A starter project for Stamplay apps built with AngularJS and uses Material Design UI https://material.angularjs.org/latest/
Clone project :
git clone https://github.com/bencochrane1/stamplay-angular-material-seed
NOTE! : If you want to use version 1.x of the Stamplay JavaScript SDK, checkout the branch after cloning with the following command:
git checkout v1-sdk
Install the project dependencies :
npm install
&bower install
Configure Stamplay Project : Input your
from your Stamplay app dashboard in the corresponding properties in thestamplay.json
file in the root of the seed project. Then in theapp.module.js
file inside of the javascript folder, add in yourAPP ID
Create a new Object schema on Stamplay, named "note", with a properties of title, image and link all as a string.
Start development build :
gulp dev
Start development server :
stamplay start
& navigate tolocalhost:8080
Start production build :
gulp build
Run Stamplay CLI command :
stamplay deploy