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File metadata and controls

174 lines (131 loc) · 5.97 KB


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Simplify the MVC/api applications routing.


npm install --save magic-router

API Guidelines

All the controllers in the controller folder are loaded and the default routes are configured automatically by the magic-router.

  • The default router will be : Hostname/controller(controller filename without extension)/action(method name)
  • if an action/method name in controller file have the name of index or get (default index routing) it have default routing as Hostname/controller too. if a controller have multiple default index routing names as action/method name in a file this feature will not work.
  • Default router method used is all (app.all() in express) from version 1.1.5 onwards. (before use method was used)

From app.js

import express from 'express';
const app = express();

.... .....

import magicRouter from 'magic-router';

//adding all contollers..

// magicRouter.addAll(express_app_instance, options);
magicRouter.addAll(app, { dirPath: './controllers' });

Initializing Opitons

let options = {
  dirPath:'./controllers', // path of controller directory
  exclude:[], // optional files path for removing from magic-routering
  prefix:'', // global prefix for routing

magicRouter.addAll(app, options);
Exclude some controller files from magic-routering
  magicRouter.addAll(app, {
    dirPath: '../../example/controllers',
    // excluding files
    exclude: ['../../example/controllers/auth.js'],

The developers need to focus only on the controllers.

How to write a controller

  • Controller should be an object.
  • If a controller file have multiple modules exported, it choose controller name as module export name. usage example
export default {
    // specifying the router is optional for customizing the router path
    // default will be action name.
  router: {
    // route overrides will come here <methodname>:<route>
    // a route with specific param will look like the one below
    foo1: 'foo/:id',

  // type is optional for customizing the request type for methods.
  // It can be 'get', 'post' or any verb. 
  // default will be 'all' as in app.all(...
  type: {
    // type overrides will come here  <methodname>:<verb> 
    foo: 'get',   

  // beforeController is optional for customizing filters or middlewares before request enters
  // controller object.
  beforeController: [
    (req, res, next) => {
      console.log('This will be hit before the control is passed to the controller object.');      
    // multiple middleware can be configured here in the same way.
    // say, authenticate, auditlog etc

  // beforeAction is optional for customizing filters or middlewares before request enters
  // current action corresponding to the route
  beforeAction: {
    // <methodname>:[middleware1, middleware2, ...]  
    foo: [print],

  // foo is an action in this controller
  foo(req, res, next) {

  // foo1 is an action in this controller with a parameter: id
  foo1(req, res, next) {
    res.send('id :' + req.param('id'));

Everything except the action methods are optional and you need to write those only if you need to override the default behaviors.


  • Get user

Alt text

  • Get user with id

Alt text

  • Get user with invalid id - exception handling

Alt text

Release version (current v1.1.5)

1.1.3 : Controller Name logic change

  • If a controller file have multiple modules exported, it choose controller name as module export name.

1.1.1 : Add global Prefix for routing.

1.0.9 : Default index router

  • Automatically/default add router for "index" or "get" action. eg: invoke index method in controller by

1.0.8 : Exclude controller files

  • Feature to exclude some controller files from magic-routering.
  • Logging the router details.

1.0.7 : Exception handling

  • All action methods in controller are exception handled, If any exception caused inside an action, Error will forewarded automatically to (next(err);) outside/global (app.js) error hooked methods. The implemented at example.
  • Added test for testing the framework.

1.0.6 : Initial release

  • Basic structure of routing and it's implementation.
  • Feature for adding multiple middileware/methods before route enter into controller. Define the same in beforeController: [method1,method2,..] at controller files/object.
  • Feature for adding multiple middileware/methods before route enter into action. Define the same in beforeAction: {actionName1:[method1,method2,..],...} at controller files/object.
  • Adding all controller files in an directory for magic-routering.