This is a full-stack feedback app for students and admins.
- React
- Material-UI
- Redux
- Node
- Express
- PostgreSQL
This is a feedback app that allows a user to enter feedback for a class or instructor. The app takes the user through a series of four feedback steps. The first three ask the student to enter a score between 0 and 5, with 5 being the best. The last asks for comments.
Throughout the process, the student is able to see their scores after they are entered. After the last step, the user is again given the chance to review the scores before submitting. Upon submitting, they are brought to a thank you page, where they are given the opportunity to go through the feedback process again.
The admin page allows an admin user to view all of the entries. The admin user can also delete entries from here.
Fork and clone the repository. Then install NPM and PostgreSQL using the steps listed below. Create a database called prime_feedback and a table using the data.sql file in the repo.
- Fork and clone the repository
npm install
npm run server
to start server.js filenpm run client
to start React- Install PostGreSQL if you don't already have it
- Run PostGreSQL through Brew or manually
- Set up a database called prime_feedback
- Create a table using the data.sql file in the repo
- Have fun!
- Multi-step feedback process
- Get, Post, Delete calls to database
- Admin page to view all feedback submissions
- Ability for user to step back and forward
- Student information - Name, email
- Ability for admin to login
- Ben Ragsdale
- Atbash, Mary Mosman