This project implements a small CNN in HAWQ for quantization aware training, and then exports to QONNX for hls4ml ingestion.
Clone repo and HAWQ submodule
git clone --recursive
Layer (type:depth-idx) Output Shape Param #
CNN [1, 10] --
├─Conv2d: 1-1 [1, 16, 28, 28] 416
├─ReLU: 1-2 [1, 16, 28, 28] --
├─MaxPool2d: 1-3 [1, 16, 14, 14] --
├─Conv2d: 1-4 [1, 32, 14, 14] 12,832
├─ReLU: 1-5 [1, 32, 14, 14] --
├─MaxPool2d: 1-6 [1, 32, 7, 7] --
├─Flatten: 1-7 [1, 1568] --
├─Linear: 1-8 [1, 10] 15,690
Total params: 28,938
Trainable params: 28,938
Non-trainable params: 0
Total mult-adds (M): 2.86
Input size (MB): 0.00
Forward/backward pass size (MB): 0.15
Params size (MB): 0.12
Estimated Total Size (MB): 0.27
Original PyTorch Implementation []