I scripted a python script to calculate the total duration of a Youtube playlist, using it's id.
Youtube doesn't have this feature.
- It can do a lot of cool things, some of them being:
- With the help of this you can compare two courses, and findout which one is longer.
- For a content creator it is helpful to check his playlist's total duration and findout which one is longest playlist.
- It show the duration in HH:MM:SS format.
Go to playlist and copy the link of playlist.
Pick the text which is after the "list=" in link.
Eg: Playlist Link:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=OPf0YbXqDm0&list=PLMC9KNkIncKvYin_USF1qoJQnIyMAfRxl
Then Playlist Id would be: PLMC9KNkIncKvYin_USF1qoJQnIyMAfRxl
To run this program you will require a API key. Register your API key by clicking the following link
- First clone the repo
- Make a new python environment If you are using anaconda just type conda create -n jarvis python==3.8.5 in anaconda prompt
- Activate the environment
- Navigate to the directory of your project
- Install all the requirements by just hitting pip install -r requirements.txt
- Run the program by python main.py
- Enjoy !!!!
This project is licensed under MIT License 2022 vikas bhadu
- GUI can be made it more nicer to look at and functional
- More functionalities can be added