python 2.7 or higher and python3 version is Python 3.1 or higher. - wcwidth(for text align)
Place following line in your vim config:
let g:leaderf_github_stars_username='your github username'
" Max length of line, default is 100.
" If maxline is less than the longest repository name, only the repository name is shown.
" So you may set it to 0 to disable description.
let g:leaderf_github_stars_maxline=80
" Optional. Higher rate limit when using token
let g:leaderf_github_stars_github_token = 'your github token'
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