Pool and reuse collections and other object types to minimize memory allocation/garbage collection.
From your unity project folder:
npm init
npm install beatthat/pools --save
The package and all its dependencies will be installed under Assets/Plugins/packages/beatthat.
In case it helps, a quick video of the above: https://youtu.be/Uss_yOiLNw8
The list type returned is a Disposable whose dispose method returns the list to the pool so...
using(var list = ListPool<string>.Get() {
// use the list
Usually you should wrap the list's use in a using block as above, but you can't do that if, say, you're going to do something asynchronous with the list.
var list = ListPool<string>.Get();
SomeAsyncMethod(list, () => {
// have to dispose list manually
// because its use extends
// into async callback
If you're using a pooled list to work with a copy of some other collection already in hand, you can pass the collection you want to copy into Get
and the returned list will already have the contents copied for you.
IDictionary<string, string> d = SomeDictionary();
using(var list = ListPool<string>.Get(d.Values) {
// list has all the values from d
IDictionary<string, string> d = SomeDictionary();
using(var pooledDict = DictionaryPool<string, string>.Get(d) {
// list has all the values from d
using(var sb = PooledStringBuilder.Get() {
// sb.stringBuilder holds the StringBuilder
// in an IDisposable wrapper
using(var a = ArrayPool<string>.Get(3) {
// array will have 3 elements
// actual array is in a.array
// because array itself can't be extended to implement IDisposable
IDictionary<string, string> d = SomeDictionary();
using(var a = ArrayPool<string>.Get(d.Values) {
// array will have all the values of d as elements
// actual array is in a.array
// because array itself can't be extended to implement IDisposable
You can use StaticObjectPool to pool other c# types as long as they have a no-arg constructor
class Foo {}
class Bar {
void SomeMethod()
var foo = StaticObjectPool<Foo>.Get();
// do stuff with Foo